Comeonin aims to make the secure authorization of users more straightforward.
Comeonin supports bcrypt and pbkdf2_sha512.
Import, or alias, the algorithm you want to use — either Comeonin.Bcrypt
or Comeonin.Pbkdf2
To hash a password with the default options:
hash = hashpwsalt("difficult2guess")
See each module’s documentation for more information about all the available options.
If you want more control over the generation of the salt, and, in
the case of pbkdf2, the length of salt, you can use the gen_salt
function and then pass the output to the hashpass
To check a password against the stored hash, use the checkpw
function. This takes two arguments: the plaintext password and
the stored hash:
checkpw(password, stored_hash)
There is also a dummy_checkpw
function, which takes no arguments
and is to be used when the username cannot be found. It performs a hash,
but then returns false. This can be used to make user enumeration more
difficult. However, there are many cases in which an attacker will
already know the username(s), and in these cases, this function will
be of little use.
Choosing an algorithm
Bcrypt and pbkdf2_sha512 are both highly secure key derivation functions.
They have no known vulnerabilities and their algorithms have been used
and widely reviewed for at least 10 years. They are also designed
to be future-adaptable
(see the section below about speed / complexity
for more details), and so we do not recommend one over the other.
However, if your application needs to use a hashing function that has been recommended by a recognized standards body, then you will need to use pbkdf2_sha512, which has been recommended by NIST.
Adjusting the speed / complexity of bcrypt and pbkdf2
Both bcrypt and pbkdf2 are designed to be computationally intensive and slow. This limits the number of attempts an attacker can make within a certain time frame. In addition, they can be configured to run slower, which can help offset some of the hardware improvements made over time.
It is recommended to make the key derivation function as slow as the user can tolerate. The actual recommended time for the function will vary depending on the nature of the application. According to the following NIST recommendations (, having the function take several seconds might be acceptable if the user only has to login once every session. However, if an application requires the user to login several times an hour, it would probably be better to limit the hashing function to about 250 milliseconds.
To help you decide how slow to make the function, this module provides convenience timing functions for bcrypt and pbkdf2.
time_bcrypt(log_rounds \\ 12) | A function to help the developer decide how many log_rounds to use when using bcrypt |
time_pbkdf2(rounds \\ 60000) | A function to help the developer decide how many rounds to use when using pbkdf2 |
A function to help the developer decide how many log_rounds to use when using bcrypt.
The number of log_rounds can be increased to make this function more complex, and slower. The minimum number is 4 and the maximum is 31. The default is 12, but this is not necessarily the recommended number. The ideal number of log_rounds will depend on the nature of your application and the hardware being used.
A function to help the developer decide how many rounds to use when using pbkdf2.
The number of rounds can be increased to make it slower. The maximum number of rounds is 4294967295. The default is 60_000, but this is not necessarily the recommended number. The ideal number of log_rounds will depend on the nature of your application and the hardware being used.