A Cielo API Client for Elixir
Online documentation
Feature | Status |
Bin Consultation | ✅ |
Payment Consultation | ✅ |
Credit Card Transaction | ✅ |
Debit Card Transaction | ✅ |
BankSlip Transaction | ✅ |
Recurrent Payment Transaction | ✅ |
Recurrent Payment Update | ✅ |
Zero Auth Consultation | ✅ |
Full Capture Transaction | ✅ |
Partial Capture Transaction | ✅ |
Cancel a Sale | ✅ |
Partial Cancel Sale | ✅ |
Cancel a Recurrent Sale | ✅ |
Card Tokenization | ✅ |
Token Consultation | ✅ |
QRCode Transaction | ⏱ |
Add cielo to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:cielo, "~> 0.1"}
Once that is configured you are all set. Cielo is a library, not an
application, but it does rely on hackney
, which must be started. For Elixir
versions < 1.4 you'll need to include it in the list of applications:
def application do
[applications: [:cielo]]
Within your application you will need to configure the merchant id and
authorization keys. You do not want to put this information in your
file! Either put it in a {prod,dev,test}.secret.exs
file which is
sourced by config.exs
, or read the values in from the environment:
config :cielo,
merchant_id: {:system, "CIELO_MERCHANT_ID"},
merchant_key: {:system, "CIELO_MERCHANT_KEY"}
Furthermore, the environment defaults to sandbox: false
, so you'll want to configure it with:
config :cielo,
sandbox: true
in your config/dev.exs
You may optionally pass directly those configuration keys to all functions performing an API call. In that case, those keys will be used to perform the call.
You can optionally configure Hackney options with:
config :cielo,
http_options: [
timeout: 30_000, # default, in milliseconds
recv_timeout: 5000 # default, in milliseconds
If the telemetry
application is running, the library will emit telemetry events.
Immediately before the HTTP request is fired, a start event will be fired with the following shape:
event name: [:cielo, :request, :start]
measurements: %{system_time: System.system_time()}
meta data: %{method: method, path: path}
Once the HTTP call completes, a stop event will be fired with the following shape:
event name: [:cielo, :request, :stop]
measurements: %{duration: duration}
meta data: %{method: method, path: path, http_status: status}
If Hackney returns an error, an error event will be fired with the following shape:
event name: [:cielo, :request, :error]
measurements: %{duration: duration}
meta data: %{method: method, path: path, error: error_reason}
If an exception is raised during the Hackney call, an exception event will be fired with the following shape:
event name: [:cielo, :request, :exception]
measurements: %{duration: duration}
meta data: %{method: method, path: path, kind: error_type, reason: error_message, stacktrace: stacktrace}
Feedback, feature requests, and fixes are welcomed and encouraged. Please make appropriate use of Issues and Pull Requests. All code should have accompanying tests.