con_cache v0.12.1 ConCache

Implements an ETS based key/value storage with following additional features:

  • row level synchronized writes (inserts, read/modify/write updates, deletes)
  • TTL support
  • modification callbacks

Example usage:

ConCache.start_link([], name: :my_cache)
ConCache.put(:my_cache, :foo, 1)
ConCache.get(:my_cache, :foo)  # 1

The following rules apply:

  • Modifications are by isolated per row. Two processes can’t modify the same row at the same time. Dirty operations are available through dirty_ equivalents.
  • Reads are dirty by default. You can use isolated/4 to perform isolated custom operations.
  • Operations are always performed in the caller process. Custom lock implementation is used to ensure synchronism. See for more details.
  • By default, items don’t expire. You can change this with :ttl and :ttl_check options.
  • Expiry of an item is by default extended only on modifications. This can be changed while starting the cache.
  • In all store operations, you can use ConCache.Item struct instead of naked values, if you need fine-grained control of item’s TTL.

See start_link/2 for more details.



Deletes the item from the cache

Returns the ets table managed by the cache

Reads the item from the cache

Retrieves the item from the cache, or inserts the new item

Inserts the item into the cache unless it exists

Isolated execution over arbitrary lock in the cache

Stores the item into the cache

Returns the number of items stored in the cache

Starts the server and creates an ETS table

Manually touches the item to prolongate its expiry

Similar to isolated/4 except it doesn’t wait for the lock to be available

Updates the item, or stores new item if it doesn’t exist

Updates the item only if it exists. Otherwise works just like update/3


callback_fun() :: ({:update, pid, key, value} | {:delete, pid, key} -> any)
ets_option ::
  :named_table |
  :compressed |
  {:heir, pid} |
  {:write_concurrency, boolean} |
  {:read_concurrency, boolean} |
  :ordered_set |
  :set |
  :bag |
  :duplicate_bag |
  {:name, atom}
key() :: any
options() :: [ttl: non_neg_integer, acquire_lock_timeout: pos_integer, callback: callback_fun, touch_on_read: boolean, ttl_check: non_neg_integer, time_size: pos_integer, ets_options: [ets_option]]
store_fun() :: (() -> store_value)
store_value() :: value | ConCache.Item.t
t() :: pid | atom | {:global, any} | {:via, atom, any}
update_fun() :: (value -> {:ok, store_value} | {:error, any})
value() :: any


delete(cache_id, key)
delete(t, key) :: :ok

Deletes the item from the cache.

dirty_delete(cache_id, key)
dirty_delete(t, key) :: :ok

Dirty equivalent of delete/2.

dirty_get_or_store(cache_id, key, store_fun)
dirty_get_or_store(t, key, store_fun) :: value

Dirty equivalent of get_or_store/3.

dirty_insert_new(cache_id, key, value)
dirty_insert_new(t, key, store_value) ::
  :ok |
  {:error, :already_exists}

Dirty equivalent of insert_new/3.

dirty_put(cache_id, key, value)
dirty_put(t, key, store_value) :: :ok

Dirty equivalent of put/3.

dirty_update(cache_id, key, update_fun)
dirty_update(t, key, update_fun) :: :ok | {:error, any}

Dirty equivalent of update/3.

dirty_update_existing(cache_id, key, update_fun)
dirty_update_existing(t, key, update_fun) ::
  :ok |
  {:error, :not_existing} |
  {:error, any}

Dirty equivalent of update_existing/3.

ets(t) ::

Returns the ets table managed by the cache.

get(cache_id, key)
get(t, key) :: value

Reads the item from the cache.

A read is always “dirty”, meaning it doesn’t block while someone is updating the item under the same key. A read doesn’t expire TTL of the item, unless touch_on_read option is set while starting the cache.

get_or_store(cache_id, key, store_fun)
get_or_store(t, key, store_fun) :: value

Retrieves the item from the cache, or inserts the new item.

If the item exists in the cache, it is retrieved. Otherwise, the lambda function is executed and its result is stored under the given key.

This function is not supported by :bag and :duplicate_bag ETS tables.

Note: if the item is already in the cache, this function amounts to a simple get without any locking, so you can expect it to be fairly fast.

insert_new(cache_id, key, value)
insert_new(t, key, store_value) ::
  :ok |
  {:error, :already_exists}

Inserts the item into the cache unless it exists.

isolated(cache_id, key, timeout \\ nil, fun)
isolated(t, key, nil | pos_integer, (() -> any)) :: any

Isolated execution over arbitrary lock in the cache.

You can do whatever you want in the function, not necessarily related to the cache. The return value is the result of the provided lambda.

This allows you to perform flexible isolation. If you use the key of your item as a key, then this operation will be exclusive to updates. This can be used e.g. to perform isolated reads:

# Process A:
ConCache.isolated(:my_cache, :my_item_key, fn() -> ... end)

# Process B:
ConCache.update(:my_cache, :my_item, fn(old_value) -> ... end)

These two operations are mutually exclusive.

put(cache_id, key, value)
put(t, key, store_value) :: :ok

Stores the item into the cache.

size(t) :: non_neg_integer

Returns the number of items stored in the cache.

start_link(options \\ [], sup_opts \\ [])
start_link(options, [{:name,}]) :: Supervisor.on_start

Starts the server and creates an ETS table.


  • {:ttl_check, time_ms} - A check interval for TTL expiry. This value is by default nil and you need to provide a positive integer for TTL to work. See below for more details on inner workings of TTL.
  • {:ttl, time_ms} - The default time after which an item expires. When an item expires, it is removed from the cache. Updating the item extends its expiry time. By default, items never expire.
  • {:touch_on_read, true | false} - Controls whether read operation extends expiry of items. False by default.
  • {:callback, callback_fun} - If provided, this function is invoked after an item is inserted or updated, or before it is deleted.
  • {:acquire_lock_timeout, timeout_ms} - The time a client process waits for the lock. Default is 5000.

In addition, following ETS options are supported:

  • :set - An ETS table will be of the :set type (default).
  • :ordered_set - An ETS table will be of the :ordered_set type.
  • :bag - An ETS table will be of the :bag type.
  • :duplicate_bag - An ETS table will be of the :duplicate_bag type.
  • :named_table
  • :name
  • :heir
  • :write_concurrency
  • :read_concurrency

Choosing ttl_check time

When TTL is configured, the owner process works in discrete steps, doing cleanups every ttl_check_time milliseconds. This approach allows the owner process to do fairly small amount of work in each discrete step.

Assuming there’s no huge system overload, an item’s max lifetime is thus ttl_time + ttl_check_time [ms], after the last item’s update.

Thus, lower value of ttl_check time means more frequent purging which may reduce your memory consumption, but could also cause performance penalties. Higher values put less pressure on processing, but item expiry is less precise.

touch(cache_id, key)
touch(t, key) :: :ok

Manually touches the item to prolongate its expiry.

try_isolated(cache_id, key, timeout \\ nil, on_success)
try_isolated(t, key, nil | pos_integer, (() -> any)) ::
  {:error, :locked} |
  {:ok, any}

Similar to isolated/4 except it doesn’t wait for the lock to be available.

If the lock can be acquired immediately, it will be acquired and the function will be invoked. Otherwise, an error is returned immediately.

update(cache_id, key, update_fun)
update(t, key, update_fun) :: :ok | {:error, any}

Updates the item, or stores new item if it doesn’t exist.

The update_fun is invoked after the item is locked. Here, you can be certain that no other process will update this item, unless they are doing dirty updates or writing directly to the underlying ETS table. This function is not supported by :bag or :duplicate_bag ETS tables.

The updater lambda must return one of the following:

  • {:ok, value} - causes the value to be stored into the table
  • {:error, reason} - the value won’t be stored and {:error, reason} will be returned
update_existing(cache_id, key, update_fun)
update_existing(t, key, update_fun) ::
  :ok |
  {:error, :not_existing} |
  {:error, any}

Updates the item only if it exists. Otherwise works just like update/3.