cloak v1.0.0-alpha.0 Cloak.Cipher behaviour View Source

A behaviour for encryption/decryption modules. You can rely on this behaviour to create your own Cloak-compatible cipher modules.


We will create a cipher that simply prepends "Hello, " to any given plaintext on encryption, and removes the prefix on decryption.

First, define your own cipher module, and specify the Cloak.Cipher behaviour.

defmodule MyApp.PrefixCipher do
  @behaviour Cloak.Cipher

Add some configuration to your vault for this new cipher:

config :my_app, MyApp.Vault,
  ciphers: [
    prefix: {MyApp.PrefixCipher, prefix: "Hello, "}

The keyword list containing the :prefix will be passed in as opts to our cipher callbacks. You should specify any options your cipher will need for encryption/decryption here, such as the key.

Next, define the can_decrypt?/2 callback:

@impl true
def can_decrypt?(ciphertext, opts) do
  String.starts_with?(ciphertext, opts[:prefix])

If the ciphertext starts with "Hello, ", we know it was encrypted with this cipher and we can proceed. Finally, define the encrypt and decrypt functions:

@impl true
def encrypt(plaintext, opts) do
  opts[:prefix] <> plaintext

@impl true
def decrypt(ciphertext, opts) do
  String.replace(ciphertext, opts[:prefix], "")

You can now use your cipher with your vault!

MyApp.Vault.encrypt!("World!", :prefix)
# => "Hello, World!"

MyApp.Vault.decrypt!("Hello, World!")
# => "World!"

Link to this section Summary


Determines if a given ciphertext can be decrypted by this cipher. Options are derived from the cipher configuration. See encrypt/2

Decrypt a value, using the given opts. Options are derived from the cipher configuration. See encrypt/2

Encrypt a value, using the given keyword list of options. These options derive from the cipher configuration, like so

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback can_decrypt?(ciphertext, opts) View Source
can_decrypt?(ciphertext(), opts()) :: boolean()

Determines if a given ciphertext can be decrypted by this cipher. Options are derived from the cipher configuration. See encrypt/2.

Link to this callback decrypt(ciphertext, opts) View Source
decrypt(ciphertext(), opts()) :: {:ok, binary()} | :error

Decrypt a value, using the given opts. Options are derived from the cipher configuration. See encrypt/2.

Link to this callback encrypt(plaintext, opts) View Source
encrypt(plaintext(), opts()) :: {:ok, binary()} | :error

Encrypt a value, using the given keyword list of options. These options derive from the cipher configuration, like so:

config :my_app, MyApp.Vault,
  ciphers: [
    default: {Cloak.Ciphers.AES.GCM, tag: "AES.GCM.V1", key: <<1, 0, ...>>}

The above configuration will result in the following opts being passed to this function:

[tag: "AES.GCM.V1", key: <<1, 0, ...>>]

Your implementation must include any information it will need for decryption in the generated ciphertext.