Conduit v0.12.10 Conduit.Plug.Wrap View Source

Plug to help wrap headers and fields into the message body

This can be helpful if your broker doesn’t support message headers natively.

By default this plug will update the body of the message to:

  "headers" => message.headers,
  "fields" => %{}, # message_id, correlation_id, etc.
  "body" => message.body

If you want a different wrapping structure for the message, you can pass the the :wrap_fn option. The wrap function should accept a message, the fields, the headers, and body. The return value should be a message.


iex> alias Conduit.Message
iex> defmodule MyPipeline do
iex>   use Conduit.Plug.Builder
iex>   plug Conduit.Plug.Wrap
iex> end
iex> message =
iex>   %Message{}
iex>   |> Message.put_correlation_id("1")
iex>   |> Message.put_header("foo", "bar")
iex>   |> Message.put_body(%{})
iex>   |>
iex> message.body
  "headers" => %{
    "foo" => "bar"
  "fields" => %{
    "correlation_id" => "1"
  "body" => %{}

iex> alias Conduit.Message
iex> defmodule MyOtherPipeline do
iex>   use Conduit.Plug.Builder
iex>   plug Conduit.Plug.Wrap, wrap_fn: fn message, fields, headers, body ->
iex>     body =
iex>       body
iex>       |> Map.put("meta", fields)
iex>       |> put_in(["meta", "headers"], headers)
iex>     Conduit.Message.put_body(message, body)
iex>   end
iex> end
iex> message =
iex>   %Message{}
iex>   |> Message.put_correlation_id("1")
iex>   |> Message.put_header("foo", "bar")
iex>   |> Message.put_body(%{})
iex>   |>
iex> message.body
  "meta" => %{
    "correlation_id" => "1",
    "headers" => %{
      "foo" => "bar"

Link to this section Summary


Puts headers and fields into the body of the message

Callback implementation for Conduit.Plug.init/1

Callback implementation for

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function call(message, next, opts) View Source

Puts headers and fields into the body of the message

Callback implementation for Conduit.Plug.init/1.

Link to this function run(message, opts \\ []) View Source

Callback implementation for