Stream Videos

You can upload videos to Cloudflare Stream for fast video processing and delivery.

Upload a video from a URL

POST Link to a video and it will be downloaded and made available on Stream.

POST accounts/:account_identifier/stream/copy

Permission needed: None

Available in:

Upload a video using a single HTTP request

POST You can upload a video up to 200 Megabytes using a single HTTP POST (multipart/form-data) request. For larger file sizes, please upload using the TUS protocol.

POST accounts/:account_identifier/stream

Permission needed: None

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Create a video and get authenticated direct upload URL

POST Direct uploads allow users to upload videos without API keys. A common place to use direct uploads is on web apps, client side applications, or on mobile devices where users upload content directly to Stream.

POST accounts/:account_identifier/stream/direct_upload

Permission needed: None

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List videos

GET Up to 1000 videos can be listed with one request, use optional parameters below to get a specific range of videos.Please note that Cloudflare Stream does not use pagination, instead it uses a cursor pattern to list more than 1000 videos. In order to list all videos, make multiple requests to the API using the created date-time of the last item in the previous request as the before or after parameter.

GET accounts/:account_identifier/stream

Permission needed: None

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Initiate a Video Upload using TUS

POST Initiate a video upload using the TUS protocol. On success, server will response with status code 201 (Created) and include a 'location' header indicating where the video content should be uploaded to. See for protocol details.

POST accounts/:account_identifier/stream

Permission needed: None

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Video details

GET Fetch details of a single video.

GET accounts/:account_identifier/stream/:identifier

Permission needed: None

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Embed Code HTML

GET Fetch an HTML code snippet that can be used to embed the video in a web page that is delivered through Cloudflare. On success returns an HTML fragment (not a full document) that can be included on a web page to display the video. On failure returns a JSON response body (see Error Response) above.

GET accounts/:account_identifier/stream/:identifier/embed

Permission needed: None

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Delete video

DELETE Delete a video on Cloudflare Stream. On success, all copies of the video are deleted.

DELETE accounts/:account_identifier/stream/:identifier

Permission needed: None

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