View Source Cldr.Map (cldr_utils v2.28.2)

Functions for transforming maps, keys and values.



Transforms a map's String.t keys to atom() keys.

Transforms a map's String.t values to atom() values.

Delete all members of a map that have a key in the list of keys

Extract strings from a map or list

Transforms a map's String.t keys to Float.t values.

Transforms a map's String.t values to Float.t values.

Returns am argument unchanged.

Transforms a map's String.t keys to Integer.t keys.

Transforms a map's String.t values to Integer.t values.

Returns the result of deep merging a list of maps

Prune a potentially deeply nested map of some of its branches

Removes any leading underscores from map String.t keys.

Rename map keys from from to to

Transforms a map's atom() keys to String.t keys.

Transforms a map's atom() keys to String.t keys.

Convert a camelCase string or atom to a snake_case

Convert map String.t keys from camelCase to snake_case


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atomize_keys(map, options \\ [])

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Transforms a map's String.t keys to atom() keys.


  • map is any map/0

  • options is a keyword list of options passed to deep_map/3. One additional option apples to this function directly:

    • :only_existing which is set to true will only convert the binary value to an atom if the atom already exists. The default is false.


iex> Cldr.Map.atomize_keys %{"a" => %{"b" => %{1 => "c"}}}
%{a: %{b: %{1 => "c"}}}
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atomize_values(map, options \\ [only_existing: false])

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Transforms a map's String.t values to atom() values.


  • map is any map/0

  • options is a keyword list of options passed to deep_map/3. One additional option apples to this function directly:

    • :only_existing which is set to true will only convert the binary value to an atom if the atom already exists. The default is false.


iex> Cldr.Map.atomize_values %{"a" => %{"b" => %{1 => "c"}}}
%{"a" => %{"b" => %{1 => :c}}}
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combine_list_resolver(key, left, right)

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deep_map(map, function, options \\ [level: %{__struct__: Range, first: 1, last: 1_000_000, step: 1}, filter: [], reject: [], skip: [], only: [], except: []])

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@spec deep_map(
  map() | list(),
  function :: function() | {function(), function()},
  options :: list()
) :: map() | list()

Recursively traverse a map and invoke a function that transforms the mapfor each key/value pair.


  • map is any map/0

  • function is a 1-arity function or function reference that is called for each key/value pair of the provided map. It can also be a 2-tuple of the form {key_function, value_function}

    • In the case where function is a single function it will be called with the 2-tuple argument {key, value}

    • In the case where function is of the form {key_function, value_function} the key_function will be called with the argument key and the value function will be called with the argument value

  • options is a keyword list of options. The default is [level: 1..1000000, filter: [], reject: [], skip: [], only: [], except: []]


  • :level indicates the starting (and optionally ending) levels of the map at which the function is executed. This can be an integer representing one level or a range indicating a range of levels. The default is 1..1000000

  • :only is a term or list of terms or a check function. If it is a term or list of terms, the function is only called if the key of the map is equal to the term or in the list of terms. If :only is a check function then the check function is passed the {k, v} of the current branch in the map. It is expected to return a truthy value that if true signals that the argument function will be executed.

  • :except is a term or list of terms or a check function. If it is a term or list of terms, the function is only called if the key of the map is not equal to the term or not in the list of terms. If :except is a check function then the check function is passed the {k, v} of the current branch in the map. It is expected to return a truthy value that if true signals that the argument function will not be executed.

  • :filter is a term or list of terms or a check function. If the key currently being processed equals the term (or is in the list of terms, or the check_function returns a truthy value) then this branch of the map is processed by function and its output is included in the result.

  • :reject is a term or list of terms or a check function. If the key currently being processed equals the term (or is in the list of terms, or the check_function returns a truthy value) then this branch of the map is omitted from the mapped output.

  • :skip is a term or list of terms or a check function. If the key currently being processed equals the term (or is in the list of terms, or the check_function returns a truthy value) then this branch of the map is not processed by function but it is included in the mapped result.


  • :only and :except operate on individual keys whereas :filter and :filter and :reject operator on entire branches of a map

  • If both the options :only and :except are provided then the function is called only when a term meets both criteria. That means that :except has priority over :only.

  • If both the options :filter and :reject are provided then :reject has priority over :filter.


  • The map transformed by the recursive application of function


iex> map = %{a: :a, b: %{c: :c}}
iex> fun = fn
...>   {k, v} when is_atom(k) -> {Atom.to_string(k), v}
...>   other -> other
...> end
iex> Cldr.Map.deep_map map, fun
%{"a" => :a, "b" => %{"c" => :c}}
iex> map = %{a: :a, b: %{c: :c}}
iex> Cldr.Map.deep_map map, fun, only: :c
%{a: :a, b: %{"c" => :c}}
iex> Cldr.Map.deep_map map, fun, except: [:a, :b]
%{a: :a, b: %{"c" => :c}}
iex> Cldr.Map.deep_map map, fun, level: 2
%{a: :a, b: %{"c" => :c}}
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deep_merge(left, right, resolver \\ &standard_deep_resolver/3)

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Deep merge two maps


iex> Cldr.Map.deep_merge %{a: "a", b: "b"}, %{c: "c", d: "d"}
%{a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d"}

iex> Cldr.Map.deep_merge %{a: "a", b: "b"}, %{c: "c", d: "d", a: "aa"}
%{a: "aa", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d"}

Delete all members of a map that have a key in the list of keys


iex> Cldr.Map.delete_in %{a: "a", b: "b"}, [:a]
%{b: "b"}
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extract_strings(map_or_list, options \\ [])

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Extract strings from a map or list

Recursively process the map or list and extract string values from maps and string elements from lists

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floatize_keys(map, options \\ [])

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Transforms a map's String.t keys to Float.t values.


The map key is converted to a float from a String.t only when the key is comprised of a valid float form.

Keys which cannot be converted to a float are returned unchanged.


iex> Cldr.Map.floatize_keys %{a: %{"1.0" => "value"}}
%{a: %{1.0 => "value"}}

iex> Cldr.Map.floatize_keys %{a: %{"1" => "value"}}
%{a: %{1.0 => "value"}}
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floatize_values(map, options \\ [])

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Transforms a map's String.t values to Float.t values.


The map value is converted to a float from a String.t only when the value is comprised of a valid float form.

Values which cannot be converted to a float are returned unchanged.


iex> Cldr.Map.floatize_values %{a: %{b: "1.0"}}
%{a: %{b: 1.0}}

iex> Cldr.Map.floatize_values %{a: %{b: "1"}}
%{a: %{b: 1.0}}

Returns am argument unchanged.

Useful when a noop function is required.

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integerize_keys(map, options \\ [])

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Transforms a map's String.t keys to Integer.t keys.


The map key is converted to an integer from either an atom or String.t only when the key is comprised of integer digits.

Keys which cannot be converted to an integer are returned unchanged.


iex> Cldr.Map.integerize_keys %{a: %{"1" => "value"}}
%{a: %{1 => "value"}}
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integerize_values(map, options \\ [])

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Transforms a map's String.t values to Integer.t values.


The map value is converted to an integer from either an atom or String.t only when the value is comprised of integer digits.

Keys which cannot be converted to an integer are returned unchanged.


iex> Cldr.Map.integerize_values %{a: %{b: "1"}}
%{a: %{b: 1}}
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invert(map, options \\ [])

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Invert a map

Requires that the map is a simple map of keys and a list of values or a single non-map value


  • :duplicates which determines how duplicate values are handled:
    • nil or false which is the default and means only one value is kept. is used meanng the selected value is non-deterministic.
    • :keep meaning duplicate values are returned in a list
    • :shortest means the shortest duplicate is kept. This operates on string or atom values.
    • :longest means the shortest duplicate is kept. This operates on string or atom values.
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merge_map_list(list, resolver \\ &standard_deep_resolver/3)

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Returns the result of deep merging a list of maps


iex> Cldr.Map.merge_map_list [%{a: "a", b: "b"}, %{c: "c", d: "d"}]
%{a: "a", b: "b", c: "c", d: "d"}
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process_type(x, options)

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Prune a potentially deeply nested map of some of its branches

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remove_leading_underscores(map, options \\ [])

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Removes any leading underscores from map String.t keys.


iex> Cldr.Map.remove_leading_underscores %{"a" => %{"_b" => "b"}}
%{"a" => %{"b" => "b"}}
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rename_keys(map, from, to, options \\ [])

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Rename map keys from from to to

  • map is any map/0

  • from is any value map key

  • to is any valid map key

  • options is a keyword list of options passed to deep_map/3


iex> Cldr.Map.rename_keys %{"a" => %{"this_one" => "value"}}, "this_one", "that_one"
%{"a" => %{"that_one" => "value"}}
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stringify_keys(map, options \\ [])

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Transforms a map's atom() keys to String.t keys.



iex> Cldr.Map.stringify_keys %{a: %{"1" => "value"}}
%{"a" => %{"1" => "value"}}
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stringify_values(map, options \\ [])

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Transforms a map's atom() keys to String.t keys.



iex> Cldr.Map.stringify_values %{a: %{"1" => :value}}
%{a: %{"1" => "value"}}
@spec underscore(string :: String.t() | atom()) :: String.t()

Convert a camelCase string or atom to a snake_case

  • string is a String.t or atom() to be transformed

This is the code of Macro.underscore with modifications. The change is to cater for strings in the format:


which in Macro.underscore gets formatted as

this__that (note the double underscore)

when we actually want



iex> Cldr.Map.underscore "thisThat"

iex> Cldr.Map.underscore "This_That"
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underscore_keys(map, options \\ [])

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Convert map String.t keys from camelCase to snake_case


iex> Cldr.Map.underscore_keys %{"a" => %{"thisOne" => "value"}}
%{"a" => %{"this_one" => "value"}}