View Source ColorPalette (ColorPalette v0.1.9)

Color Palette Functions


See below for the color descriptions. IMPORTANT Note that there are background versions for each color; e.g., the function tea_green_background/0 (which is not listed below) is the background color for




Sets foreground color to aero_blue.
Hex value #afffd7
Sets foreground color to alien_armpit.
Hex value #5fd700
Sets foreground color to alto.
Hex value #dadada
Sets foreground color to american_orange.
Hex value #ff8700
Sets foreground color to american_silver.
Hex value #d0d0d0
Sets foreground color to anakiwa.
Hex value #87ffff

A list of the 256 ANSI color codes

A mapping between the ANSI color codes (e.g, ColorPalette.ANSIColorCode) and color names (e.g.,

Sets foreground color to ao.
Hex value #008700
Sets foreground color to apple_green.
Hex value #87af00
Sets foreground color to aqua.
Hex value #00ffff
Sets foreground color to aqua_pearl.
Hex value #5fafd7
Sets foreground color to aquamarine.
Hex value #87ffd7
Sets foreground color to aquamarine_086.
Hex value #5fffd7
Sets foreground color to aquamarine_087.
Hex value #5fffff
Sets foreground color to argent.
Hex value #c0c0c0
Sets foreground color to asparagus.
Hex value #87af5f
Sets foreground color to avocado.
Hex value #5f8700
Sets foreground color to azure.
Hex value #0087ff
Sets foreground color to azure_radiance.
Hex value #0087ff
Sets foreground color to bangladesh_green.
Hex value #005f5f
Sets foreground color to bay_leaf.
Hex value #87af87
Sets foreground color to beige.
Hex value #d7ffd7
Sets foreground color to bermuda.
Hex value #87d7d7
Sets foreground color to bittersweet.
Hex value #ff5f5f
Sets foreground color to black.
Hex value #000000
Sets foreground color to black_000.
Hex value #000000
Sets foreground color to black_olive.
Hex value #3a3a3a
Sets foreground color to blaze_orange.
Hex value #ff5f00
Sets foreground color to blood_red.
Hex value #5f0000
Sets foreground color to blue.
Hex value #0000ff
Sets foreground color to blue_004.
Hex value #000080
Sets foreground color to blue_bolt.
Hex value #00afff
Sets foreground color to blue_cola.
Hex value #0087d7
Sets foreground color to blue_jeans.
Hex value #5fafff
Sets foreground color to blue_ribbon.
Hex value #005fff
Sets foreground color to blue_stone.
Hex value #005f5f
Sets foreground color to blueberry.
Hex value #5f87ff
Sets foreground color to blueberry_099.
Hex value #875fff
Sets foreground color to blush.
Hex value #d75f87
Sets foreground color to blush_pink.
Hex value #ff87ff
Sets foreground color to bondi_blue.
Hex value #00afaf
Sets foreground color to boulder.
Hex value #767676
Sets foreground color to bouquet.
Hex value #af87af
Sets foreground color to brandeis_blue.
Hex value #005fff
Sets foreground color to bright_gray.
Hex value #eeeeee
Sets foreground color to bright_green.
Hex value #5fff00
Sets foreground color to bright_lavender.
Hex value #af87ff
Sets foreground color to bright_lilac.
Hex value #d787ff
Sets foreground color to bright_pink.
Hex value #ff0087
Sets foreground color to bright_red.
Hex value #af0000
Sets foreground color to bright_turquoise.
Hex value #00ffd7
Sets foreground color to bronze.
Hex value #af875f
Sets foreground color to bronze_yellow.
Hex value #5f5f00
Sets foreground color to brown.
Hex value #875f00
Sets foreground color to bubble_gum.
Hex value #ffd7ff
Sets foreground color to buddha_gold.
Hex value #afaf00
Sets foreground color to calamansi.
Hex value #ffffaf
Sets foreground color to camarone.
Hex value #005f00
Sets foreground color to can_can.
Hex value #d787af
Sets foreground color to canary.
Hex value #d7ff5f
Sets foreground color to caramel.
Hex value #ffd7af
Sets foreground color to caribbean_green.
Hex value #00d7af
Sets foreground color to caribbean_green_042.
Hex value #00d787
Sets foreground color to caribbean_green_pearl.
Hex value #5fd787
Sets foreground color to carnation_pink.
Hex value #0000af
Sets foreground color to carolina_blue.
Hex value #5fafd7
Sets foreground color to celeste.
Hex value #afffff
Sets foreground color to cerulean.
Hex value #00afd7
Sets foreground color to chartreuse.
Hex value #87ff00
Sets foreground color to chartreuse_yellow.
Hex value #d7ff00
Sets foreground color to chelsea_cucumber.
Hex value #87af5f
Sets foreground color to chetwode_blue.
Hex value #8787d7
Sets foreground color to chinese_black.
Hex value #121212
Sets foreground color to chinese_green.
Hex value #d7d75f
Sets foreground color to chinese_purple.
Hex value #5f00af
Sets foreground color to chinese_violet.
Hex value #875f87
Sets foreground color to chinese_yellow.
Hex value #ffaf00
Sets foreground color to chocolate.
Hex value #d78700
Sets foreground color to citrine.
Hex value #d7d700
Sets foreground color to clam_shell.
Hex value #d7afaf
Sets foreground color to clay_creek.
Hex value #87875f
Sets foreground color to cod_gray.
Hex value #121212

Returns the list of all color names

The main colors data structure. A map between the color name and the ColorPalette.Color struct

Sets foreground color to comet.
Hex value #5f5f87
Sets foreground color to conifer.
Hex value #afd75f
Sets foreground color to cool_grey.
Hex value #8787af
Sets foreground color to copper_rose.
Hex value #875f5f
Sets foreground color to copperfield.
Hex value #d7875f
Sets foreground color to coral.
Hex value #ff875f
Sets foreground color to corn.
Hex value #d7d700
Sets foreground color to cornflower_blue.
Hex value #5f5fff
Sets foreground color to cosmos.
Hex value #ffd7d7
Sets foreground color to cotton_candy.
Hex value #ffafd7
Sets foreground color to cranberry.
Hex value #d75f87
Sets foreground color to cream.
Hex value #ffffd7
Sets foreground color to crystal.
Hex value #afd7d7
Sets foreground color to crystal_blue.
Hex value #5fafaf
Sets foreground color to cumulus.
Hex value #ffffd7
Sets foreground color to cyan.
Hex value #00ffff
Sets foreground color to cyan_006.
Hex value #008080
Sets foreground color to dandelion.
Hex value #ffd75f
Sets foreground color to dark_blue.
Hex value #000087
Sets foreground color to dark_candy_apple_red.
Hex value #af0000
Sets foreground color to dark_charcoal.
Hex value #303030
Sets foreground color to dark_cyan.
Hex value #00af87
Sets foreground color to dark_goldenrod.
Hex value #af8700
Sets foreground color to dark_gray.
Hex value #a8a8a8
Sets foreground color to dark_grayish_blue.
Hex value #8787af
Sets foreground color to dark_grayish_cyan.
Hex value #87afaf
Sets foreground color to dark_grayish_lime_green.
Hex value #87af87
Sets foreground color to dark_grayish_magenta.
Hex value #af87af
Sets foreground color to dark_grayish_red.
Hex value #af8787
Sets foreground color to dark_grayish_yellow.
Hex value #afaf87
Sets foreground color to dark_green.
Hex value #5faf00
Sets foreground color to dark_lime_green.
Hex value #00af00
Sets foreground color to dark_liver.
Hex value #4e4e4e
Sets foreground color to dark_magenta.
Hex value #af0087
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_blue.
Hex value #5f5faf
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_cyan.
Hex value #5fafaf
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_green.
Hex value #87af5f
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_lime_green.
Hex value #5faf5f
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_magenta.
Hex value #af5faf
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_orange.
Hex value #af875f
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_pink.
Hex value #af5f87
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_red.
Hex value #af5f5f
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_violet.
Hex value #875faf
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_yellow.
Hex value #afaf5f
Sets foreground color to dark_orange.
Hex value #ff8700
Sets foreground color to dark_orange_brown_tone.
Hex value #af5f00
Sets foreground color to dark_pink.
Hex value #af005f
Sets foreground color to dark_red.
Hex value #af0000
Sets foreground color to dark_sea_green.
Hex value #87af87
Sets foreground color to dark_slate_gray.
Hex value #005f5f
Sets foreground color to dark_turquoise.
Hex value #00d7d7
Sets foreground color to dark_violet.
Hex value #5f00af
Sets foreground color to dark_yellow_olive_tone.
Hex value #878700
Sets foreground color to davys_grey.
Hex value #585858
Sets foreground color to deco.
Hex value #d7d787
Sets foreground color to deep_cerulean.
Hex value #0087af
Sets foreground color to deep_magenta.
Hex value #d700d7
Sets foreground color to deep_mauve.
Hex value #d787d7
Sets foreground color to deep_red.
Hex value #870000
Sets foreground color to deep_sea.
Hex value #00875f
Sets foreground color to deep_sky_blue.
Hex value #00afff
Source: Bunt
Same as:blue_bolt Color Group: blue
Sets foreground color to deep_taupe.
Hex value #875f5f
Sets foreground color to deluge.
Hex value #875faf
Sets foreground color to dim_gray.
Hex value #6c6c6c
Sets foreground color to dolly.
Hex value #ffff87
Sets foreground color to dove_gray.
Hex value #6c6c6c
Sets foreground color to downy.
Hex value #5fd7af
Sets foreground color to duke_blue.
Hex value #0000af
Sets foreground color to dusty_gray.
Hex value #949494
Sets foreground color to earth_yellow.
Hex value #d7af5f
Sets foreground color to eerie_black.
Hex value #1c1c1c
Sets foreground color to electric_blue.
Hex value #87ffff
Sets foreground color to electric_brown.
Hex value #af5f5f
Sets foreground color to electric_green.
Hex value #00ff00
Sets foreground color to electric_indigo.
Hex value #5f00ff
Sets foreground color to electric_purple.
Hex value #af00ff
Sets foreground color to electric_violet.
Hex value #8700ff
Sets foreground color to electric_violet_056.
Hex value #5f00d7
Sets foreground color to endeavour.
Hex value #005faf
Sets foreground color to english_lavender.
Hex value #af8787
Sets foreground color to eucalyptus.
Hex value #5fd7af
Sets foreground color to fashion_fuchsia.
Hex value #ff00af
Sets foreground color to feijoa.
Hex value #afd787
Sets foreground color to fern.
Hex value #5faf5f

Finds the colors with a certain ANSI color code

Finds the colors with a certain hex value, e.g., "aabb00"

Finds the colors that were obtained from source, where source is one of ColorPalette.source()

Sets foreground color to flirt.
Hex value #af0087
Sets foreground color to flush_orange.
Hex value #ff8700
Sets foreground color to fog.
Hex value #d7d7ff
Sets foreground color to forest_green.
Hex value #5faf5f
Sets foreground color to french_pass.
Hex value #afffff
Sets foreground color to french_plum.
Hex value #87005f
Sets foreground color to french_sky_blue.
Hex value #87afff
Sets foreground color to french_violet.
Hex value #8700d7
Sets foreground color to fresh_air.
Hex value #afd7ff
Sets foreground color to fresh_eggplant.
Hex value #870087
Sets foreground color to fuchsia.
Hex value #ff00ff
Sets foreground color to fuchsia_pink.
Hex value #ff87ff
Sets foreground color to fuzzy_wuzzy.
Hex value #00005f
Sets foreground color to gainsboro.
Hex value #dadada
Sets foreground color to gallery.
Hex value #eeeeee
Sets foreground color to gamboge_orange.
Hex value #875f00
Sets foreground color to glade_green.
Hex value #5f875f
Sets foreground color to go_green.
Hex value #00af5f
Sets foreground color to gold.
Hex value #ffd700
Sets foreground color to goldenrod.
Hex value #d7af00
Sets foreground color to grandis.
Hex value #ffd787
Sets foreground color to granite_gray.
Hex value #626262
Sets foreground color to gray.
Hex value #808080
Sets foreground color to grayish_blue.
Hex value #afafd7
Sets foreground color to grayish_cyan.
Hex value #afd7d7
Sets foreground color to grayish_lime_green.
Hex value #afd7af
Sets foreground color to grayish_magenta.
Hex value #d7afd7
Sets foreground color to grayish_red.
Hex value #d7afaf
Sets foreground color to grayish_yellow.
Hex value #d7d7af
Sets foreground color to green.
Hex value #00ff00
Sets foreground color to green_mist.
Hex value #d7d7af
Sets foreground color to green_yellow.
Hex value #afff5f
Sets foreground color to guardsman_red.
Hex value #d70000
Sets foreground color to gulf_stream.
Hex value #87afaf
Sets foreground color to guppie_green.
Hex value #00ff87
Sets foreground color to harlequin_green.
Hex value #5fd700
Sets foreground color to harvest_gold.
Hex value #d78700
Sets foreground color to havelock_blue.
Hex value #5f87d7
Sets foreground color to heliotrope.
Hex value #d75fff
Sets foreground color to heliotrope_magenta.
Hex value #af00af

A mapping between the ANSI color hex value and the color names associated with that hex value.

Sets foreground color to hillary.
Hex value #afaf87
Sets foreground color to hippie_blue.
Hex value #5f87af
Sets foreground color to hit_pink.
Hex value #ffaf87
Sets foreground color to hollywood_cerise.
Hex value #ff00af
Sets foreground color to hollywood_cerise_163.
Hex value #d700af
Sets foreground color to honeysuckle.
Hex value #d7ff87
Sets foreground color to hopbush.
Hex value #d75faf
Sets foreground color to hot_pink.
Hex value #ff5faf
Sets foreground color to imperial_purple.
Hex value #5f005f
Sets foreground color to inchworm.
Hex value #afff5f
Sets foreground color to indian_red.
Hex value #d75f5f
Sets foreground color to indigo.
Hex value #5f5fd7
Sets foreground color to islamic_green.
Hex value #00af00
Sets foreground color to jade.
Hex value #00af5f
Sets foreground color to japanese_laurel.
Hex value #00af00
Sets foreground color to jasmine.
Hex value #ffd787
Sets foreground color to jazzberry_jam.
Hex value #af005f
Sets foreground color to june_bud.
Hex value #afd75f
Sets foreground color to jungle_mist.
Hex value #afd7d7
Sets foreground color to juniper.
Hex value #5f8787
Sets foreground color to kelly_green.
Hex value #5faf00
Sets foreground color to khaki.
Hex value #ffd787
Sets foreground color to laser_lemon.
Hex value #ffff5f
Sets foreground color to lavender_indigo.
Hex value #af5fff
Sets foreground color to lavender_pink.
Hex value #ffafd7
Sets foreground color to lavender_rose.
Hex value #ff87d7
Sets foreground color to liberty.
Hex value #5f5faf
Sets foreground color to light_black.
Hex value #808080
Sets foreground color to light_blue.
Hex value #5f87ff
Sets foreground color to light_blue_012.
Hex value #0000ff
Source: IO.ANSI
Same as:blue Color Group: blue
Sets foreground color to light_cobalt_blue.
Hex value #87afd7
Sets foreground color to light_cyan.
Hex value #d7ffff
Sets foreground color to light_cyan_014.
Hex value #00ffff
Source: IO.ANSI
Same as:aqua , cyan Color Group: cyan
Sets foreground color to light_deep_pink.
Hex value #ff5fd7
Sets foreground color to light_gold.
Hex value #afaf00
Sets foreground color to light_gray.
Hex value #d0d0d0
Sets foreground color to light_green.
Hex value #87ff5f
Sets foreground color to light_green_010.
Hex value #00ff00
Sets foreground color to light_lime_green.
Hex value #5fff5f
Sets foreground color to light_magenta.
Hex value #d75fff
Sets foreground color to light_magenta_013.
Hex value #ff00ff
Sets foreground color to light_moss_green.
Hex value #afd7af
Sets foreground color to light_orange.
Hex value #ffaf5f
Sets foreground color to light_orchid.
Hex value #d787d7
Sets foreground color to light_pink.
Hex value #ff5faf
Sets foreground color to light_red.
Hex value #ff0000
Source: IO.ANSI
Same as:red Color Group: red
Sets foreground color to light_silver.
Hex value #d7d7d7
Sets foreground color to light_violet.
Hex value #af5fff
Sets foreground color to light_white.
Hex value #ffffff
Source: IO.ANSI
Same as:white Color Group: white
Sets foreground color to light_yellow.
Hex value #ffff5f
Sets foreground color to light_yellow_011.
Hex value #ffff00
Sets foreground color to lime.
Hex value #afff00
Sets foreground color to lime_green.
Hex value #87ffd7
Sets foreground color to limeade.
Hex value #87af00
Sets foreground color to lochmara.
Hex value #0087d7
Sets foreground color to macaroni_and_cheese.
Hex value #ffaf87
Sets foreground color to magenta.
Hex value #ff00ff
Sets foreground color to magic_mint.
Hex value #afffd7
Sets foreground color to malachite.
Hex value #00d75f
Sets foreground color to malibu.
Hex value #87afff
Sets foreground color to mango_tango.
Hex value #d78700
Sets foreground color to mantis.
Hex value #87d75f
Sets foreground color to mardi_gras.
Hex value #870087
Sets foreground color to maroon.
Hex value #800000
Sets foreground color to matrix.
Hex value #af5f5f
Sets foreground color to mauve.
Hex value #d7afff
Sets foreground color to maximum_blue_purple.
Hex value #afafff
Sets foreground color to maximum_green_yellow.
Hex value #d7ff5f
Sets foreground color to maya_blue.
Hex value #5fd7ff
Sets foreground color to medium_aquamarine.
Hex value #5fffaf
Sets foreground color to medium_blue.
Hex value #0000d7
Sets foreground color to medium_persian_blue.
Hex value #005faf
Sets foreground color to medium_purple.
Hex value #875fd7
Sets foreground color to medium_spring_bud.
Hex value #d7d787
Sets foreground color to medium_spring_green.
Hex value #00ffaf
Sets foreground color to medium_turquoise.
Hex value #5fd7d7
Sets foreground color to melon.
Hex value #ffafaf
Sets foreground color to melrose.
Hex value #afafff
Sets foreground color to menthol.
Hex value #afffaf
Sets foreground color to mercury.
Hex value #e4e4e4
Sets foreground color to metallic_violet.
Hex value #5f0087
Sets foreground color to mexican_pink.
Hex value #d70087
Sets foreground color to middle_blue_green.
Hex value #87d7d7
Sets foreground color to middle_purple.
Hex value #d787af
Sets foreground color to mindaro.
Hex value #d7ff87
Sets foreground color to mine_shaft.
Hex value #3a3a3a
Sets foreground color to mint_green.
Hex value #afff87
Sets foreground color to mint_green_121.
Hex value #87ffaf
Sets foreground color to misty_rose.
Hex value #ffd7d7
Sets foreground color to moccasin.
Hex value #ffd7af
Sets foreground color to moderate_blue.
Hex value #5f87d7
Sets foreground color to moderate_cyan.
Hex value #5fd7d7
Sets foreground color to moderate_green.
Hex value #afd75f
Sets foreground color to moderate_lime_green.
Hex value #5fd75f
Sets foreground color to moderate_magenta.
Hex value #d75fd7
Sets foreground color to moderate_orange.
Hex value #d7af5f
Sets foreground color to moderate_pink.
Hex value #d75faf
Sets foreground color to moderate_red.
Hex value #d75f5f
Sets foreground color to moderate_violet.
Hex value #875fd7
Sets foreground color to moderate_yellow.
Hex value #d7d75f
Sets foreground color to mostly_desaturated_dark_blue.
Hex value #5f5f87
Sets foreground color to mostly_desaturated_dark_cyan.
Hex value #5f8787
Sets foreground color to mostly_desaturated_dark_lime_green.
Hex value #5f875f
Sets foreground color to mostly_desaturated_dark_magenta.
Hex value #875f87
Sets foreground color to mostly_desaturated_dark_red.
Hex value #875f5f
Sets foreground color to mostly_desaturated_dark_yellow.
Hex value #87875f
Sets foreground color to muesli.
Hex value #af875f
Sets foreground color to mustard_yellow.
Hex value #d7af00
Sets foreground color to my_pink.
Hex value #d78787
Sets foreground color to mystic_pearl.
Hex value #d75f87

Returns a struct which provides some useful data for determining the strategy for which name "wins" (i.e., which name goes with which ANSI code)

Sets foreground color to naples_yellow.
Hex value #ffd75f
Sets foreground color to navy_blue.
Hex value #000087
Sets foreground color to new_york_pink.
Hex value #d78787
Sets foreground color to nyanza.
Hex value #d7ffd7
Sets foreground color to office_green.
Hex value #008000
Sets foreground color to olive.
Hex value #878700
Sets foreground color to olive_green.
Hex value #afaf5f
Sets foreground color to opera_mauve.
Hex value #af87af
Sets foreground color to orange.
Hex value #ffaf00
Sets foreground color to orange_red.
Hex value #ff5f00
Sets foreground color to orchid.
Hex value #d75fd7
Sets foreground color to orient.
Hex value #005f87
Sets foreground color to outer_space.
Hex value #444444
Sets foreground color to oyster_bay.
Hex value #d7ffff
Sets foreground color to pale_blue.
Hex value #afd7ff
Sets foreground color to pale_chestnut.
Hex value #d7afaf
Sets foreground color to pale_cyan.
Hex value #87d7ff
Sets foreground color to pale_green.
Hex value #d7ffaf
Sets foreground color to pale_lavender.
Hex value #d7d7ff
Sets foreground color to pale_lime_green.
Hex value #afffaf
Sets foreground color to pale_magenta.
Hex value #ffafff
Sets foreground color to pale_orange.
Hex value #ffd7af
Sets foreground color to pale_pink.
Hex value #ffafd7
Sets foreground color to pale_red_pink_tone.
Hex value #ffafaf
Sets foreground color to pale_violet.
Hex value #d7afff
Sets foreground color to pale_yellow.
Hex value #ffffaf
Sets foreground color to pastel_gray.
Hex value #d7d7af
Sets foreground color to pastel_green.
Hex value #87d787
Sets foreground color to pastel_red.
Hex value #ff5f5f
Sets foreground color to pastel_yellow.
Hex value #ffff87
Sets foreground color to patriarch.
Hex value #800080
Sets foreground color to pearl_aqua.
Hex value #87d7af
Sets foreground color to pearly_purple.
Hex value #af5faf
Sets foreground color to persian_green.
Hex value #00af87
Sets foreground color to pewter_blue.
Hex value #87afaf
Sets foreground color to pharlap.
Hex value #af8787
Sets foreground color to philippine_gray.
Hex value #8a8a8a
Sets foreground color to philippine_silver.
Hex value #b2b2b2
Sets foreground color to phlox.
Hex value #d700ff
Sets foreground color to pigment_indigo.
Hex value #5f0087
Sets foreground color to pink_flamingo.
Hex value #ff5fff
Sets foreground color to pink_lace.
Hex value #ffd7ff
Sets foreground color to pink_lavender.
Hex value #d7afd7
Sets foreground color to pink_salmon.
Hex value #ff87af
Sets foreground color to pirate_gold.
Hex value #af8700
Sets foreground color to pistachio.
Hex value #87d700
Sets foreground color to pixie_green.
Hex value #afd7af
Sets foreground color to platinum.
Hex value #e4e4e4
Sets foreground color to polished_pine.
Hex value #5faf87
Sets foreground color to polo_blue.
Hex value #87afd7
Sets foreground color to pompadour.
Hex value #5f005f
Sets foreground color to portafino.
Hex value #ffffaf
Sets foreground color to princess_perfume.
Hex value #ff87d7

Prints a message in a random color

Sets foreground color to pure_blue.
Hex value #0087ff
Sets foreground color to pure_cyan.
Hex value #00ffd7
Sets foreground color to pure_green.
Hex value #87ff00
Sets foreground color to pure_magenta.
Hex value #ff00d7
Sets foreground color to pure_orange.
Hex value #ffaf00
Sets foreground color to pure_pink.
Hex value #ff00af
Sets foreground color to pure_violet.
Hex value #8700ff
Sets foreground color to pure_yellow.
Hex value #d7ff00
Sets foreground color to purple.
Hex value #8700af
Sets foreground color to purple_pizzazz.
Hex value #ff5fd7
Sets foreground color to quick_silver.
Hex value #a8a8a8
Sets foreground color to rackley.
Hex value #5f87af
Sets foreground color to raisin_black.
Hex value #262626
Sets foreground color to rajah.
Hex value #ffaf5f

Returns a random color name

Sets foreground color to raw_sienna.
Hex value #d7875f
Sets foreground color to razzmatazz.
Hex value #d7005f
Sets foreground color to red.
Hex value #ff0000
Sets foreground color to reef.
Hex value #d7ffaf
Sets foreground color to rich_brilliant_lavender.
Hex value #ffafff
Sets foreground color to rich_lilac.
Hex value #af5fd7
Sets foreground color to rio_grande.
Hex value #afd700
Sets foreground color to robins_egg_blue.
Hex value #00d7d7
Sets foreground color to roman.
Hex value #d75f5f
Sets foreground color to rose.
Hex value #ff0087
Sets foreground color to rose_of_sharon.
Hex value #af5f00
Sets foreground color to rosewood.
Hex value #5f0000
Sets foreground color to rosso_corsa.
Hex value #d70000
Sets foreground color to royal_purple.
Hex value #875faf
Sets foreground color to royal_red.
Hex value #d7005f
Sets foreground color to russian_green.
Hex value #5f875f
Sets foreground color to sage.
Hex value #afaf87
Sets foreground color to salmon.
Hex value #ff875f
Sets foreground color to scampi.
Hex value #5f5faf
Sets foreground color to science_blue.
Hex value #005fd7
Sets foreground color to scorpion.
Hex value #5f5f5f
Sets foreground color to screamin_green.
Hex value #87ff5f
Sets foreground color to sea_blue.
Hex value #005f87
Sets foreground color to sea_green.
Hex value #00ffd7
Sets foreground color to shadow.
Hex value #87875f
Sets foreground color to shadow_blue.
Hex value #8787af
Sets foreground color to shakespeare.
Hex value #5fafd7
Sets foreground color to shampoo.
Hex value #ffafff
Sets foreground color to sheen_green.
Hex value #afd700
Sets foreground color to shocking_pink.
Hex value #ff5fff
Sets foreground color to silver.
Hex value #bcbcbc
Sets foreground color to silver_chalice.
Hex value #b2b2b2
Sets foreground color to silver_foil.
Hex value #afafaf
Sets foreground color to silver_sand.
Hex value #c6c6c6
Sets foreground color to silver_tree.
Hex value #5faf87
Sets foreground color to slate_blue.
Hex value #5f5fd7
Sets foreground color to slightly_desaturated_blue.
Hex value #87afd7
Sets foreground color to slightly_desaturated_cyan.
Hex value #87d7d7
Sets foreground color to slightly_desaturated_green.
Hex value #afd787
Sets foreground color to slightly_desaturated_lime_green.
Hex value #87d787
Sets foreground color to slightly_desaturated_magenta.
Hex value #d787d7
Sets foreground color to slightly_desaturated_orange.
Hex value #d7af87
Source: ColorHexa
Same as:tan Color Group: brown
Sets foreground color to slightly_desaturated_pink.
Hex value #d787af
Sets foreground color to slightly_desaturated_red.
Hex value #d78787
Sets foreground color to slightly_desaturated_violet.
Hex value #af87d7
Sets foreground color to slightly_desaturated_yellow.
Hex value #d7d787
Sets foreground color to snowy_mint.
Hex value #d7ffd7
Sets foreground color to sonic_silver.
Hex value #767676
Sets foreground color to spanish_gray.
Hex value #9e9e9e
Sets foreground color to spanish_viridian.
Hex value #00875f
Sets foreground color to spring_bud.
Hex value #afff00
Sets foreground color to spring_green.
Hex value #00ffaf
Sets foreground color to spring_green_047.
Hex value #00ff5f
Sets foreground color to steel_blue.
Hex value #5f87af
Sets foreground color to steel_teal.
Hex value #5f8787
Sets foreground color to stratos.
Hex value #00005f
Sets foreground color to strawberry.
Hex value #ff5f87
Sets foreground color to strong_blue.
Hex value #0087d7
Sets foreground color to strong_cyan.
Hex value #00d7af
Sets foreground color to strong_green.
Hex value #5fd700
Sets foreground color to strong_lime_green.
Hex value #00d700
Sets foreground color to strong_magenta.
Hex value #d700d7
Sets foreground color to strong_orange.
Hex value #d75f00
Sets foreground color to strong_pink.
Hex value #d70087
Sets foreground color to strong_red.
Hex value #d70000
Sets foreground color to strong_violet.
Hex value #8700d7
Sets foreground color to strong_yellow.
Hex value #d7d700
Sets foreground color to sundown.
Hex value #ffafaf
Sets foreground color to super_pink.
Hex value #d75faf
Sets foreground color to tacha.
Hex value #d7d75f
Sets foreground color to tan.
Hex value #d7af87
Sets foreground color to tapestry.
Hex value #af5f87
Sets foreground color to taupe_gray.
Hex value #878787
Sets foreground color to tea_green.
Hex value #d7ffaf
Sets foreground color to teal.
Hex value #008787
Sets foreground color to tenn.
Hex value #d75f00
Sets foreground color to texas_rose.
Hex value #ffaf5f
Sets foreground color to thistle.
Hex value #d7afd7
Sets foreground color to tickle_me_pink.
Hex value #ff87af
Sets foreground color to tiffany_blue.
Hex value #00afaf
Sets foreground color to tradewind.
Hex value #5fafaf
Sets foreground color to true_blue.
Hex value #005fd7
Sets foreground color to tulip.
Hex value #ff8787
Sets foreground color to tundora.
Hex value #4e4e4e
Sets foreground color to turkish_rose.
Hex value #af5f87
Sets foreground color to ube.
Hex value #8787d7
Sets foreground color to ucla_blue.
Hex value #5f5f87
Sets foreground color to united_nations_blue.
Hex value #5f87d7
Sets foreground color to vampire_black.
Hex value #080808
Sets foreground color to verdun_green.
Hex value #5f5f00
Sets foreground color to very_dark_blue.
Hex value #00005f
Sets foreground color to very_dark_cyan.
Hex value #005f5f
Sets foreground color to very_dark_gray.
Hex value #626262
Sets foreground color to very_dark_lime_green.
Hex value #005f00
Sets foreground color to very_dark_magenta.
Hex value #5f005f
Sets foreground color to very_dark_red.
Hex value #5f0000
Sets foreground color to very_dark_yellow_olive_tone.
Hex value #5f5f00
Sets foreground color to very_light_blue.
Hex value #87d7ff
Sets foreground color to very_light_cyan.
Hex value #87ffff
Sets foreground color to very_light_gray.
Hex value #eeeeee
Sets foreground color to very_light_green.
Hex value #afff87
Sets foreground color to very_light_lime_green.
Hex value #87ff87
Sets foreground color to very_light_magenta.
Hex value #ff87ff
Sets foreground color to very_light_malachite_green.
Hex value #5fff87
Sets foreground color to very_light_orange.
Hex value #ffaf87
Sets foreground color to very_light_pink.
Hex value #ff87d7
Sets foreground color to very_light_red.
Hex value #ff8787
Sets foreground color to very_light_violet.
Hex value #d787ff
Sets foreground color to very_light_yellow.
Hex value #ffff87
Sets foreground color to very_pale_blue.
Hex value #d7d7ff
Sets foreground color to very_pale_cyan.
Hex value #d7ffff
Sets foreground color to very_pale_lime_green.
Hex value #d7ffd7
Sets foreground color to very_pale_magenta.
Hex value #ffd7ff
Sets foreground color to very_pale_red_pink_tone.
Hex value #ffd7d7
Sets foreground color to very_pale_yellow.
Hex value #ffffd7
Sets foreground color to viking.
Hex value #5fd7d7
Sets foreground color to violet.
Hex value #8700af
Sets foreground color to violets_are_blue.
Hex value #8787ff
Sets foreground color to vista_blue.
Hex value #87d7af
Sets foreground color to vivid_lime_green.
Hex value #afd700
Sets foreground color to vivid_mulberry.
Hex value #af00d7
Sets foreground color to vivid_orange.
Hex value #ff5f00
Sets foreground color to vivid_raspberry.
Hex value #ff005f
Sets foreground color to vivid_sky_blue.
Hex value #00d7ff
Sets foreground color to vivid_tangerine.
Hex value #ff8787
Sets foreground color to white.
Hex value #ffffff
Sets foreground color to wild_blue_yonder.
Hex value #afafd7
Sets foreground color to wild_watermelon.
Hex value #ff5f87
Sets foreground color to windsor_tan.
Hex value #af5f00
Sets foreground color to winter_sky.
Hex value #ff005f
Sets foreground color to wistful.
Hex value #afafd7
Sets foreground color to yellow.
Hex value #ffff00
Sets foreground color to yellow_003.
Hex value #808000
Sets foreground color to yellow_green.
Hex value #afd787
Sets foreground color to yellow_sea.
Hex value #ffaf00


Sets foreground color to aero_blue.
Hex value #afffd7
Sets foreground color to alien_armpit.
Hex value #5fd700
Sets foreground color to alto.
Hex value #dadada
Sets foreground color to american_orange.
Hex value #ff8700
Sets foreground color to american_silver.
Hex value #d0d0d0
Sets foreground color to anakiwa.
Hex value #87ffff
@spec ansi_color_codes() :: [ColorPalette.ANSIColorCode.t()]

A list of the 256 ANSI color codes

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@spec ansi_color_codes_to_color_names() :: %{
  required(ColorPalette.ANSIColorCode.t()) => [ColorPalette.Color.t()]

A mapping between the ANSI color codes (e.g, ColorPalette.ANSIColorCode) and color names (e.g.,

Sets foreground color to ao.
Hex value #008700
Sets foreground color to apple_green.
Hex value #87af00
Sets foreground color to aqua.
Hex value #00ffff
Sets foreground color to aqua_pearl.
Hex value #5fafd7
Sets foreground color to aquamarine.
Hex value #87ffd7
Sets foreground color to aquamarine_086.
Hex value #5fffd7
Sets foreground color to aquamarine_087.
Hex value #5fffff
Sets foreground color to argent.
Hex value #c0c0c0
Sets foreground color to asparagus.
Hex value #87af5f
Sets foreground color to avocado.
Hex value #5f8700
Sets foreground color to azure.
Hex value #0087ff
Sets foreground color to azure_radiance.
Hex value #0087ff
Sets foreground color to bangladesh_green.
Hex value #005f5f
Sets foreground color to bay_leaf.
Hex value #87af87
Sets foreground color to beige.
Hex value #d7ffd7
Sets foreground color to bermuda.
Hex value #87d7d7
Sets foreground color to bittersweet.
Hex value #ff5f5f
Sets foreground color to black.
Hex value #000000
Sets foreground color to black_000.
Hex value #000000
Sets foreground color to black_olive.
Hex value #3a3a3a
Sets foreground color to blaze_orange.
Hex value #ff5f00
Sets foreground color to blood_red.
Hex value #5f0000
Sets foreground color to blue.
Hex value #0000ff
Sets foreground color to blue_004.
Hex value #000080
Sets foreground color to blue_bolt.
Hex value #00afff
Sets foreground color to blue_cola.
Hex value #0087d7
Sets foreground color to blue_jeans.
Hex value #5fafff
Sets foreground color to blue_ribbon.
Hex value #005fff
Sets foreground color to blue_stone.
Hex value #005f5f
Sets foreground color to blueberry.
Hex value #5f87ff
Sets foreground color to blueberry_099.
Hex value #875fff
Sets foreground color to blush.
Hex value #d75f87
Sets foreground color to blush_pink.
Hex value #ff87ff
Sets foreground color to bondi_blue.
Hex value #00afaf
Sets foreground color to boulder.
Hex value #767676
Sets foreground color to bouquet.
Hex value #af87af
Sets foreground color to brandeis_blue.
Hex value #005fff
Sets foreground color to bright_gray.
Hex value #eeeeee
Sets foreground color to bright_green.
Hex value #5fff00
Sets foreground color to bright_lavender.
Hex value #af87ff
Sets foreground color to bright_lilac.
Hex value #d787ff
Sets foreground color to bright_pink.
Hex value #ff0087
Sets foreground color to bright_red.
Hex value #af0000
Sets foreground color to bright_turquoise.
Hex value #00ffd7
Sets foreground color to bronze.
Hex value #af875f
Sets foreground color to bronze_yellow.
Hex value #5f5f00
Sets foreground color to brown.
Hex value #875f00
Sets foreground color to bubble_gum.
Hex value #ffd7ff
Sets foreground color to buddha_gold.
Hex value #afaf00
Sets foreground color to calamansi.
Hex value #ffffaf
Sets foreground color to camarone.
Hex value #005f00
Sets foreground color to can_can.
Hex value #d787af
Sets foreground color to canary.
Hex value #d7ff5f
Sets foreground color to caramel.
Hex value #ffd7af
Sets foreground color to caribbean_green.
Hex value #00d7af
Sets foreground color to caribbean_green_042.
Hex value #00d787
Sets foreground color to caribbean_green_pearl.
Hex value #5fd787
Sets foreground color to carnation_pink.
Hex value #0000af
Sets foreground color to carolina_blue.
Hex value #5fafd7
Sets foreground color to celeste.
Hex value #afffff
Sets foreground color to cerulean.
Hex value #00afd7
Sets foreground color to chartreuse.
Hex value #87ff00
Sets foreground color to chartreuse_yellow.
Hex value #d7ff00
Sets foreground color to chelsea_cucumber.
Hex value #87af5f
Sets foreground color to chetwode_blue.
Hex value #8787d7
Sets foreground color to chinese_black.
Hex value #121212
Sets foreground color to chinese_green.
Hex value #d7d75f
Sets foreground color to chinese_purple.
Hex value #5f00af
Sets foreground color to chinese_violet.
Hex value #875f87
Sets foreground color to chinese_yellow.
Hex value #ffaf00
Sets foreground color to chocolate.
Hex value #d78700
Sets foreground color to citrine.
Hex value #d7d700
Sets foreground color to clam_shell.
Hex value #d7afaf
Sets foreground color to clay_creek.
Hex value #87875f
Sets foreground color to cod_gray.
Hex value #121212
@spec color_names() :: []

Returns the list of all color names

@spec colors() :: %{required( => ColorPalette.Color.t()}

The main colors data structure. A map between the color name and the ColorPalette.Color struct

Sets foreground color to comet.
Hex value #5f5f87
Sets foreground color to conifer.
Hex value #afd75f
Sets foreground color to cool_grey.
Hex value #8787af
Sets foreground color to copper_rose.
Hex value #875f5f
Sets foreground color to copperfield.
Hex value #d7875f
Sets foreground color to coral.
Hex value #ff875f
Sets foreground color to corn.
Hex value #d7d700
Sets foreground color to cornflower_blue.
Hex value #5f5fff
Sets foreground color to cosmos.
Hex value #ffd7d7
Sets foreground color to cotton_candy.
Hex value #ffafd7
Sets foreground color to cranberry.
Hex value #d75f87
Sets foreground color to cream.
Hex value #ffffd7
Sets foreground color to crystal.
Hex value #afd7d7
Sets foreground color to crystal_blue.
Hex value #5fafaf
Sets foreground color to cumulus.
Hex value #ffffd7
Sets foreground color to cyan.
Hex value #00ffff
Sets foreground color to cyan_006.
Hex value #008080
Sets foreground color to dandelion.
Hex value #ffd75f
Sets foreground color to dark_blue.
Hex value #000087
Sets foreground color to dark_candy_apple_red.
Hex value #af0000
Sets foreground color to dark_charcoal.
Hex value #303030
Sets foreground color to dark_cyan.
Hex value #00af87
Sets foreground color to dark_goldenrod.
Hex value #af8700
Sets foreground color to dark_gray.
Hex value #a8a8a8
Sets foreground color to dark_grayish_blue.
Hex value #8787af
Sets foreground color to dark_grayish_cyan.
Hex value #87afaf
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Sets foreground color to dark_grayish_lime_green.
Hex value #87af87
Sets foreground color to dark_grayish_magenta.
Hex value #af87af
Sets foreground color to dark_grayish_red.
Hex value #af8787
Sets foreground color to dark_grayish_yellow.
Hex value #afaf87
Sets foreground color to dark_green.
Hex value #5faf00
Sets foreground color to dark_lime_green.
Hex value #00af00
Sets foreground color to dark_liver.
Hex value #4e4e4e
Sets foreground color to dark_magenta.
Hex value #af0087
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_blue.
Hex value #5f5faf
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_cyan.
Hex value #5fafaf
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_green.
Hex value #87af5f
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Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_lime_green.
Hex value #5faf5f
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_magenta.
Hex value #af5faf
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_orange.
Hex value #af875f
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_pink.
Hex value #af5f87
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_red.
Hex value #af5f5f
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_violet.
Hex value #875faf
Sets foreground color to dark_moderate_yellow.
Hex value #afaf5f
Sets foreground color to dark_orange.
Hex value #ff8700
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Sets foreground color to dark_orange_brown_tone.
Hex value #af5f00
Sets foreground color to dark_pink.
Hex value #af005f
Sets foreground color to dark_red.
Hex value #af0000
Sets foreground color to dark_sea_green.
Hex value #87af87
Sets foreground color to dark_slate_gray.
Hex value #005f5f
Sets foreground color to dark_turquoise.
Hex value #00d7d7
Sets foreground color to dark_violet.
Hex value #5f00af
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Sets foreground color to dark_yellow_olive_tone.
Hex value #878700
Sets foreground color to davys_grey.
Hex value #585858
Sets foreground color to deco.
Hex value #d7d787
Sets foreground color to deep_cerulean.
Hex value #0087af
Sets foreground color to deep_magenta.
Hex value #d700d7
Sets foreground color to deep_mauve.
Hex value #d787d7
Sets foreground color to deep_red.
Hex value #870000
Sets foreground color to deep_sea.
Hex value #00875f
Sets foreground color to deep_sky_blue.
Hex value #00afff
Source: Bunt
Same as:blue_bolt Color Group: blue
Sets foreground color to deep_taupe.
Hex value #875f5f
Sets foreground color to deluge.
Hex value #875faf
Sets foreground color to dim_gray.
Hex value #6c6c6c
Sets foreground color to dolly.
Hex value #ffff87
Sets foreground color to dove_gray.
Hex value #6c6c6c
Sets foreground color to downy.
Hex value #5fd7af
Sets foreground color to duke_blue.
Hex value #0000af
Sets foreground color to dusty_gray.
Hex value #949494
Sets foreground color to earth_yellow.
Hex value #d7af5f
Sets foreground color to eerie_black.
Hex value #1c1c1c
Sets foreground color to electric_blue.
Hex value #87ffff
Sets foreground color to electric_brown.
Hex value #af5f5f
Sets foreground color to electric_green.
Hex value #00ff00
Sets foreground color to electric_indigo.
Hex value #5f00ff
Sets foreground color to electric_purple.
Hex value #af00ff
Sets foreground color to electric_violet.
Hex value #8700ff
Sets foreground color to electric_violet_056.
Hex value #5f00d7
Sets foreground color to endeavour.
Hex value #005faf
Sets foreground color to english_lavender.
Hex value #af8787
Sets foreground color to eucalyptus.
Hex value #5fd7af
Sets foreground color to fashion_fuchsia.
Hex value #ff00af
Sets foreground color to feijoa.
Hex value #afd787
Sets foreground color to fern.
Hex value #5faf5f

Finds the colors with a certain ANSI color code

Finds the colors with a certain hex value, e.g., "aabb00"

@spec find_by_source(ColorPalette.Color.source()) :: [ColorPalette.Color.t()]

Finds the colors that were obtained from source, where source is one of ColorPalette.source()

Sets foreground color to flirt.
Hex value #af0087
Sets foreground color to flush_orange.
Hex value #ff8700
Sets foreground color to fog.
Hex value #d7d7ff
Sets foreground color to forest_green.
Hex value #5faf5f
Sets foreground color to french_pass.
Hex value #afffff
Sets foreground color to french_plum.
Hex value #87005f
Sets foreground color to french_sky_blue.
Hex value #87afff
Sets foreground color to french_violet.
Hex value #8700d7