View Source ConfigCat.CachePolicy (ConfigCat v4.0.2)

Represents the polling mode used by ConfigCat.

The ConfigCat SDK supports 3 different polling mechanisms to acquire the setting values from ConfigCat. After the latest setting values are downloaded, they are stored in the internal cache and all requests are served from there.

With the following polling modes, you can customize the SDK to best fit to your application's lifecycle.

Auto polling (default)

The ConfigCat SDK downloads the latest values and stores them automatically on a regular schedule.

See auto/1 below for details.

Lazy loading

When calling any of the public API functions (like get_value()), the ConfigCat SDK downloads the latest setting values if they are not present or have expired. In this case the function will wait until the settings have been fetched before returning.

See lazy/1 below for details.

Manual polling

Manual polling gives you full control over when the setting values are downloaded. ConfigCat SDK will not update them automatically. Calling ConfigCat.force_refresh/1 is your application's responsibility.

See manual/0 below for details.



Options for auto-polling mode.

Options for lazy-polling mode.

Callback to call when configuration changes.


The polling mode


Auto-polling mode.

Lazy polling mode.

Manual polling mode.


@type auto_options() :: [
  max_init_wait_time_seconds: non_neg_integer(),
  poll_interval_seconds: pos_integer()

Options for auto-polling mode.

@type lazy_options() :: [{:cache_refresh_interval_seconds, non_neg_integer()}]

Options for lazy-polling mode.

@type on_changed_callback() :: (-> :ok)

Callback to call when configuration changes.

@opaque t()

The polling mode


@spec auto(auto_options()) :: t()

Auto-polling mode.

The ConfigCat SDK downloads the latest values and stores them automatically on a regular schedule.

Use the max_init_wait_time_seconds option to set the maximum waiting time between initialization and the first config acquisition. Defaults to 5 seconds if not specified. 5)

Use the poll_interval_seconds option to change the polling interval. Defaults to 60 seconds if not specified. 60)
@spec lazy(lazy_options()) :: t()

Lazy polling mode.

When calling any of the public API functions (like get_value()), the ConfigCat SDK downloads the latest setting values if they are not present or have expired. In this case the function will wait until the settings have been fetched before returning.

Use the required cache_refresh_interval_seconds option to set the cache lifetime.

ConfigCat.CachePolicy.lazy(cache_refresh_interval_seconds: 300)
@spec manual() :: t()

Manual polling mode.

Manual polling gives you full control over when the setting values are downloaded. ConfigCat SDK will not update them automatically. Calling ConfigCat.force_refresh/1 is your application's responsibility.
