Common Expression Language (Gleam)

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The Common Expression Language (CEL) is a non-Turing complete language designed for simplicity, speed, safety, and portability. CEL’s C-like syntax looks nearly identical to equivalent expressions in C++, Go, Java, and TypeScript. CEL is ideal for lightweight expression evaluation when a fully sandboxed scripting language is too resource intensive.

// Check whether a resource name starts with a group name."/groups/" +
// Determine whether the request is in the permitted time window.
request.time - resource.age < duration("24h")
// Check whether all resource names in a list match a given filter. && resources.all(r, r.startsWith(


gleam add cel@0.1
import gleam/io

import cel/interpreter
import cel/interpreter/context
import cel/interpreter/value

pub fn main() {
  let source =
    "[a, b, c].map(x, x + 2).filter(x, x > 4)[0] == 5 ? 'wibble' : 'wobble'"

  let ctx =
    |> context.insert_variable("a", value.Int(1))
    |> context.insert_variable("b", value.Int(3))
    |> context.insert_variable("c", value.Int(5))

  let assert Ok(program) =
  let assert Ok(value.String(answer)) = interpreter.execute(program, ctx)

  io.println("execution result: " <> answer)
  // execution result: wibble

Further documentation can be found at


gleam test  # Run the tests


This library is still very early in its development. The current state and planned future work: [x] Lexing [x] Parsing [x] Expression evaluation [x] Variable context resolution [x] Functions/macros [ ] Context provision through Dynamic [ ] Value → JSON [ ] Type checking [ ] Field inits (ident{"a": 5}) [ ] Duration + Timestamp [ ] (Maybe) Serializable AST

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