View Source Circuits.SPI.Bus protocol (circuits_spi v2.0.3)

A bus is the connection to a real or virtual SPI controller




All the types that implement this protocol.


Free up resources associated with the bus

Return the configuration for this SPI bus

Return the maximum transfer size in bytes

Transfer data


@type t() :: term()

All the types that implement this protocol.


@spec close(t()) :: :ok

Free up resources associated with the bus

Well behaved backends free up their resources with the help of the Erlang garbage collector. However, it is good practice for users to call Circuits.SPI.close/1 (and hence this function) so that limited resources are freed before they're needed again.

@spec config(t()) :: {:ok, Circuits.SPI.spi_option_map()} | {:error, term()}

Return the configuration for this SPI bus

The configuration could be different that what was given to open/2 if the device had to change it for it to work.

@spec max_transfer_size(t()) :: non_neg_integer()

Return the maximum transfer size in bytes

The number of bytes that can be sent and received at a time may be capped by the low level SPI interface. For example, the Linux spidev driver allocates its transfer buffer at initialization based on the bufsiz parameter and rejects requests that won't fit.

If you're sending large amounts of data over SPI, use this function to determine how to split up large messages.

@spec transfer(t(), iodata()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, term()}

Transfer data

Since each SPI transfer sends and receives simultaneously, the return value will be a binary of the same length as data.