cldr_utils v2.9.1 Cldr.Digits View Source

Abstract representation of number (integer, float, Decimal) in tuple form and functions for transformations on number parts.

Representing a number as a list of its digits, and integer representing where the decimal point is placed and an integer representing the sign of the number allow more efficient transforms on the various parts of the number as happens during the formatting of a number for string output.

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Defines a number in a tuple form of three parts


Returns the fractional part of an integer, float or Decimal as an integer.

Returns the number of decimal digits in a number (integer, float, Decimal)

Returns the number of decimal digits in the integer part of a number.

Returns the number of leading zeros in a Decimal fraction.

Remove trailing zeroes from the integer part of a number and returns the integer part without trailing zeros.

Computes a iodata list of the digits of the given IEEE 754 floating point number, together with the location of the decimal point as {digits, place, positive} A "compact" representation is returned, so there may be fewer digits returned than the decimal point location

Takes a list of digits and coverts them back to a number of the same type as number

Converts given number to a list representation.

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t() :: {[0..9, ...], non_neg_integer(), 1 | -1}

Defines a number in a tuple form of three parts:

  • A list of digits (0..9) representing the number

  • A digit representing the place of the decimal points in the number

  • a 1 or -1 representing the sign of the number

A number in integer, float or Decimal forma can be converted to digit form with Digits.to_digits/1

THe digits can be converted back to normal form with Cldr.Digits.to_integer/1, Cldr.Digits.to_float/1 and Cldr.Digits.to_decimal/1.

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fixup(r, s, m_plus, m_minus, k, low_ok, high_ok, float)

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fraction_as_integer(Cldr.Math.number_or_decimal() | {list(), list(), 1 | -1}) ::

Returns the fractional part of an integer, float or Decimal as an integer.

  • number can be either a float, Decimal or integer although an integer has no fraction part and will therefore always return 0.


iex> Cldr.Digits.fraction_as_integer(123.456)

iex> Cldr.Digits.fraction_as_integer("123.456"))

iex> Cldr.Digits.fraction_as_integer(1999)
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fraction_as_integer(number, rounding)

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  | list()
  | {[integer(), ...], integer() | [integer(), ...], -1 | 1}
) :: integer()

Returns the number of decimal digits in a number (integer, float, Decimal)


  • number is an integer, float or Decimal or a list (which is assumed to contain digits).


iex> Cldr.Digits.number_of_digits(1234)

iex> Cldr.Digits.number_of_digits("123456789"))

iex> Cldr.Digits.number_of_digits(1234.456)

iex> Cldr.Digits.number_of_digits(1234.56789098765)

iex> Cldr.Digits.number_of_digits '12345'
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  | list()
  | {[integer(), ...], integer() | [integer(), ...], -1 | 1}
) :: integer()

Returns the number of decimal digits in the integer part of a number.


  • number is an integer, float or Decimal or a list (which is assumed to contain digits).


iex> Cldr.Digits.number_of_integer_digits(1234)

iex> Cldr.Digits.number_of_integer_digits("123456789"))

iex> Cldr.Digits.number_of_integer_digits(1234.456)

iex> Cldr.Digits.number_of_integer_digits '12345'
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number_of_leading_zeros(Cldr.Math.number_or_decimal() | [integer(), ...]) ::

Returns the number of leading zeros in a Decimal fraction.

  • number is an integer, float or Decimal

Returns the number of leading zeros in the fractional part of a number.


iex> Cldr.Digits.number_of_leading_zeros("0.0001"))
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remove_trailing_zeros(Cldr.Math.number_or_decimal() | [integer(), ...]) ::
  integer() | [integer(), ...]

Remove trailing zeroes from the integer part of a number and returns the integer part without trailing zeros.

  • number is an integer, float or Decimal.


iex> Cldr.Digits.remove_trailing_zeros(1234000)
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scale(r, s, m_plus, m_minus, low_ok, high_ok, float)

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Computes a iodata list of the digits of the given IEEE 754 floating point number, together with the location of the decimal point as {digits, place, positive} A "compact" representation is returned, so there may be fewer digits returned than the decimal point location

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to_number(digits, number)

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Takes a list of digits and coverts them back to a number of the same type as number

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to_tuple(Decimal.t() | number()) :: {list(), list(), integer()}

Converts given number to a list representation.

Given an IEEE 754 float, computes the shortest, correctly rounded list of digits that converts back to the same Double value when read back with String.to_float/1. Implements the algorithm from "Printing Floating-Point Numbers Quickly and Accurately" in Proceedings of the SIGPLAN '96 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation.

Returns a tuple comprising a charlist for the integer part, a charlist for the fractional part and an integer for the sign