Chip is a gleam process registry that plays along the Gleam Erlang Subject
It lets tag subjects under a name or group to later reference them. Will also automatically delist dead processes.
Lets assemble the pieces to build a simple counter actor:
import gleam/erlang/process
import gleam/otp/actor
pub opaque type Message {
Current(client: process.Subject(Int))
pub fn increment(counter) {
actor.send(counter, Inc)
pub fn current(counter) {, Current(_), 10)
fn loop(message: Message, count: Int) {
case message {
Inc -> {
actor.Continue(count + 1, option.None)
Current(client) -> {
process.send(client, count)
actor.Continue(count, option.None)
We start our registry and create new instances of a counter:
import gleam/otp/actor
import chip/group
pub fn main() {
let assert Ok(registry) = chip.start()
let assert Ok(counter_1) = actor.start(1, loop)
let assert Ok(counter_2) = actor.start(2, loop)
let assert Ok(counter_3) = actor.start(3, loop)
group.register(registry, counter_1, "counters")
group.register(registry, counter_2, "counters")
group.register(registry, counter_3, "counters")
Later, we may retrieve members for a group:
let assert [a, b, c] = group.members(registry, GroupA)
let assert 6 = counter.current(a) + counter.current(b) + counter.current(c)
Or dispatch a command for each Subject
group.dispatch(registry, "counters", fn(counter) {
let assert [a, b, c] = group.members(registry, GroupA)
let assert 9 = counter.current(a) + counter.current(b) + counter.current(c)
Feature-wise this is near beign complete. Still planning to integrate:
- Modify the API to be more in-line with other Registry libraries like elixir’s Registry, erlang’s pg or Syn.
- Generally improve performance and memory consumption by running benchmarks.
- Document guides and use-cases, make test cases more readable.
- Should play well with gleam style of supervisors.
gleam add chip