View Source ConfigCat (ConfigCat v4.0.2)

The ConfigCat Elixir SDK.

ConfigCat provides a Supervisor that must be added to your applications supervision tree and an API for accessing your ConfigCat settings.

Add ConfigCat to Your Supervision Tree

Your application's supervision tree might need to be different, but the most basic approach is to add ConfigCat as a child of your top-most supervisor.

# lib/my_app/application.ex
def start(_type, _args) do
  children = [
    # ... other children ...
    {ConfigCat, [sdk_key: "YOUR SDK KEY"]}

  opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
  Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)


ConfigCat takes a number of keyword arguments:

  • sdk_key: REQUIRED The SDK key for accessing your ConfigCat settings. Go to the Connect your application tab to get your SDK key.

    {ConfigCat, [sdk_key: "YOUR SDK KEY"]}
  • base_url: OPTIONAL Allows you to specify a custom URL for fetching your ConfigCat settings.

    {ConfigCat, [sdk_key: "YOUR SDK KEY", base_url: ""]}
  • cache: OPTIONAL Custom cache implementation. By default, ConfigCat uses its own in-memory cache, but you can also provide the name of a module that implements the ConfigCat.ConfigCache behaviour if you want to provide your own cache (e.g. based on Redis). If your cache implementation requires supervision, it is your application's responsibility to provide that.

    {ConfigCat, [sdk_key: "YOUR SDK KEY", cache: MyCustomCacheModule]}
  • cache_policy: OPTIONAL Specifies the polling mode used by ConfigCat. Defaults to auto-polling mode with a 60 second poll interval. You can specify a different polling mode or polling interval using, ConfigCat.CachePolicy.lazy/1, or ConfigCat.CachePolicy.manual/0.

    {ConfigCat, [sdk_key: "YOUR SDK KEY", cache_policy: ConfigCat.CachePolicy.manual()]}
  • connect_timeout_milliseconds: OPTIONAL timeout for establishing a TCP or SSL connection, in milliseconds. Default is 8000.

    {ConfigCat, [sdk_key: "YOUR SDK KEY", connect_timeout_milliseconds: 8000]}
  • data_governance: OPTIONAL Describes the location of your feature flag and setting data within the ConfigCat CDN. This parameter needs to be in sync with your Data Governance preferences. Defaults to :global. More about Data Governance.

    {ConfigCat, [sdk_key: "YOUR SDK KEY", data_governance: :eu_only]}
  • default_user: OPTIONAL user object that will be used as fallback when there's no user parameter is passed to the getValue() method.

    {ConfigCat, [sdk_key: "YOUR SDK KEY", default_user:"")]}
  • flag_overrides: OPTIONAL Specify a data source to use for local flag overrides. The data source must implement the ConfigCat.OverrideDataSource protocol. ConfigCat.LocalFileDataSource and ConfigCat.LocalMapDataSource are provided for you to use.

  • hooks: OPTIONAL Specify callback functions to be called when particular events are fired by the SDK. See ConfigCat.Hooks.

  • http_proxy: OPTIONAL Specify this option if you need to use a proxy server to access your ConfigCat settings. You can provide a simple URL, like or include authentication information, like

    {ConfigCat, [sdk_key: "YOUR SDK KEY", http_proxy: ""]}
  • name: OPTIONAL A unique identifier for this instance of ConfigCat. Defaults to ConfigCat. Must be provided if you need to run more than one instance of ConfigCat in the same application. If you provide a name, you must then pass that name to all of the API functions using the client option. See Multiple Instances below.

    {ConfigCat, [sdk_key: "YOUR SDK KEY", name: :unique_name]}
    ConfigCat.get_value("setting", "default", client: :unique_name)
  • offline: OPTIONAL # Indicates whether the SDK should be initialized in offline mode or not.

    {ConfigCat, [sdk_key: "YOUR SDK KEY", offline: true]}
  • read_timeout_milliseconds: OPTIONAL timeout for receiving an HTTP response from the socket, in milliseconds. Default is 5000.

    {ConfigCat, [sdk_key: "YOUR SDK KEY", read_timeout_milliseconds: 5000]}

Multiple Instances

If you need to run more than one instance of ConfigCat, there are two ways you can do it.


You can create a module that uses ConfigCat and then call the ConfigCat API functions on that module. This is the recommended option, as it makes the calling code a bit clearer and simpler.

You can pass any of the options listed above as arguments to use ConfigCat or specify them in your supervisor. Arguments specified by the supervisor take precedence over those provided to use ConfigCat.

# lib/my_app/first_flags.ex
defmodule MyApp.FirstFlags do
  use ConfigCat, sdk_key: "sdk_key_1"

# lib/my_app/second_flags.ex
defmodule MyApp.SecondFlags do
  use ConfigCat, sdk_key: "sdk_key_2"

# lib/my_app/application.ex
def start(_type, _args) do
  children = [
    # ... other children ...

  opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
  Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

# Calling code:
FirstFlags.get_value("someKey", "default value")
SecondFlags.get_value("otherKey", "other default")

Explicit Client

If you prefer not to use the module-based solution, you can instead add multiple ConfigCat children to your application's supervision tree. You will need to give ConfigCat a unique name option for each, as well as using Supervisor.child_spec/2 to provide a unique id for each instance.

When calling the ConfigCat API functions, you'll pass a client: keyword argument with the unique name you gave to that instance.

# lib/my_app/application.ex
def start(_type, _args) do
  children = [
    # ... other children ...
    Supervisor.child_spec({ConfigCat, [sdk_key: "sdk_key_1", name: :first]}, id: :config_cat_1),
    Supervisor.child_spec({ConfigCat, [sdk_key: "sdk_key_2", name: :second]}, id: :config_cat_2),

  opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
  Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

# Calling code:
ConfigCat.get_value("someKey", "default value", client: :first)
ConfigCat.get_value("otherKey", "other default", client: :second)

Use the API

Once ConfigCat has been started as part of your application's supervision tree, you can use its API to access your settings.

ConfigCat.get_value("isMyAwesomeFeatureEnabled", false)

By default, all of the public API functions will communicate with the default instance of the ConfigCat application.

If you are running multiple instances of ConfigCat, you must provide the client option to the functions, passing along the unique name you specified above.

ConfigCat.get_value("isMyAwesomeFeatureEnabled", false, client: :second)



Options that can be passed to all API functions.

Data Governance mode

Identifier of a specific instance of ConfigCat.

The name of a configuration setting.

An option that can be provided when starting ConfigCat.

The return value of the force_refresh/1 function.

The actual value of a configuration setting.

The name of a variation being tested.


Builds a child specification to use in a Supervisor.

Clears the default user.

Force a refresh of the configuration from ConfigCat's CDN.

Queries all settings keys in your configuration.

Fetches the values and evaluation details of all feature flags and settings.

Fetches the values of all feature flags or settings from your configuration.

Fetches the name and value of the setting corresponding to a variation id.

Retrieves a setting value from your configuration.

Fetches the value and evaluation details of a feature flag or setting.

Return the current hook callbacks.

Returns true when the SDK is configured not to initiate HTTP requests, otherwise false.

Sets the default user.

Configures the SDK to not initiate HTTP requests and work only from its cache.

Configures the SDK to allow HTTP requests.


@type api_option() :: {:client, instance_id()}

Options that can be passed to all API functions.

@type data_governance() :: :eu_only | :global

Data Governance mode

More about Data Governance

@type instance_id() :: atom()

Identifier of a specific instance of ConfigCat.

@type key() :: ConfigCat.Config.key()

The name of a configuration setting.

@type option() ::
  {:base_url, String.t()}
  | {:cache, module()}
  | {:cache_policy, ConfigCat.CachePolicy.t()}
  | {:connect_timeout_milliseconds, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:data_governance, data_governance()}
  | {:default_user, ConfigCat.User.t()}
  | {:flag_overrides, ConfigCat.OverrideDataSource.t()}
  | {:hooks, [ConfigCat.Hooks.option()]}
  | {:http_proxy, String.t()}
  | {:name, instance_id()}
  | {:offline, boolean()}
  | {:read_timeout_milliseconds, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:sdk_key, String.t()}

An option that can be provided when starting ConfigCat.

@type options() :: [option()]
@type refresh_result() :: :ok | {:error, String.t()}

The return value of the force_refresh/1 function.

@type value() :: ConfigCat.Config.value()

The actual value of a configuration setting.

@type variation_id() :: ConfigCat.Config.variation_id()

The name of a variation being tested.


@spec child_spec(options()) :: Supervisor.child_spec()

Builds a child specification to use in a Supervisor.

Normally not called directly by your code. Instead, it will be called by your application's Supervisor once you add ConfigCat to its supervision tree.

Link to this function

clear_default_user(options \\ [])

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@spec clear_default_user([api_option()]) :: :ok

Clears the default user.

Returns :ok.


  • client: If you are running multiple instances of ConfigCat, provide the client: :unique_name option, specifying the name you configured for the instance you want to access.
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force_refresh(options \\ [])

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@spec force_refresh([api_option()]) :: refresh_result()

Force a refresh of the configuration from ConfigCat's CDN.

Depending on the polling mode you're using, ConfigCat may automatically fetch your configuration during normal operation. Call this function to force a manual refresh when you want one.

If you are using manual polling mode (ConfigCat.CachePolicy.manual/0), this is the only way to fetch your configuration.

Returns :ok.


  • client: If you are running multiple instances of ConfigCat, provide the client: :unique_name option, specifying the name you configured for the instance you want to access.
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get_all_keys(options \\ [])

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@spec get_all_keys([api_option()]) :: [key()]

Queries all settings keys in your configuration.


  • client: If you are running multiple instances of ConfigCat, provide the client: :unique_name option, specifying the name you configured for the instance you want to access.
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get_all_value_details(user_or_options \\ [])

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@spec get_all_value_details(ConfigCat.User.t() | [api_option()]) :: [

See get_all_value_details/2.

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get_all_value_details(user, options)

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@spec get_all_value_details(ConfigCat.User.t() | nil, [api_option()]) :: [

Fetches the values and evaluation details of all feature flags and settings.

To use ConfigCat's targeting feature, provide a ConfigCat.User struct containing the information used by the targeting rules.

Returns evaluation details for all settings and feature flags, including their values. If an error occurs while performing the evaluation, it will be captured in the :error field of the individual ConfigCat.EvaluationDetails structs.


  • client: If you are running multiple instances of ConfigCat, provide the client: :unique_name option, specifying the name you configured for the instance you want to access.
Link to this function

get_all_values(user, options \\ [])

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@spec get_all_values(ConfigCat.User.t() | nil, [api_option()]) :: %{
  required(key()) => value()

Fetches the values of all feature flags or settings from your configuration.

To use ConfigCat's targeting feature, provide a ConfigCat.User struct containing the information used by the targeting rules.

Returns a map of all key value pairs.


  • client: If you are running multiple instances of ConfigCat, provide the client: :unique_name option, specifying the name you configured for the instance you want to access.
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get_key_and_value(variation_id, options \\ [])

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@spec get_key_and_value(variation_id(), [api_option()]) :: {key(), value()} | nil

Fetches the name and value of the setting corresponding to a variation id.

Returns a tuple containing the setting name and value, or nil if an error occurs.


  • client: If you are running multiple instances of ConfigCat, provide the client: :unique_name option, specifying the name you configured for the instance you want to access.
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get_value(key, default_value, user_or_options \\ [])

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@spec get_value(key(), value(), ConfigCat.User.t() | [api_option()]) :: value()

See get_value/4.

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get_value(key, default_value, user, options)

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@spec get_value(key(), value(), ConfigCat.User.t() | nil, [api_option()]) :: value()

Retrieves a setting value from your configuration.

Retrieves the setting named key from your configuration. To use ConfigCat's targeting feature, provide a ConfigCat.User struct containing the information used by the targeting rules.

Returns the value of the setting, or default_value if an error occurs.


  • client: If you are running multiple instances of ConfigCat, provide the client: :unique_name option, specifying the name you configured for the instance you want to access.
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get_value_details(key, default_value, user_or_options \\ [])

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@spec get_value_details(key(), value(), ConfigCat.User.t() | [api_option()]) ::

See get_value_details/4.

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get_value_details(key, default_value, user, options)

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@spec get_value_details(key(), value(), ConfigCat.User.t() | nil, [api_option()]) ::

Fetches the value and evaluation details of a feature flag or setting.

Retrieves the setting named key from your configuration. To use ConfigCat's targeting feature, provide a ConfigCat.User struct containing the information used by the targeting rules.

Returns the evaluation details for the setting, including the value. If an error occurs while performing the evaluation, it will be captured in the :error field of the ConfigCat.EvaluationDetails struct.


  • client: If you are running multiple instances of ConfigCat, provide the client: :unique_name option, specifying the name you configured for the instance you want to access.
@spec hooks([api_option()]) :: ConfigCat.Hooks.t()

Return the current hook callbacks.


  • client: If you are running multiple instances of ConfigCat, provide the client: :unique_name option, specifying the name you configured for the instance you want to access.
@spec offline?([api_option()]) :: boolean()

Returns true when the SDK is configured not to initiate HTTP requests, otherwise false.


  • client: If you are running multiple instances of ConfigCat, provide the client: :unique_name option, specifying the name you configured for the instance you want to access.
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set_default_user(user, options \\ [])

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@spec set_default_user(ConfigCat.User.t(), [api_option()]) :: :ok

Sets the default user.

Returns :ok.


  • client: If you are running multiple instances of ConfigCat, provide the client: :unique_name option, specifying the name you configured for the instance you want to access.
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set_offline(options \\ [])

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@spec set_offline([api_option()]) :: :ok

Configures the SDK to not initiate HTTP requests and work only from its cache.

Returns :ok.


  • client: If you are running multiple instances of ConfigCat, provide the client: :unique_name option, specifying the name you configured for the instance you want to access.
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set_online(options \\ [])

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@spec set_online([api_option()]) :: :ok

Configures the SDK to allow HTTP requests.

Returns :ok.


  • client: If you are running multiple instances of ConfigCat, provide the client: :unique_name option, specifying the name you configured for the instance you want to access.