cid v0.0.1 CID View Source

CID - self-describing content-addressed identifiers for distributed systems.


Elixir version of CID. CID is currently being used as part of IPFS for identifying distributed content.

Self-describing content-addressed identifiers for distributed systems

This module represents a CID as a CID struct, consisting of the following fields:

  • multihash - An encoded multihash, using Multihash.encode/3 for example.
  • version - The CID version
  • codec - The Multicodec to use as part of CID

The following are building blocks of this CID implementation (see Protocol Description):

  • Multihash - hashing content with a tagged identifier according to popular hashing algorithms, ex: :sha2_256
  • Multicodec - tagging content using a given codec
  • Multibase - tagged content encoding using a given encoding_id

A CID struct is created by:

  • Multihashing some data according to a hashing algorithm such as :sha2_256
  • Selecting a codec name from Multicodec to describe the content
  • Selecting a CID version, usually the default (CID v1), but other versions may be selected less than the current version (ex: CID v0).


The following functionality is provided in this module:

  • Encode/Decode CIDs

    • Encode a CID to a string
    • Encode a CID buffer to later Multibase encode
    • Decode a CID string to a CID and optionally, the Multibase encoding used
  • Create human readable CIDs for debugging and checking
  • Error handling and exception versions of most major API functions
  • Current support for all Multibase and Multicodec encodings
  • Elixir struct for CID data

    • Easy comparisons, construction, validation, etc.
    • Send over the wire
  • Consistent API
  • Support for CID v0 and CID v1

How does it work? - Protocol Description

CID is a self-describing content-addressed identifier. It uses cryptographic hashes to achieve content addressing. It uses several multiformats to achieve flexible self-description, namely multihash for hashes, multicodec for data content types, and multibase to encode the CID itself into strings.

Current version: CIDv1

A CIDv1 has four parts:

<cidv1> ::= <mb><version><mc><mh>
# or, expanded:
<cidv1> ::= <multibase-prefix><cid-version><multicodec-content-type><multihash-content-address>


  • <multibase-prefix> is a multibase code (1 or 2 bytes), to ease encoding CIDs into various bases.
  • <cid-version> is a varint representing the version of CID, here for upgradability purposes.
  • <multicodec-content-type> is a multicodec code representing the content type or format of the data being addressed.
  • <multihash-content-address> is a multihash value, representing the cryptographic hash of the content being addressed. Multihash enables CIDs to use many different cryptographic hash function, for upgradability and protocol agility purposes.

Human Readable CIDs

It is advantageous to have a human readable description of a CID, solely for the purposes of debugging and explanation. We can easily transform a CID to a “Human Readable CID” as follows:

<hr-cid> ::= <hr-mbc> "-" <hr-cid-version> "-" <hr-mc> "-" <hr-mh>

Where each sub-component is represented with its own human-readable form:

  • <hr-mbc> is a human-readable multibase code (eg base58btc)
  • <hr-cid-version> is the string cidv# (eg cidv1 or cidv2)
  • <hr-mc> is a human-readable multicodec code (eg cbor)
  • <hr-mh> is a human-readable multihash (eg sha2-256-256-abcdef0123456789...)

This module provides a human readable CID function via ‘humanize/2’.


There are currently 2 active versions of CID, v0 and v1, each with different encoding and decoding algorithms. A CID v0 and CID v1 are not equal.

This module intentionally avoids assumptions about future versions as a version change may necessitate dramatic encoding and decoding changes. As such, unknown versions will return an exception or error.

General Usage

Given a CID struct, it can be encoded by selecting an encoding_id from Multibase. For CID v0, only :base58_btc may be used. For CID v1, any base supported by Multibase is valid, for example :base32_z. Encoding a struct will produce a binary - a CID string representation. If you need to see the bytes, the string is just an Elixir binary and can be handled accordingly.

Decoding a CID string is straight forward using decode/1, decode!/1, decode_cid/1 or decode_cid!/1. Decoding only requires a CID string because all decode information is embedded.

Inspecting a CID string for debugging or other purposes can be done by using humanize/2. It takes a custom separator to allow you to format the pieces to your liking. Decoding a CID back to a struct also is still very legible. decode/1 offers additional information - the Multibase encoding_id that was used to encode the CID, while decode_cid!/1 is just the bare CID struct.

Link to this section Summary


An encoded CID string

A Multihash encoded binary



Checks if a given CID string is a valid encoded CID

Creates a CID by decoding a CID encoded as a string, and returns a tuple of the CID and the encoding_id used to encode the string with Multibase

Creates a CID by decoding a CID encoded as a string, and returns a tuple of the CID and the encoding_id used to encode the string with Multibase

Creates a CID by decoding a CID encoded as a string

Creates a CID by decoding a CID encoded as a string

Encodes a CID as a Multibase encoded string

Encodes a CID as a Multibase encoded string

Encodes a CID as a raw buffer to be encoded with Multibase

Encodes a CID as a raw buffer to be encoded with Multibase

Returns a human readable CID

Converts a CID to a given destination version

Link to this section Types

Link to this type cid_string() View Source
cid_string() :: String.t()

An encoded CID string.

For CID v1:


For CID v0:


Link to this type cid_version() View Source
cid_version() :: 1 | 0
Link to this type multihash_binary() View Source
multihash_binary() :: binary()

A Multihash encoded binary.

Link to this type t() View Source
t() :: %CID{
  codec: Multicodec.multi_codec(),
  multihash: multihash_binary(),
  version: cid_version()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function cid!(multihash, codec \\ "dag-pb", version \\ 1) View Source

Creates a new CID.

An exception is raised if the provided parameters are invalid.

  • codec must correspond to a valid Multicodec codec name.
  • version 0 CIDs are checked for a valid multihash to avoid usage issues.
  • version 0 CIDs can only be created by specifying dag-pb (default) as the codec.


iex> CID.cid!(<<18, 32, 149, 184, 131, 27, 7, 230, 246, 113, 26, 45, 235, 92, 130, 235, 240, 88, 99, 208, 173, 179, 49, 200, 107, 43, 173, 200, 167, 153, 175, 31, 65, 149>>, "raw")
 codec: "raw",
 multihash: <<18, 32, 149, 184, 131, 27, 7, 230, 246, 113, 26, 45, 235, 92,
   130, 235, 240, 88, 99, 208, 173, 179, 49, 200, 107, 43, 173, 200, 167, 153,
   175, 31, 65, 149>>,
 version: 1

iex> CID.cid!(<<18, 32, 233, 5, 138, 177, 152, 246, 144, 143, 112, 33, 17, 176, 192, 251, 91,   54, 249, 157, 0, 85, 69, 33, 136, 108, 64, 226, 137, 27, 52, 157, 199, 161>>, "git-raw", 1)
codec: "git-raw",
multihash: <<18, 32, 233, 5, 138, 177, 152, 246, 144, 143, 112, 33, 17, 176,
  192, 251, 91, 54, 249, 157, 0, 85, 69, 33, 136, 108, 64, 226, 137, 27, 52,
  157, 199, 161>>,
version: 1

iex> CID.cid!(<<18, 32, 233, 5, 138, 177, 152, 246, 144, 143, 112, 33, 17, 176, 192, 251, 91,   54, 249, 157, 0, 85, 69, 33, 136, 108, 64, 226, 137, 27, 52, 157, 199, 161>>, "dag-pb", 0)
codec: "dag-pb",
multihash: <<18, 32, 233, 5, 138, 177, 152, 246, 144, 143, 112, 33, 17, 176,
  192, 251, 91, 54, 249, 157, 0, 85, 69, 33, 136, 108, 64, 226, 137, 27, 52,
  157, 199, 161>>,
version: 0
Link to this function cid(multihash, codec \\ "dag-pb", version \\ 1) View Source
cid(multihash_binary(), Multicodec.multi_codec(), cid_version()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, term()}

Creates a new CID.

An error is returned if the provided parameters are invalid.

  • codec must correspond to a valid Multicodec codec name.
  • version 0 CIDs are checked for a valid multihash to avoid usage issues.
  • version 0 CIDs can only be created by specifying dag-pb (default) as the codec.


iex> CID.cid(<<17, 20, 86, 176, 173, 81, 245, 2, 26, 0, 52, 203, 228, 68, 33, 54, 171, 86, 201, 151, 184, 254>>, "dag-pb", 1)
{:ok, %CID{
   codec: "dag-pb",
   multihash: <<17, 20, 86, 176, 173, 81, 245, 2, 26, 0, 52, 203, 228, 68, 33,
     54, 171, 86, 201, 151, 184, 254>>,
   version: 1

iex> CID.cid(<<18, 32, 149, 184, 131, 27, 7, 230, 246, 113, 26, 45, 235, 92, 130, 235, 240, 88, 99, 208, 173, 179, 49, 200, 107, 43, 173, 200, 167, 153, 175, 31, 65, 149>>, "dag-pb", 0)
{:ok, %CID{
 codec: "dag-pb",
 multihash: <<18, 32, 149, 184, 131, 27, 7, 230, 246, 113, 26, 45, 235, 92,
   130, 235, 240, 88, 99, 208, 173, 179, 49, 200, 107, 43, 173, 200, 167, 153,
   175, 31, 65, 149>>,
 version: 0

iex> CID.cid("charcoal grills best", "dag-pb", 0)
{:error, "Invalid hash code"}

iex> CID.cid(<<18, 32, 149, 184, 131, 27, 7, 230, 246, 113, 26, 45, 235, 92, 130, 235, 240, 88, 99, 208, 173, 179, 49, 200, 107, 43, 173, 200, 167, 153, 175, 31, 65, 149>>, "dag-json", 0)
{:error, :invalid_multicodec}

iex> CID.cid(<<18, 32, 149, 184, 131, 27, 7, 230, 246, 113, 26, 45, 235, 92, 130, 235, 240, 88, 99, 208, 173, 179, 49, 200, 107, 43, 173, 200, 167, 153, 175, 31, 65, 149>>, "dag-json", 1)
{:ok, %CID{
 codec: "dag-json",
 multihash: <<18, 32, 149, 184, 131, 27, 7, 230, 246, 113, 26, 45, 235, 92,
   130, 235, 240, 88, 99, 208, 173, 179, 49, 200, 107, 43, 173, 200, 167, 153,
   175, 31, 65, 149>>,
 version: 1

Checks if a given CID string is a valid encoded CID.


iex> CID.cid?("uAakCERTEGXXR2uHMabFq2IkrjHcWToTKOQ")

iex> CID.cid?("sweep the leg")

iex> CID.cid?("f015512209d8453505bdc6f269678e16b3e56c2a2948a41f2c792617cc9611ed363c95b63")

iex> CID.cid?("$f015512209d8453505bdc6f269678e16b3e56c2a2948a41f2c792617cc9611ed363c95b63")

Creates a CID by decoding a CID encoded as a string, and returns a tuple of the CID and the encoding_id used to encode the string with Multibase.

Raises an exception if the encoded CID string is invalid.


iex> CID.decode!("zb2rhk6GMPQF3hfzwXTaNYFLKomMeC6UXdUt6jZKPpeVirLtV")
 codec: "raw",
 multihash: <<18, 32, 199, 208, 20, 137, 8, 8, 88, 197, 0, 6, 88, 54, 198, 88,
   248, 71, 166, 202, 103, 196, 134, 70, 25, 33, 43, 228, 248, 32, 14, 75,
   186, 206>>,
 version: 1
}, :base58_btc}

iex> CID.decode!("f015512209d8453505bdc6f269678e16b3e56c2a2948a41f2c792617cc9611ed363c95b63")
 codec: "raw",
 multihash: <<18, 32, 157, 132, 83, 80, 91, 220, 111, 38, 150, 120, 225, 107,
   62, 86, 194, 162, 148, 138, 65, 242, 199, 146, 97, 124, 201, 97, 30, 211,
   99, 201, 91, 99>>,
 version: 1
}, :base16_lower}

iex> CID.decode!("QmdfTbBqBPQ7VNxZEYEj14VmRuZBkqFbiwReogJgS1zR1n")
 codec: "dag-pb",
 multihash: <<18, 32, 227, 176, 196, 66, 152, 252, 28, 20, 154, 251, 244, 200,
   153, 111, 185, 36, 39, 174, 65, 228, 100, 155, 147, 76, 164, 149, 153, 27,
   120, 82, 184, 85>>,
 version: 0
}, :base58_btc}
Link to this function decode(cid_string) View Source
decode(cid_string()) ::
  {:ok, {t(), Multibase.encoding_id()}} | {:error, term()}

Creates a CID by decoding a CID encoded as a string, and returns a tuple of the CID and the encoding_id used to encode the string with Multibase.

Returns an error if the encoded CID string is invalid.


iex> CID.decode("bafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf3efuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi")
  codec: "dag-pb",
  multihash: <<18, 32, 195, 196, 115, 62, 200, 175, 253, 6, 207, 158, 159,
    245, 15, 252, 107, 205, 46, 200, 90, 97, 112, 0, 75, 183, 9, 102, 156, 49,
    222, 148, 57, 26>>,
  version: 1
}, :base32_lower}}

iex>  CID.decode("QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR")
  codec: "dag-pb",
  multihash: <<18, 32, 195, 196, 115, 62, 200, 175, 253, 6, 207, 158, 159,
    245, 15, 252, 107, 205, 46, 200, 90, 97, 112, 0, 75, 183, 9, 102, 156, 49,
    222, 148, 57, 26>>,
  version: 0
}, :base58_btc}}

iex> CID.decode("FREEPRETEZELSbafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf3efuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi")
{:error, "unable to decode CID string"}
Link to this function decode_cid!(cid_string) View Source
decode_cid!(cid_string()) :: t()

Creates a CID by decoding a CID encoded as a string.

Raises an exception if the encoded CID string is invalid.


iex> CID.decode_cid!("bafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf3efuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi")
codec: "dag-pb",
multihash: <<18, 32, 195, 196, 115, 62, 200, 175, 253, 6, 207, 158, 159, 245,
  15, 252, 107, 205, 46, 200, 90, 97, 112, 0, 75, 183, 9, 102, 156, 49, 222,
  148, 57, 26>>,
version: 1

iex> CID.decode_cid!("zb2rhk6GMPQF3hfzwXTaNYFLKomMeC6UXdUt6jZKPpeVirLtV")
codec: "raw",
multihash: <<18, 32, 199, 208, 20, 137, 8, 8, 88, 197, 0, 6, 88, 54, 198, 88,
  248, 71, 166, 202, 103, 196, 134, 70, 25, 33, 43, 228, 248, 32, 14, 75, 186,
version: 1

iex> CID.decode_cid!("bafkreigh2akiscaildcqabsyg3dfr6chu3fgpregiymsck7e7aqa4s52zy")
codec: "raw",
multihash: <<18, 32, 199, 208, 20, 137, 8, 8, 88, 197, 0, 6, 88, 54, 198, 88,
  248, 71, 166, 202, 103, 196, 134, 70, 25, 33, 43, 228, 248, 32, 14, 75, 186,
version: 1
Link to this function decode_cid(cid_string) View Source
decode_cid(cid_string()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, term()}

Creates a CID by decoding a CID encoded as a string.

Returns an error if the encoded CID string is invalid.


iex>  CID.decode_cid("zdj7WZUkfydsNtKVZrSMzSuK6oVUj4CqpBN69q8ZRbUBdQUnC")
{:ok, %CID{
 codec: "dag-pb",
 multihash: <<18, 32, 60, 41, 252, 52, 100, 55, 122, 40, 255, 226, 167, 113,
   63, 26, 8, 28, 235, 246, 23, 248, 225, 29, 205, 144, 243, 180, 109, 246,
   208, 70, 54, 225>>,
 version: 1

iex> CID.decode_cid("QmSPWJYa1uQicrYWdFVHSixvrWrm8GmEDqRbtdCoNBqacG")
{:ok, %CID{
 codec: "dag-pb",
 multihash: <<18, 32, 60, 41, 252, 52, 100, 55, 122, 40, 255, 226, 167, 113,
   63, 26, 8, 28, 235, 246, 23, 248, 225, 29, 205, 144, 243, 180, 109, 246,
   208, 70, 54, 225>>,
 version: 0

iex> CID.decode_cid("QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR")
{:ok, %CID{
 codec: "dag-pb",
 multihash: <<18, 32, 195, 196, 115, 62, 200, 175, 253, 6, 207, 158, 159, 245,
   15, 252, 107, 205, 46, 200, 90, 97, 112, 0, 75, 183, 9, 102, 156, 49, 222,
   148, 57, 26>>,
 version: 0
Link to this function encode!(cid, encoding_id \\ :base58_btc) View Source
encode!(t(), Multibase.encoding_id()) :: cid_string()

Encodes a CID as a Multibase encoded string.

Raises an exception if the CID is invalid and cannot be encoded.


iex> CID.encode!(%CID{codec: "dag-pb", multihash: <<18, 32, 233, 5, 138, 177, 152, 246, 144, 143, 112, 33, 17, 176, 192, 251, 91, 54, 249, 157, 0, 85, 69, 33, 136, 108, 64, 226, 137, 27, 52, 157, 199, 161>>, version: 0})

iex> CID.encode!( %CID{codec: "dag-json", multihash: <<17, 20, 196, 25, 117, 209, 218, 225, 204, 105, 177, 106, 216, 137, 43, 140, 119, 22, 78, 132, 202, 57>>, version: 1}, :base64_url)

iex> CID.cid!( <<18, 32, 233, 5, 138, 177, 152, 246, 144, 143, 112, 33, 17, 176, 192, 251, 91, 54, 249, 157, 0, 85, 69, 33, 136, 108, 64, 226, 137, 27, 52, 157, 199, 161>>, "dag-pb", 0) |> CID.encode!(:base58_btc)
Link to this function encode(cid, encoding_id \\ :base58_btc) View Source
encode(t(), Multibase.encoding_id()) ::
  {:ok, cid_string()} | {:error, term()}

Encodes a CID as a Multibase encoded string.

Returns an error if the CID is invalid and cannot be encoded.


iex> CID.encode(%CID{codec: "dag-pb", multihash: <<18, 32, 233, 5, 138, 177, 152, 246, 144, 143, 112, 33, 17, 176, 192, 251, 91, 54, 249, 157, 0, 85, 69, 33, 136, 108, 64, 226, 137, 27, 52, 157, 199, 161>>, version: 0})
{:ok, "Qme2Gc15TFi3XEbU87WT9zXDfAYPJQku8vpUkjFaoZsttQ"}

iex> CID.encode(%CID{codec: "dag-json", multihash: <<17, 20, 196, 25, 117, 209, 218, 225, 204, 105, 177, 106, 216, 137, 43, 140, 119, 22, 78, 132, 202, 57>>, version: 1}, :base64_url)
{:ok, "uAakCERTEGXXR2uHMabFq2IkrjHcWToTKOQ"}

iex> CID.encode(%CID{codec: "dag-json", multihash: <<17, 20, 196, 25, 117, 209, 218, 225, 204, 105, 177, 106, 216, 137, 43, 140, 119, 22, 78, 132, 202, 57>>, version: 1}, :does_not_exist_codec)
{:error, :unsupported_encoding}

Encodes a CID as a raw buffer to be encoded with Multibase.

Raises an error if the CID is invalid and cannot be encoded.


iex>  CID.cid!( <<18, 32, 60, 41, 252, 52, 100, 55, 122, 40, 255, 226, 167, 113, 63, 26, 8, 28,   235, 246, 23, 248, 225, 29, 205, 144, 243, 180, 109, 246, 208, 70, 54, 225>>, "cbor", 1) |> CID.encode_buffer!()
<<1, 81, 18, 32, 60, 41, 252, 52, 100, 55, 122, 40, 255, 226, 167, 113, 63, 26,
8, 28, 235, 246, 23, 248, 225, 29, 205, 144, 243, 180, 109, 246, 208, 70, 54,

iex> CID.cid!( <<18, 32, 60, 41, 252, 52, 100, 55, 122, 40, 255, 226, 167, 113, 63, 26, 8, 28,   235, 246, 23, 248, 225, 29, 205, 144, 243, 180, 109, 246, 208, 70, 54, 225>>, "dag-pb", 1) |> CID.encode_buffer!()
<<1, 112, 18, 32, 60, 41, 252, 52, 100, 55, 122, 40, 255, 226, 167, 113, 63, 26,
8, 28, 235, 246, 23, 248, 225, 29, 205, 144, 243, 180, 109, 246, 208, 70, 54,
Link to this function encode_buffer(cid) View Source
encode_buffer(t()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, term()}

Encodes a CID as a raw buffer to be encoded with Multibase.

Raises an error if the CID is invalid and cannot be encoded.


iex> CID.cid!( <<18, 32, 233, 5, 138, 177, 152, 246, 144, 143, 112, 33, 17, 176, 192, 251, 91,   54, 249, 157, 0, 85, 69, 33, 136, 108, 64, 226, 137, 27, 52, 157, 199, 161>>, "dag-pb", 1) |> CID.encode_buffer()
<<1, 112, 18, 32, 233, 5, 138, 177, 152, 246, 144, 143, 112, 33, 17, 176, 192,
 251, 91, 54, 249, 157, 0, 85, 69, 33, 136, 108, 64, 226, 137, 27, 52, 157,
 199, 161>>}

iex> CID.cid!( <<18, 32, 233, 5, 138, 177, 152, 246, 144, 143, 112, 33, 17, 176, 192, 251, 91,   54, 249, 157, 0, 85, 69, 33, 136, 108, 64, 226, 137, 27, 52, 157, 199, 161>>, "dag-pb", 0) |> CID.encode_buffer()
{:ok, "Qme2Gc15TFi3XEbU87WT9zXDfAYPJQku8vpUkjFaoZsttQ"}
Link to this function humanize(cid_string, separator \\ " - ") View Source
humanize(cid_string(), String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, term()}

Returns a human readable CID


It is advantageous to have a human readable description of a CID, solely for the purposes of debugging and explanation. We can easily transform a CID to a “Human Readable CID” as follows:

<hr-cid> ::= <hr-mbc> "-" <hr-cid-version> "-" <hr-mc> "-" <hr-mh>

Where each sub-component is represented with its own human-readable form:

  • <hr-mbc> is a human-readable multibase code (eg base58btc)
  • <hr-cid-version> is the string cidv# (eg cidv1 or cidv2)
  • <hr-mc> is a human-readable multicodec code (eg cbor)
  • <hr-mh> is a human-readable multihash (eg sha2-256-256-abcdef0123456789...)


iex> CID.humanize("bafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf3efuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi")
"base32_lower - CIDv1 - dag-pb - sha2_256 - c3c4733ec8affd06cf9e9ff50ffc6bcd2ec85a6170004bb709669c31de94391a"}

iex> CID.humanize("bafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf3efuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi", "-")

iex> CID.humanize("f015512209d8453505bdc6f269678e16b3e56c2a2948a41f2c792617cc9611ed363c95b63", "::")

iex> CID.humanize("super delicious rolls")
{:error, "unable to decode CID string"}
Link to this function to_version(cid, destination_version) View Source
to_version(t(), cid_version()) :: t()

Converts a CID to a given destination version.

Returns an error if the conversion is not possible. Conversion to a v0 CID is only possible if the codec is dag-pb.


iex> CID.to_version(%CID{codec: "dag-pb", multihash: <<18, 32, 227, 176, 196, 66, 152, 252, 28, 20, 154, 251, 244, 200, 153, 111, 185, 36, 39, 174, 65, 228, 100, 155, 147, 76, 164, 149, 153, 27, 120, 82, 184, 85>>, version: 0}, 1)
   codec: "dag-pb",
   multihash: <<18, 32, 227, 176, 196, 66, 152, 252, 28, 20, 154, 251, 244, 200,
     153, 111, 185, 36, 39, 174, 65, 228, 100, 155, 147, 76, 164, 149, 153, 27,
     120, 82, 184, 85>>,
   version: 1

  iex> CID.decode_cid!("bafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf3efuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi") |> CID.to_version(1)
   codec: "dag-pb",
   multihash: <<18, 32, 195, 196, 115, 62, 200, 175, 253, 6, 207, 158, 159, 245,
     15, 252, 107, 205, 46, 200, 90, 97, 112, 0, 75, 183, 9, 102, 156, 49, 222,
     148, 57, 26>>,
   version: 1

  iex> CID.to_version(%CID{codec: "raw", multihash: <<18, 32, 157, 132, 83, 80, 91, 220, 111, 38, 150, 120, 225, 107, 62, 86, 194, 162, 148, 138, 65, 242, 199, 146, 97, 124, 201, 97, 30, 211, 99, 201, 91, 99>>, version: 1}, 0)
  {:error, :unsupported_conversion}