
Functions for building and running Commands.


pub opaque type Command(a)


pub fn add_custom_help(
  command: Command(a),
  f: fn(ArgInfo) -> String,
) -> Command(a)

Add the help (-h, --help) flags to your program to display usage help to the user. The provided function will be called with your Command’s ArgInfo and should produce a String to be displayed to the user. See arg_info.help_text for an example of generating a user-facing String from ArgInfo.

pub fn add_help(
  command: Command(a),
  name: String,
  description: String,
) -> Command(a)

Add the help (-h, --help) flags to your program to display usage help to the user. The provided name and description will be used to generate the help text.

pub fn apply(
  mf: Command(fn(a) -> b),
  ma: Command(a),
) -> Command(b)

Don’t call this function directly. Rather, call cli.opt, clip.flag, clip.arg, clip.arg_many, or clip.arg_many1.

pub fn arg(
  command: Command(fn(a) -> b),
  arg: Arg(a),
) -> Command(b)

Parse the next positional argument built using the clip/arg module and provide it to a Command function build using clip.command()

clip.command(fn(a) { a })
|> clip.arg("foo"))

// Ok("foo")

arg will not attempt to parse options starting with - unless the special -- value has been previously passed or the option is a negative integer or float.

pub fn arg_many(
  command: Command(fn(List(a)) -> b),
  arg: Arg(a),
) -> Command(b)

Parse the next zero or more positional arguments built using the clip/arg module and provide them as a List to a Command function build using clip.command(). arg_many is greedy, parsing as many options as possible until parsing fails. If zero values are parsed successfuly, an empty List is provided.

clip.command(fn(a) { a })
|> clip.arg_many("foo"))
|>["foo", "bar", "baz"])

// Ok(["foo", "bar", "baz"])

arg_many will not attempt to parse options starting with - unless the special -- value has been previously passed or the option is a negative integer or float.

pub fn arg_many1(
  command: Command(fn(List(a)) -> b),
  arg: Arg(a),
) -> Command(b)

Parse the next one or more positional arguments built using the clip/arg module and provide them as a List to a Command function build using clip.command(). arg_many is greedy, parsing as many options as possible until parsing fails. Parsing fails if zero values are parsed successfully.

clip.command(fn(a) { a })
|> clip.arg_many1("foo"))
|>["foo", "bar", "baz"])

// Ok(["foo", "bar", "baz"])

arg_many1 will not attempt to parse options starting with - unless the special -- value has been previously passed or the option is a negative integer or float.

pub fn command(f: fn(a) -> b) -> Command(fn(a) -> b)

The command function is use to start building a parser. You provide a curried function and then provide arguments to be supplied to that function.

clip.command(fn(a) { fn(b) { #(a, b) } })
|> clip.opt("first"))
|> clip.opt("second"))
|>["--first", "foo", "--second", "bar"])

// Ok(#("foo", "bar"))
pub fn fail(message: String) -> Command(a)

Creates a Command that always produces Error(message) when run.

pub fn flag(
  command: Command(fn(Bool) -> a),
  flag: Flag,
) -> Command(a)

Parse a flag built using the clip/flag module and provide it to a Command function build using clip.command()

clip.command(fn(a) { a })
|> clip.flag("foo"))

// Ok(True)
pub fn opt(
  command: Command(fn(a) -> b),
  opt: Opt(a),
) -> Command(b)

Parse an option built using the clip/opt module and provide it to a Command function build using clip.command()

clip.command(fn(a) { a })
|> clip.opt("first"))
|>["--first", "foo"])

// Ok("foo")
pub fn parameter(f: fn(a) -> b) -> fn(a) -> b

The parameter function provides an alternative syntax for building curried functions. The following two code blocks are equivalent:

fn(a) {
  fn(b) {
    thing(a, b)
  use a <- clip.parameter
  use b <- clip.parameter

  thing(a, b)

You can use either style when calling clip.command. See the parameter syntax example for more details.

pub fn return(val: a) -> Command(a)

The return function takes a value val and produces a Command that, when run, produces val. You should only call this function directly when your command doesn’t require any arguments. Otherwise, use clip.command.

clip.return(1) |>["whatever"])

// Ok(1)

See the subcommand example for idiomatic usage of return.

pub fn run(
  command: Command(a),
  args: List(String),
) -> Result(a, String)

Run a command. Running a Command(a) will return either Ok(a) or an Error(String). The Error value is intended to be printed to the user.

pub fn subcommands(
  subcommands: List(#(String, Command(a))),
) -> Command(a)

Build a command with subcommands. This is an advanced use case, see the examples directory for more help.

pub fn subcommands_with_default(
  subcommands: List(#(String, Command(a))),
  default: Command(a),
) -> Command(a)

Build a command with subcommands and a default top-level command if no subcommand matches. This is an advanced use case, see the examples directory for more help.

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