View Source Camarero.Plato behaviour (camarero v1.0.3)

This behaviour is high-level abstraction of the container begind handlers.

All handlers are supposed to implement this behaviour. The simplest way is to use Camarero.Plato in the handler module; that will inject the default boilerlate using %{binary() => any()} map as a container behind.

Default implementation uses Camarero.Tapas as low-level container implementation.



HTTP status code


Returns the container itself, as is

Deletes the key-value pair for the key specified

Returns the value for the key specified

Sets the value for the key specified (intended to be used from the application)

Returns the route this module is supposed to be mounted to

Returns the key-value map out of a random input

Returns the key-value map out of a random input, the second argument contains additional request data


@type status_code() :: non_neg_integer()

HTTP status code


@callback plato_all() :: Camarero.Tapas.t()

Returns the container itself, as is

@callback plato_delete(key :: binary() | atom()) ::
  nil | {binary(), status_code()} | binary()

Deletes the key-value pair for the key specified

@callback plato_get(key :: binary() | atom()) ::
  {:ok, any()} | :error | {:error, {status_code(), map()}}

Returns the value for the key specified

@callback plato_put(key :: binary() | atom(), value :: any()) ::
  :ok | {binary(), status_code()} | binary()

Sets the value for the key specified (intended to be used from the application)

@callback plato_route() :: binary()

Returns the route this module is supposed to be mounted to

@callback reshape(map()) :: map()

Returns the key-value map out of a random input

@callback reshape(
) :: map()

Returns the key-value map out of a random input, the second argument contains additional request data