


create(coinbase, report, optionals \\ %{})

Generate a new report

get(coinbase, id)

Show a report

list(coinbase, optionals \\ %{})

Lists all reports


create(coinbase, report, optionals \\ %{})


Generate a new report

Optional params: account_id (string): Specify for which account is the order created. The default is your primary account report[callback_url] (string): A callback URL that will receive POST notifications after a new report is generated. The format of the post will be the same as a response from Coinbase.API.Reports.get(pid, id) report[time_range] (string): Must be one of: today, yesterday, past_7, past_30, month_to_date, last_full_month, year_to_date, last_full_year, all, custom. Defaults to past_30. If custom, then time_range_start and time_range_end are required. report[time_range_end] (string): End time in MM/DD/YYYY format. Required if time_range is set to custom. report[start_type] (string): Must be one of: now, on. now will generate a report immediately. on will use next_run_date and next_run_time to defer the first report until the specific time. report[next_run_date] (string): Next run date in MM/DD/YYYY format. Only used if start_type is on. report[next_run_time] (string): Next run time in HH:MM format. Only used if start_type is on. report[repeat] (string): Must be one of: never, daily, weekly, every_two_weeks, monthly, quarterly, yearly. Defaults to never. report[times] (integer): Number of times to repeat. Defaults to -1, meaning infinite. Only applies if repeat is not never

get(coinbase, id)


Show a report

list(coinbase, optionals \\ %{})


Lists all reports

Optional params: page (integer): Can be used to page through results. Default value is 1. limit (integer): Number of records to return. Maximum is 1000. Default value is 25. account_id (string): Specify which account is used for fetching data. The default is your primary account
