cloak v1.0.0-alpha.0 Cloak.Cipher behaviour View Source
A behaviour for encryption/decryption modules. You can rely on this behaviour to create your own Cloak-compatible cipher modules.
We will create a cipher that simply prepends "Hello, "
to any given
plaintext on encryption, and removes the prefix on decryption.
First, define your own cipher module, and specify the Cloak.Cipher
defmodule MyApp.PrefixCipher do
@behaviour Cloak.Cipher
Add some configuration to your vault for this new cipher:
config :my_app, MyApp.Vault,
ciphers: [
prefix: {MyApp.PrefixCipher, prefix: "Hello, "}
The keyword list containing the :prefix
will be passed in as opts
to our cipher callbacks. You should specify any options your cipher will
need for encryption/decryption here, such as the key.
Next, define the can_decrypt?/2
@impl true
def can_decrypt?(ciphertext, opts) do
String.starts_with?(ciphertext, opts[:prefix])
If the ciphertext starts with "Hello, "
, we know it was encrypted with this
cipher and we can proceed. Finally, define the encrypt
and decrypt
@impl true
def encrypt(plaintext, opts) do
opts[:prefix] <> plaintext
@impl true
def decrypt(ciphertext, opts) do
String.replace(ciphertext, opts[:prefix], "")
You can now use your cipher with your vault!
MyApp.Vault.encrypt!("World!", :prefix)
# => "Hello, World!"
MyApp.Vault.decrypt!("Hello, World!")
# => "World!"
Link to this section Summary
Determines if a given ciphertext can be decrypted by this cipher. Options
are derived from the cipher configuration. See encrypt/2
Decrypt a value, using the given opts. Options are derived from the cipher
configuration. See encrypt/2
Encrypt a value, using the given keyword list of options. These options derive from the cipher configuration, like so
Link to this section Types
Link to this section Callbacks
can_decrypt?(ciphertext(), opts()) :: boolean()
Determines if a given ciphertext can be decrypted by this cipher. Options
are derived from the cipher configuration. See encrypt/2
decrypt(ciphertext(), opts()) :: {:ok, binary()} | :error
Decrypt a value, using the given opts. Options are derived from the cipher
configuration. See encrypt/2
Encrypt a value, using the given keyword list of options. These options derive from the cipher configuration, like so:
config :my_app, MyApp.Vault,
ciphers: [
default: {Cloak.Ciphers.AES.GCM, tag: "AES.GCM.V1", key: <<1, 0, ...>>}
The above configuration will result in the following opts
being passed
to this function:
[tag: "AES.GCM.V1", key: <<1, 0, ...>>]
Your implementation must include any information it will need for decryption in the generated ciphertext.