
Used to build WHERE clauses for SQL queries.

Where clauses are used to filter rows in a table.

Also used to build HAVING clauses for SQL queries, because they work the same way as WHERE clauses, but are used to filter rows after GROUP BY has been applied.



pub fn and(wheres whrs: List(Where)) -> Where
pub fn between(
  value_a vl_a: WhereValue,
  value_b vl_b: WhereValue,
  value_c vl_c: WhereValue,
) -> Where
pub fn col(name: String) -> WhereValue
pub fn eq(
  value_a vl_a: WhereValue,
  value_b vl_b: WhereValue,
) -> Where
pub fn eq_all_query(
  value vl: WhereValue,
  sub_query qry: Query,
) -> Where

NOTICE: Not supported by SQLite.

pub fn eq_any_query(
  value vl: WhereValue,
  sub_query qry: Query,
) -> Where

NOTICE: Not supported by SQLite.

pub fn exists_in_query(sub_query qry: Query) -> Where
pub fn float(v vl: Float) -> WhereValue
pub fn fragment(fragment frgmt: Fragment) -> Where
pub fn fragment_value(fragment frgmt: Fragment) -> WhereValue
pub fn gt(
  value_a vl_a: WhereValue,
  value_b vl_b: WhereValue,
) -> Where
pub fn gt_all_query(
  value vl: WhereValue,
  sub_query qry: Query,
) -> Where

NOTICE: Not supported by SQLite.

pub fn gt_any_query(
  value vl: WhereValue,
  sub_query qry: Query,
) -> Where

NOTICE: Not supported by SQLite.

pub fn gte(
  value_a vl_a: WhereValue,
  value_b vl_b: WhereValue,
) -> Where
pub fn gte_all_query(
  value vl: WhereValue,
  sub_query qry: Query,
) -> Where

NOTICE: Not supported by SQLite.

pub fn gte_any_query(
  value vl: WhereValue,
  sub_query qry: Query,
) -> Where

NOTICE: Not supported by SQLite.

pub fn ilike(
  value vl: WhereValue,
  pattern pttrn: String,
) -> Where

ILIKE is the same as LIKE but case-insensitive.

pub fn in(
  value vl: WhereValue,
  values vals: List(WhereValue),
) -> Where
pub fn int(v vl: Int) -> WhereValue
pub fn is_bool(value vl: WhereValue, bool b: Bool) -> Where
pub fn is_false(value vl: WhereValue) -> Where
pub fn is_not(value vl: WhereValue, bool b: Bool) -> Where
pub fn is_not_bool(value vl: WhereValue, bool b: Bool) -> Where
pub fn is_not_null(value vl: WhereValue) -> Where
pub fn is_null(value vl: WhereValue) -> Where
pub fn is_true(value vl: WhereValue) -> Where
pub fn like(value vl: WhereValue, pattern pttrn: String) -> Where
pub fn lt(
  value_a vl_a: WhereValue,
  value_b vl_b: WhereValue,
) -> Where
pub fn lt_all_query(
  value vl: WhereValue,
  sub_query qry: Query,
) -> Where

NOTICE: Not supported by SQLite.

pub fn lt_any_query(
  value vl: WhereValue,
  sub_query qry: Query,
) -> Where

NOTICE: Not supported by SQLite.

pub fn lte(
  value_a vl_a: WhereValue,
  value_b vl_b: WhereValue,
) -> Where
pub fn lte_all_query(
  value vl: WhereValue,
  sub_query qry: Query,
) -> Where

NOTICE: Not supported by SQLite.

pub fn lte_any_query(
  value vl: WhereValue,
  sub_query qry: Query,
) -> Where

NOTICE: Not supported by SQLite.

pub fn not(where whr: Where) -> Where
pub fn or(wheres whrs: List(Where)) -> Where
pub fn similar_to(
  value vl: WhereValue,
  to pttrn: String,
) -> Where

NOTICE: Not supported by SQLite.

pub fn string(v vl: String) -> WhereValue
pub fn xor(wheres whrs: List(Where)) -> Where
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