Stream Watermark Profile

You can create watermark profile for different videos.

Create a Watermark Profile from an URL

POST You can create a watermark profile by specifying the URL to the image.

POST accounts/:account_identifier/stream/watermarks

Permission needed: None

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Create a Watermark Profile via Basic Upload

POST You can create a watermark profile using a single HTTP POST (multipart/form-data) request.

POST accounts/:account_identifier/stream/watermarks

Permission needed: None

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List Watermark Profiles

GET List all the watermark profiles under your account.

GET accounts/:account_identifier/stream/watermarks

Permission needed: None

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Watermark Profile Details

GET Fetch details of a single watermark profile.

GET accounts/:account_identifier/stream/watermarks/:identifier

Permission needed: None

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Delete Watermark Profile

DELETE Mark a watermark profile as deleted

DELETE accounts/:account_identifier/stream/watermarks/:identifier

Permission needed: None

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