Calendar v1.0.0 Calendar.DateTime.Interval View Source

An Interval consists of a start and an end DateTime.

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Returns true when the interval contains the given datetime.

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t() View Source
t() :: %Calendar.DateTime.Interval{
  from: %DateTime{
    calendar: term(),
    day: term(),
    hour: term(),
    microsecond: term(),
    minute: term(),
    month: term(),
    second: term(),
    std_offset: term(),
    time_zone: term(),
    utc_offset: term(),
    year: term(),
    zone_abbr: term()
  to: %DateTime{
    calendar: term(),
    day: term(),
    hour: term(),
    microsecond: term(),
    minute: term(),
    month: term(),
    second: term(),
    std_offset: term(),
    time_zone: term(),
    utc_offset: term(),
    year: term(),
    zone_abbr: term()

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includes?(interval, datetime) View Source
includes?(t(), %DateTime{
  calendar: term(),
  day: term(),
  hour: term(),
  microsecond: term(),
  minute: term(),
  month: term(),
  second: term(),
  std_offset: term(),
  time_zone: term(),
  utc_offset: term(),
  year: term(),
  zone_abbr: term()
}) :: boolean()

Returns true when the interval contains the given datetime.

"From" and "to" datetimes are treated as inclusive. This means that if the provided datetime is between the from and to of the interval or equal to either, true will be returned.