
Module to make authorization of users more straightforward.

At the moment, this just supports bcrypt.

There are functions for generating a salt with different numbers of rounds, and then using that salt to hash a password. However, most of the time, you will probably just need the hashpwsalt function, which takes one argument: the password (which must be a string).

##Example for hashing a password

hash = Comeonin.hashpwsalt("difficult2guess")

To check a password against the stored hash, use the checkpw function. This takes two arguments: the plaintext password and the stored hash.

There is also a dummy_checkpw function which should be used when the username cannot be found. It performs a hash, but then returns false. This can be used to make user enumeration more difficult. This function takes no arguments, as in the example below, which shows how you might validate a user if you were using ecto.

##Example for checking a password

def login(username, password) do
  query = from user in Coolapp.User,
          where: user.username == ^username,
          select: user |> check_login(password)
defp check_login(nil, _) do
defp check_login(user, password), do: Comeonin.checkpw(password, user.password)


checkpw(password, stored_hash)

Check the password, which needs to be an Elixir string


Perform a dummy check for a user that does not exist. This always returns false. The reason for implementing this check is in order to make user enumeration by timing responses more difficult


Hash the password with a salt which is randomly generated


checkpw(password, stored_hash)

Check the password, which needs to be an Elixir string.

The check is performed in constant time to avoid timing attacks.


Perform a dummy check for a user that does not exist. This always returns false. The reason for implementing this check is in order to make user enumeration by timing responses more difficult.


Hash the password with a salt which is randomly generated.

The password needs to be a string. Input of any other type will result in an error.
