
Functions for building Args. An Arg is a positional option.


pub opaque type Arg(a)


pub fn default(arg: Arg(a), default: a) -> Arg(a)

Provide a default value for an Arg when it is not provided by the user.

pub fn float(arg: Arg(String)) -> Arg(Float)

Modify an Arg(String) to produce a Float."height")
|> arg.float

Note: float changes the type of an Arg and therefore clears any previously set default value.

pub fn help(arg: Arg(a), help: String) -> Arg(a)

Add help text to an Arg.

pub fn int(arg: Arg(String)) -> Arg(Int)

Modify an Arg(String) to produce an Int."age")

Note: int changes the type of an Arg and therefore clears any previously set default value.

pub fn map(arg: Arg(a), f: fn(a) -> b) -> Arg(b)

Modify the value produced by an Arg in a way that cannot fail."name")
|> { string.uppercase(name) })

Note: map can change the type of an Arg and therefore clears any previously set default value.

pub fn new(name: String) -> Arg(String)

Create a new Arg with the provided name. New Args always initially produce a String, which is the unmodified value given by the user on the command line.

pub fn optional(arg: Arg(a)) -> Arg(Result(a, Nil))

Transform an Arg(a) to an Arg(Result(a, Nil), making it optional.

pub fn run(
  arg: Arg(a),
  args: List(String),
) -> Result(#(a, List(String)), String)

Run an Arg(a) against a list of arguments. Used internally by clip, not intended for direct usage.

pub fn run_many(
  arg: Arg(a),
  args: List(String),
) -> Result(#(List(a), List(String)), String)

Run an Arg(a) against a list of arguments producing zero or more results. Used internally by clip, not intended for direct usage.

pub fn run_many1(
  arg: Arg(a),
  args: List(String),
) -> Result(#(List(a), List(String)), String)

Run an Arg(a) against a list of arguments producing one or more results. Used internally by clip, not intended for direct usage.

pub fn to_arg_info(arg: Arg(a)) -> ArgInfo

Used internally, not intended for direct usage.

pub fn to_arg_info_many(arg: Arg(a)) -> ArgInfo

Used internally, not intended for direct usage.

pub fn to_arg_info_many1(arg: Arg(a)) -> ArgInfo

Used internally, not intended for direct usage.

pub fn try_map(
  arg: Arg(a),
  f: fn(a) -> Result(b, String),
) -> Arg(b)

Modify the value produced by an Arg in a way that may fail."age")
|> arg.try_map(fn(age_str) {
  case int.parse(age_str) {
    Ok(age) -> Ok(age)
    Error(Nil) -> Error("Unable to parse integer")

Note: try_map can change the type of an Arg and therefore clears any previously set default value.

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