View Source Camarero.Catering.Routes (camarero v1.0.3)

Internal state for all the routes known to this application



Internally stored map of routes to handlers

Retrieves the handler for the route specified

Stores a handler for the route specified

Starts an agent linked to the current process

Returns the whole mapping of routes to handlers



Internally stored map of routes to handlers

@spec get(key :: binary()) :: module()

Retrieves the handler for the route specified

@spec put(key :: binary(), value :: [tuple()] | module()) :: :ok

Stores a handler for the route specified

Link to this function

start_link(opts \\ [], initial \\ %{})

View Source
@spec start_link(Keyword.t(), map()) ::
  {:ok, pid()} | {:error, {:already_started, pid()} | term()}

Starts an agent linked to the current process

@spec state() :: map()

Returns the whole mapping of routes to handlers