View Source Camarero

Kantox ❤ OSS  Test  Dialyzer Lightweight Json API server, embeddable into any project

Camarero is a ready-to-use solution to add some JSON API functionality to your existing application, or to implement the read-only JSON API from the scratch when more sophisticated (read: heavy) solutions are not desirable.

Camarero Ties

It is designed to be very simple and handy for read-only web access to the data. It might be a good candidate to replace Redis or any other key-value store. It is blazingly, deadly fast.

Here are response times for the 1M key-value storage behind.

1M key-value storage lookup: 10μs±

Implementation details

Camarero is supposed to be plugged into the functional application. It handles the configured routes/endpoints by delegating to the configured handler modules. The simplest configuration might looks like:

config :camarero,
  carta: [Camarero.Carta.Heartbeat],
  root: "api/v1"

The above is the default; /api/v1 would be the root of the web server, single Camarero.Carta.Heartbeat module is declared as handler. The handlers might be also added dynamically by calls to Camarero.Catering.route!.


Handler is a module implementing Camarero.Plato behaviour. It consists of methods to manipulate the conteiner behind it. Any module might implement this behaviour to be used as a handler for incoming HTTP requests.

There is also Camarero.Tapas behaviour scaffolding the container implementation inside Camarero.Plato.

The default implementation using %{} map as a container, looks pretty simple:

defmodule Camarero.Carta.Heartbeat do
  use Camarero

Three different scaffolding implementations are currently supported with scaffold: :impl keyword parameter passed to use Camarero:

  • scaffold: :full [default] — the full implementation of Camarero.Plato is used;
  • scaffold: :accessCamarero.Tapas implementation is scaffolded only;
  • scaffold: :none — no scaffold is used.

This is an exact exerpt from Heartbeat module that comes with this package. For more complicated/sophisticated usages please refer to the documentation.

All the methods from both Camarero.Tapas and Camarero.Plato default implementations are overridable. E. g. to use the custom route for the module (default is the not fully qualified underscored module name,) as well as custom container, one might do the following:

defmodule Camarero.Carta.Heartbeat do
  use Camarero, into: %MyStructWithAccessBehaviour{}

  @impl Camarero.Plato
  def plato_route(), do: "internal/heartbeat"

Web server config

Camarero runs over Cowboy2 with Plug. To configure Cowboy, one might specify in the config.exs file:

config :camarero,
  cowboy: [port: 4001, scheme: :http, options: []]


def deps do
    {:camarero, "~> 1.0"}



  • pass headers and cookies to reshape/2


  • correct handling of :value return (not relying on map keys order)
  • no more functionality expected


  • Plato.reshape/1 to allow reshaping of any incoming data into expected %{"key" => _, "value" => _}
  • make sure to use v0.13.3 with latest Plug library


  • Added support for HTTP PUT method


  • Ability to subscribe to incoming requests with Envío.Subscriber (see test/envio_test.exs for inspiration.)


  • basic CRUD (GET /, GET /:id, POST /, DELETE /:id),
  • better support for many handlers,
  • response_as: :value to return raw values instead of valid JSON objects.

Is it of any good?

Sure it is.


To benchmark the application one should install wrk, run the application and then run the script located in wrk folder.

Here are the results it produced on my laptop.

 NB! Make sure you have a running Camarero app:

      mix clean && mix run --preload-modules --no-halt

 Performing 10 sec POSTs and 5 sec GETs afterwards.
 This will INSERT 300K key-values approx and READ 200K approx.


Running 10s test @
  24 threads and 1000 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    44.91ms   48.53ms 422.59ms   83.52%
    Req/Sec     1.29k   212.59     3.09k    74.36%
  311912 requests in 10.10s, 42.59MB read
Requests/sec:  30884.14
Transfer/sec:      4.22MB
Running 5s test @
  24 threads and 1000 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    39.35ms   45.92ms 401.63ms   84.53%
    Req/Sec     1.48k   375.94     4.71k    79.09%
  179565 requests in 5.10s, 30.11MB read
Requests/sec:  35211.34
Transfer/sec:      5.90MB


 Performing 10 sec POSTs and 5 sec DELETEs afterwards.
 This will INSERT 300K key-values approx and DELETE 200K approx.


Running 10s test @
  24 threads and 1000 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    46.32ms   52.38ms 457.89ms   84.01%
    Req/Sec     1.31k   302.33     5.09k    79.26%
  316401 requests in 10.10s, 43.20MB read
Requests/sec:  31332.56
Transfer/sec:      4.28MB
Running 5s test @
  24 threads and 1000 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    40.17ms   46.46ms 406.37ms   84.13%
    Req/Sec     1.49k   360.10     6.55k    84.83%
  179722 requests in 5.10s, 38.97MB read
Requests/sec:  35241.01
Transfer/sec:      7.64MB

