BSV.UTXO (BSV v2.0.0) View Source

A UTXO is a data structure representing an unspent transaction output.

A UTXO consists of a BSV.OutPoint.t/0 and the BSV.TxOut.t/0 itself. UTXOs are used in the BSV.TxBuilder module to create transaction inputs.

Link to this section Summary



UTXO struct


Builds a BSV.UTXO.t/0 from the given map of params. Useful for building UTXO's from JSON APIs.

Builds a BSV.UTXO.t/0 from the given map of params.

Builds a BSV.UTXO.t/0 from the given transaction and vout index. Useful for building UTXO's when you already have the full transaction being spent from.

Link to this section Types


t() :: %BSV.UTXO{outpoint: BSV.OutPoint.t(), txout: BSV.TxOut.t()}

UTXO struct

Link to this section Functions


from_params(map()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, term()}

Builds a BSV.UTXO.t/0 from the given map of params. Useful for building UTXO's from JSON APIs.

Returns the result in an :ok / :error tuple pair.


The required params are:

  • txid - Transaction ID
  • vout - Vector of the output in a transaction. Also accepts outputIndex
  • satoshis - Number of satoshis. Also accepts amount
  • script - Hex-encoded locking script


iex> UTXO.from_params(%{
...>   "txid" => "5e3014372338f079f005eedc85359e4d96b8440e7dbeb8c35c4182e0c19a1a12",
...>   "vout" => 0,
...>   "satoshis" => 15399,
...>   "script" => "76a91410bdcba3041b5e5517a58f2e405293c14a7c70c188ac"
...> })
{:ok, %UTXO{
  outpoint: %OutPoint{
    hash: <<18, 26, 154, 193, 224, 130, 65, 92, 195, 184, 190, 125, 14, 68, 184, 150, 77, 158, 53, 133, 220, 238, 5, 240, 121, 240, 56, 35, 55, 20, 48, 94>>,
    vout: 0
  txout: %TxOut{
    satoshis: 15399,
    script: %Script{chunks: [
      <<16, 189, 203, 163, 4, 27, 94, 85, 23, 165, 143, 46, 64, 82, 147, 193, 74, 124, 112, 193>>,


from_params!(map()) :: t()

Builds a BSV.UTXO.t/0 from the given map of params.

As from_params/1 but returns the result or raises an exception.


from_tx(BSV.Tx.t(), BSV.TxOut.vout()) :: BSV.TxOut.t() | nil

Builds a BSV.UTXO.t/0 from the given transaction and vout index. Useful for building UTXO's when you already have the full transaction being spent from.