View Source CliOptions.Schema (CliOptions v0.1.0)

The schema for command line options.

Schema Options

The following are the options supported in a schema. They are used for validating passed command line arguments:

  • :type - The type of the argument. Can be one of :string, :boolean, :integer, :float, :counter, :atom. If not set defaults to :string.

    iex> schema = [
    ...>   name: [type: :string],
    ...>   retries: [type: :integer],
    ...>   interval: [type: :float],
    ...>   debug: [type: :boolean],
    ...>   verbose: [type: :counter],
    ...>   mode: [type: :atom]
    ...> ]
    ...> CliOptions.parse!(
    ...>   ["--name", "foo", "--retries", "3", "--interval", "2.5", "--debug"],
    ...>   schema
    ...> )
    {[name: "foo", retries: 3, interval: 2.5, debug: true, verbose: 0], [], []}
    iex> CliOptions.parse!(
    ...>   ["--verbose", "--verbose", "--mode", "parallel"],
    ...>   schema
    ...> )
    {[debug: false, verbose: 2, mode: :parallel], [], []}

    The default value is :string.

  • :default (term/0) - The default value for the CLI option if that option is not provided in the CLI arguments. This is validated according to the given :type.

    iex> schema = [user_name: [default: "John"]]
    ...> # with no option provided
    ...> CliOptions.parse!([], schema)
    {[user_name: "John"], [], []}
    iex> # provided CLI options override the default value
    ...> CliOptions.parse!(["--user-name", "Jack"], schema)
    {[user_name: "Jack"], [], []}
  • :long (String.t/0) - The long name for the option, it is expected to be provided as --{long_name}. If not set defaults to the option name itself, casted to string with underscores replaced by dashes.

    iex> schema = [
    ...>   # long not set, it is set to --user-name
    ...>   user_name: [type: :string],
    ...>   # you can explicitly set a long name with underscores if needed
    ...>   another_user_name: [type: :string, long: "another_user_name"]
    ...> ]
    ...> CliOptions.parse!(["--user-name", "John", "--another_user_name", "Jack"], schema)
    {[user_name: "John", another_user_name: "Jack"], [], []}
  • :short (String.t/0) - An optional short name for the option. It is expected to be a single letter string.

    iex> schema = [user_name: [short: "U"]]
    ...> CliOptions.parse!(["-U", "John"], schema)
    {[user_name: "John"], [], []}
  • :aliases (list of String.t/0) - Long aliases for the option. It is expected to be a list of strings.

    iex> schema = [user_name: [aliases: ["user_name"]]]
    ...> # with the default long name
    ...> CliOptions.parse!(["--user-name", "John"], schema)
    {[user_name: "John"], [], []}
    iex> # with an alias
    ...> CliOptions.parse!(["--user_name", "John"], schema)
    {[user_name: "John"], [], []}

    The default value is [].

  • :short_aliases (list of String.t/0) - Similar to :aliases, but for short names. The default value is [].

  • :doc (String.t/0) - The documentation for the CLI option. Can be any markdown string. This will be used in the automatically generate options documentation.

  • :required (boolean/0) - Defines if the option is required or not. An exception will be raised if a required option is not provided in the CLI arguments. The default value is false.

  • :multiple (boolean/0) - If set to true an option can be provided multiple times.

    iex> schema = [project: [multiple: true]]
    ...> CliOptions.parse!(["--project", "foo", "--project", "bar"], schema)
    {[project: ["foo", "bar"]], [], []}

    The default value is false.

  • :allowed (list of String.t/0) - A set of allowed values for the option. If any other value is given an exception will be raised during parsing.



Validates the schema.


@type t() :: %CliOptions.Schema{
  long_mappings: %{required(String.t()) => atom()},
  schema: keyword(),
  short_mappings: %{required(String.t()) => atom()}

A CliOptions.Schema struct.

Includes the validated schema and the mapping between option names and options.


@spec new!(schema :: keyword()) :: t()

Validates the schema.


iex>!([name: [type: :string, short: "U"], verbose: [type: :boolean]])
  schema: [
    name: [long: "name", multiple: false, required: false, short_aliases: [], aliases: [], type: :string, short: "U"],
    verbose: [long: "verbose", default: false, multiple: false, required: false, short_aliases: [], aliases: [], type: :boolean]
  long_mappings: %{"name" => :name, "verbose" => :verbose},
  short_mappings: %{"U" => :name}

iex>!([name: [type: :invalid]])
** (ArgumentError) invalid schema for :name, invalid value for :type option: expected one of [:string, :boolean, :integer, :float, :counter, :atom], got: :invalid