Getting started

Carafe is both a hex package and a ruby gem. First you need to install both.

Elixir side

Add carafe as a dep to your mix.exs:

  defp deps do
      {:carafe, "~> 0.2.0"}

and run mix deps.get.

Ruby side

You need ruby >= 2.0 installed in your development environment. The recommended way of installing dependencies on the ruby side is via bundler. Create a Gemfile at the project root containing:

source ""

group :development do
  gem "carafe"

Then run bundle install --path vendor/bundle, followed by bundle exec cap install. This gives you these additional files:

o .bundle/config
+ Capfile
+ Gemfile
+ Gemfile.lock
o vendor/bundle
+ config/deploy.rb
+ config/deploy/staging.rb
+ config/deploy/production.rb

Files behind o should be gitignored, the others checked in. In your Capdfile, add the following line

require "carafe"

below the line

require "capistrano/deploy"

Continue with the configuration section.