
The Date module provides a struct to represent a simple date: year, month and day.


advance!(date, days)

Like advance/2, but returns the result directly - not tagged with :ok. This function might raise an error

advance(date, days)

Advances date by days number of days


Stream of dates after the date provided as argument

days_after_until(from_date, until_date)

Get a stream of dates. Takes a starting date and an end date. Includes end date. Does not include start date


Stream of dates before the date provided as argument

days_before_until(from_date, until_date)

Get a stream of dates going back in time. Takes a starting date and an end date. Includes end date. End date should be before start date. Does not include start date

diff(first_date, second_date)

Difference in days between two dates


Like from_erl without the exclamation point, but does not return a tuple with a tag. Instead returns just a Date if valid. Or raises an exception if the provided date is invalid


Takes a erlang style date tuple and returns a tuple with an :ok tag and a Date struct. If the provided date is invalid, it will not be tagged with :ok though as shown below:


Takes a Date struct and returns another one representing the next day


Takes a Date struct and returns the number of days in the month of that date. The day of the date provided does not matter - the result is based on the month and the year


Takes a Date struct and returns another one representing the previous day

strftime!(date, string, lang \\ :en)

Format date as string


Takes a Date struct and returns an erlang style date tuple


Takes a Date struct and returns the number of gregorian days since year 0


Takes a Date struct and returns a tuple with the ISO week number and the year that the week belongs to. Note that the year returned does not always match the year provided


advance(date, days)

Advances date by days number of days.


iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> advance(3)
{:ok, %Calendar.Date{day: 30, month: 12, year: 2014} }
iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> advance(-2)
{:ok, %Calendar.Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014} }
advance!(date, days)

Like advance/2, but returns the result directly - not tagged with :ok. This function might raise an error.


iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> advance!(3)
%Calendar.Date{day: 30, month: 12, year: 2014}

Stream of dates after the date provided as argument.

iex> days_after(from_erl!({2014,12,27})) |> Enum.take(6)
[%Calendar.Date{day: 28, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Calendar.Date{day: 29, month: 12, year: 2014},
      %Calendar.Date{day: 30, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Calendar.Date{day: 31, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Calendar.Date{day: 1, month: 1, year: 2015},
      %Calendar.Date{day: 2, month: 1, year: 2015}]
days_after_until(from_date, until_date)

Get a stream of dates. Takes a starting date and an end date. Includes end date. Does not include start date.

iex> days_after_until(from_erl!({2014,12,27}), from_erl!({2014,12,29})) |> Enum.to_list
[%Calendar.Date{day: 28, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Calendar.Date{day: 29, month: 12, year: 2014}]

Stream of dates before the date provided as argument.

iex> days_before(from_erl!({2014,12,27})) |> Enum.take(3)
[%Calendar.Date{day: 26, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Calendar.Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014},
      %Calendar.Date{day: 24, month: 12, year: 2014}]
days_before_until(from_date, until_date)

Get a stream of dates going back in time. Takes a starting date and an end date. Includes end date. End date should be before start date. Does not include start date.

iex> days_before_until(from_erl!({2014,12,27}), from_erl!({2014,12,24})) |> Enum.to_list
[%Calendar.Date{day: 26, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Calendar.Date{day: 25, month: 12, year: 2014}, %Calendar.Date{day: 24, month: 12, year: 2014}]
diff(first_date, second_date)

Difference in days between two dates.

Takes two Date structs: first_date and second_date. Subtracts second_date from first_date.

iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> diff from_erl!({2014,12,20})
iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> diff from_erl!({2014,12,29})

Takes a erlang style date tuple and returns a tuple with an :ok tag and a Date struct. If the provided date is invalid, it will not be tagged with :ok though as shown below:

iex> from_erl({2014,12,27})
{:ok, %Calendar.Date{day: 27, month: 12, year: 2014}}

iex> from_erl({2014,99,99})
{:error, :invalid_date}

Like from_erl without the exclamation point, but does not return a tuple with a tag. Instead returns just a Date if valid. Or raises an exception if the provided date is invalid.

iex> from_erl! {2014,12,27}
%Calendar.Date{day: 27, month: 12, year: 2014}

Takes a Date struct and returns another one representing the next day.

iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> next_day!
%Calendar.Date{day: 28, month: 12, year: 2014}
iex> from_erl!({2014,12,31}) |> next_day!
%Calendar.Date{day: 1, month: 1, year: 2015}

Takes a Date struct and returns the number of days in the month of that date. The day of the date provided does not matter - the result is based on the month and the year.

iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> number_of_days_in_month
iex> from_erl!({2015,2,27}) |> number_of_days_in_month
iex> from_erl!({2012,2,27}) |> number_of_days_in_month

Takes a Date struct and returns another one representing the previous day.

iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> prev_day!
%Calendar.Date{day: 26, month: 12, year: 2014}
strftime!(date, string, lang \\ :en)

Format date as string.


  • date - a Date struct
  • string - formatting string
  • lang (optional) - language code


iex> strftime!(from_erl!({2014,12,27}), "%Y-%m-%d")

Takes a Date struct and returns an erlang style date tuple.


Takes a Date struct and returns the number of gregorian days since year 0.

iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> to_gregorian_days

Takes a Date struct and returns a tuple with the ISO week number and the year that the week belongs to. Note that the year returned does not always match the year provided.

iex> from_erl!({2014,12,31}) |> week_number
{2015, 1}
iex> from_erl!({2014,12,27}) |> week_number
{2014, 52}