
This module defines the Markdown AST used.

This AST can be used to manipulate markdown documents or render them with your own algorithm.

CommonMark defines two major types of elements which have a hierarchical relationship:


Block nodes are used to define the overall structure of a document.

pub type BlockNode {
  Heading(level: Int, contents: List(InlineNode))
    info: Option(String),
    full_info: Option(String),
    contents: String,
  HtmlBlock(html: String)
  Paragraph(contents: List(InlineNode))
  BlockQuote(contents: List(BlockNode))
    contents: List(ListItem),
    start: Int,
    marker: OrderedListMarker,
    contents: List(ListItem),
    marker: UnorderedListMarker,


  • HorizontalBreak
  • Heading(level: Int, contents: List(InlineNode))
  • CodeBlock(
      info: Option(String),
      full_info: Option(String),
      contents: String,
  • HtmlBlock(html: String)
  • Paragraph(contents: List(InlineNode))
  • BlockQuote(contents: List(BlockNode))
  • OrderedList(
      contents: List(ListItem),
      start: Int,
      marker: OrderedListMarker,
  • UnorderedList(
      contents: List(ListItem),
      marker: UnorderedListMarker,

Documents contain all the information necessary to render a document, both structural and metadata.

pub type Document {
  Document(blocks: List(BlockNode), references: ReferenceList)


  • Document(blocks: List(BlockNode), references: ReferenceList)
pub type EmphasisMarker {


  • AsteriskEmphasisMarker
  • UnderscoreEmphasisMarker

Inline nodes are used to define the formatting and individual elements that appear in a document.

pub type InlineNode {
  CodeSpan(contents: String)
  Emphasis(contents: List(InlineNode), marker: EmphasisMarker)
    contents: List(InlineNode),
    marker: EmphasisMarker,
  StrikeThrough(contents: List(InlineNode))
    contents: List(InlineNode),
    title: Option(String),
    href: String,
  ReferenceLink(contents: List(InlineNode), ref: String)
  Image(title: Option(String), href: String)
  UriAutolink(href: String)
  EmailAutolink(href: String)
  HtmlInline(html: String)
  PlainText(contents: String)
  NamedEntity(name: String, codepoint: List(UtfCodepoint))
  NumericCharacterReference(codepoint: UtfCodepoint, hex: Bool)


  • CodeSpan(contents: String)
  • Emphasis(contents: List(InlineNode), marker: EmphasisMarker)
  • StrongEmphasis(
      contents: List(InlineNode),
      marker: EmphasisMarker,
  • StrikeThrough(contents: List(InlineNode))
  • Link(
      contents: List(InlineNode),
      title: Option(String),
      href: String,
  • ReferenceLink(contents: List(InlineNode), ref: String)
  • Image(title: Option(String), href: String)
  • UriAutolink(href: String)
  • EmailAutolink(href: String)
  • HtmlInline(html: String)
  • PlainText(contents: String)

    Literal text content that should be rendered as-is. In particular, this means that the content is not HTML-safe, nor is any other precaution taken for specific renderers. Renderers should take appropriate precautions to make sure that this text is displayed as presented.

    Text content shouldn’t normally contain line breaks. See HardLineBreak and SoftLineBreak for the canonical representation of line breaks that renderers can make decisions about. The exception is CodeBlock(Text("")) which may contain line breaks (standardised to "\n") as the full block of text inside the CodeBlock is returned as a single pre-formatted text blob.

  • HardLineBreak
  • SoftLineBreak
  • NamedEntity(name: String, codepoint: List(UtfCodepoint))

    A named HTML entity. The CommonMark spec calls for these to be rendered into unicode instead of as HTML entities. Equivalent to "&" <> name <> ";" in HTML.

  • NumericCharacterReference(codepoint: UtfCodepoint, hex: Bool)

    Numeric character entity. The CommonMark spec calls for these to be rendered into unicode instead of as HTML entities. Equivalent to "&" <> int.to_string(codepoint) <> ";" in HTML.

pub type ListItem {
  ListItem(contents: List(BlockNode))
  TightListItem(contents: List(BlockNode))


  • ListItem(contents: List(BlockNode))
  • TightListItem(contents: List(BlockNode))
pub type OrderedListMarker {


  • PeriodListMarker

    The list used a . as the marker for the ordered list

  • BracketListMarker

    The list used a ) as the marker for the ordered list

A reference used with ReferenceLink nodes

pub type Reference {
  Reference(href: String, title: Option(String))


  • Reference(href: String, title: Option(String))

A dictionary of references keyed by the name of the reference

pub type ReferenceList =
  Dict(String, Reference)
pub type UnorderedListMarker {


  • DashListMarker

    The list used a - as the marker for the unordered list

  • PlusListMarker

    The list used a + as the marker for the unordered list

  • AsteriskListMarker

    The list used a * as the marker for the unordered list

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