

Options for serve_static_with.

  • response_headers is a list of response headers, in a tuple format. eg. “cache-control”: “max-age=31536000”.
  • file_types is a list of file types to apply the defined response headers to. This allows you to control the headers, such as cache-control, on a per file type basis. Unlisted file types will still be served but they won’t have the headers defined in response_headers applied to them. An empty list will result in identical behaviour to cachmere.serve_static.
pub type ServeStaticOptions {
    response_headers: List(#(String, String)),
    file_types: List(String),


  • ServeStaticOptions(
      response_headers: List(#(String, String)),
      file_types: List(String),


pub fn default_cache_settings() -> ServeStaticOptions

Returns ServeStaticOptions with a default config for caching

Default Settings

  file_types: ["js", "css"],
  response_headers: [#("cache-control", "max-age=31536000, immutable")]
pub fn serve_static(
  req: Request(Connection),
  under prefix: String,
  from directory: String,
  next handler: fn() -> Response(Body),
) -> Response(Body)

A middleware function that serves files from a directory, along with a suitable content-type header for known file extensions.

Files are sent using the File response body type, so they will be sent directly to the client from the disc, without being read into memory.

The under parameter is the request path prefix that must match for the file to be served.


This middleware will discard any .. path segments in the request path to prevent the client from accessing files outside of the directory. It is advised not to serve a directory that contains your source code, application configuration, database, or other private files.


fn handle_request(req: Request) -> Response {
  use <- cachmere.serve_static(req, under: "/static", from: "/public")
  // ...

Typically you static assets may be kept in your project in a directory called priv. The priv_directory function can be used to get a path to this directory.

fn handle_request(req: Request) -> Response {
  let assert Ok(priv) = priv_directory("my_application")
  use <- cachmere.serve_static(req, under: "/static", from: priv)
  // ...
pub fn serve_static_with(
  req: Request(Connection),
  under prefix: String,
  from directory: String,
  options options: ServeStaticOptions,
  next handler: fn() -> Response(Body),
) -> Response(Body)

Functions the same as serve_static but takes options for setting response headers for specific file types. This allows for configuring headers such as Cache-Control etc.


fn handle_request(req: Request) -> Response {
  let assert Ok(priv) = priv_directory("my_application")
  use <- cachmere.serve_static_with(
    under: "/static",
    from: priv,
    options: cachmere.ServeStaticOptions(
      file_types: ["js", "css"],
      response_headers: [#("cache-control", "max-age=31536000, immutable")],
  // ...


The options for cachmere.ServeStaticOptions are as follows:

  • response_headers is a list of response headers, in a tuple format. eg. “cache-control”: “max-age=31536000”.
  • file_types is a list of file types to apply the defined response headers to. This allows you to control the headers, such as cache-control, on a per file type basis. Unlisted file types will still be served but they won’t have the headers defined in response_headers applied to them. An empty list will result in identical behaviour to cachmere.serve_static.

See: cachmere.default_cache_settings() for a default config for caching.

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