confex v3.5.0 Confex.Adapters.FileFromSystemEnvironment

Adapter to fetch values from a file with path specified in a system environment variables.

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Fetch value from file which path is specified in an environment variable

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Fetch value from file which path is specified in an environment variable.

Newline in the end of file is ignored.


iex> :ok = System.delete_env("SOME_TEST_FILE")
...> :error = Elixir.Confex.Adapters.FileFromSystemEnvironment.fetch_value("SOME_TEST_FILE")
...> :ok = System.put_env("SOME_TEST_FILE", "test/fixtures/file_secret.txt")
...> {:ok, "foo_bar"} = Elixir.Confex.Adapters.FileFromSystemEnvironment.fetch_value("SOME_TEST_FILE")
{:ok, "foo_bar"}