Check Maybe Div By Zero for Gleam

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Gleam does not crash on division by zero.

In effect any literal division by zero in gleam returns a zero. You may opt to use the stdlib’s int.divide, int.modulo, int.remainder, float.divide and float.modulo to catch errors instead of assmuing 0.

See following explanations why and what happens:

What does this do

This helper checks gleam code for potential(!) literal division by zero. It may be 100% fine to run 1 / a if you know that a is never zero. It may also be fine to run 1 / a where a equals 0 depending on your requirements.

This checker is for when this is not fine. It allows you to check a code repository for POTENTIAL literal divison by zero in gleam-land (it does NOT check Erlang or JS FFI).


gleam add check_maybe_div_by_zero@1


gleam run --module check_maybe_div_by_zero
# or explicitly define the src dir to check:
gleam run --module check_maybe_div_by_zero -- src

Further documentation can be found at

CI Integration

You may run gleam run --module check_maybe_div_by_zero which returns exit(0) if no potential division by zero is found, and exit(1) if a potential division by zero is found. It should thus stop the CI in case a divison by zero is found.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: erlef/setup-beam@v1
          otp-version: "27.0.1"
          gleam-version: "1.3.2"
          rebar3-version: "3"
      - run: gleam deps download
      - run: gleam format --check src test
      - run: gleam test
      - run: gleam run --module check_maybe_div_by_zero -- src
      - run: gleam test --target javascript
      - run: gleam run --module check_maybe_div_by_zero --target javascript -- src



gleam test  # Run the tests
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