Burrito.Versions.ReleaseFile (burrito v1.2.0)

This module provides some helpful functions for requesting, parsing and sorting release files. A release file is a simplistic JSON format that contains the releases of an app, where to fetch them, and some release notes. (And any other information you want to store in there!)

Example Release File:

  "app_name": "example_cli_app",
  "releases": [
      "version": "0.2.0",
      "notes": "This new version is new and exciting, we promise!",
      "urls": {
        "win64": "https://example.com/releases/0.2.0/example_cli_app_win64.exe",
        "darwin": "https://example.com/releases/0.2.0/example_cli_app_linux",
        "linux": "https://example.com/releases/0.2.0/example_cli_app_darwin"
      "version": "0.1.5",
      "notes": "This new version is new and exciting, we promise!",
      "urls": {
        "win64": "https://example.com/releases/0.1.5/example_cli_app_win64.exe",
        "darwin": "https://example.com/releases/0.1.5/example_cli_app_linux",
        "linux": "https://example.com/releases/0.1.5/example_cli_app_darwin"

The only required parts of a release JSON file is:

  • "app_name" and "releases" keys must be present at the top-level object
  • "releases" must be a list of objects that have a "version" key that contains a semver string

Here's the minimal JSON Schema for a release file:

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema",
  "required": [
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "app_name": {
      "type": "string"
    "releases": {
      "type": "array",
      "additionalItems": true,
      "items": {
        "anyOf": [
            "default": {},
            "required": [
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "version": {
                "title": "The version schema",
                "type": "string"
            "additionalProperties": true
  "additionalProperties": true

You can customize everything else to your liking!

To use the functions in this module, you simply upload this to some HTTP server, and call

{:ok, release_map} = fetch_releases_from_url(release_url)
maybe_new_release = get_new_version(release_map, current_semver_version_string)

Which will return either the release map data of a newer release, or nil if there is no newer release.



Link to this function

fetch_releases_from_url(url, req_options \\ [])

Link to this function

get_new_version(release_map, current_version_string)

@spec get_new_version(map(), String.t()) :: map() | nil