ConfigParser (ConfigParser for Elixir v4.0.0) View Source

The ConfigParser library implements a parser for config files in the style of Windows INI, as parsed by the Python configparser library.

A note about Mix.Config

This library is intended for compatibility in environments that are already using config files in the format described above. If you are working in a pure Elixir environment, please consider using Mix.Config instead as it is part of the core library and provides similar functionality.

Basic Usage

The ConfigParser module includes routines that can parse a file, the contents of a string, or from a stream of lines.

To parse the content of a config file call the parse_file function and pass the file's path:

{:ok, parse_result} = ConfigParser.parse_file("/path/to/file")

To parse config information out of a string, call the parse_string method:

{:ok, parse_result} = ConfigParser.parse_string("""
  config_key = some interesting value

Given a stream whose elements represent the successive lines of a config file, the library can parse the content of the stream:

fake_stream = ["[section]", "key1 = value2", "key2:value2"]

{:ok, parse_result} = ConfigParser.parse_stream(fake_stream)

As shown, the result of doing the parsing is a tuple. If successful, the first element of the tuple is :ok and the second element is the parsed result.

If the parser encounters an error, then the first part of the tuple will be the atom :error and the second element will be a string describing the error that was encountered:

{:error, "Syntax Error on line 3"}

Parser Options

Starting with Version 3 of the library, it is possible to pass options to the parser:

join_continuations:with_newlineThe parser joins the lines of multi-line values with a newline. This is the default and matches the behavior of Python ConfigParser.
join_continuations:with_spaceThe parser joins the lines of multi-line values with a space. This is the default behavior of the library prior to version 3.

You may add options as keyword arguments to the end of the parse_file, parse_string, or parse_stream functions

  {:ok, parse_result} = ConfigParser.parse_file("/path/to/file", join_continuations: :with_newline)

Link to this section Summary


Return the value for the configuration option with the given key.

This is a convenience routine which calls ConfigParser.get then tries to construct a boolean value from the result.

This is a convenience routine which calls ConfigParser.get then tries to construct a float value from the result.

This is a convenience routine which calls ConfigParser.get then tries to construct a integer value from the result.

returns true if the parse results define the given option in the section provided

Returns true if the named section is found in the config parser results

Returns a List with the options, the keys, defined in the given section. If the section is not found, returns an empty List

Accepts config_file_path, a file system path to a config file. Attempts to opens and parses the contents of that file.

Parses a stream whose elements should be strings representing the individual lines of a config file.

Parse a string as if it was the content of a config file.

Return a list of sections in the given config parser state

Link to this section Functions

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get(parser_results, section, key, search_options \\ %{})

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Return the value for the configuration option with the given key.

You can change the way values are looked up using the search_options map. The following keys are recognized:

  • :raw - reserved for future enhancements
  • :vars - a map of keys and values.
  • :fallback - a value to return if the option given by key is not found

The routine searches for a value with the given key in the :vars map if provided, then in the given section from the parse result.

If no value is found, and the options map has a :fallback key, the value associated with that key will be returned.

If all else fails, the routine returns nil

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getboolean(parser_results, section, key, search_options \\ %{})

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This is a convenience routine which calls ConfigParser.get then tries to construct a boolean value from the result.

An option value of "true", "1", "yes", or "on" evaluates to true An options value of "false", "0", "no", or "off" evaluates to false

See ConfigParser.get for explanations of the options.

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getfloat(parser_results, section, key, search_options \\ %{})

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This is a convenience routine which calls ConfigParser.get then tries to construct a float value from the result.

See ConfigParser.get for explanations of the options.

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getint(parser_results, section, key, search_options \\ %{})

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This is a convenience routine which calls ConfigParser.get then tries to construct a integer value from the result.

See ConfigParser.get for explanations of the options.

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has_option?(parser_results, section, option)

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returns true if the parse results define the given option in the section provided

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has_section?(parser_results, which_section)

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Returns true if the named section is found in the config parser results

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options(parser_results, in_section)

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Returns a List with the options, the keys, defined in the given section. If the section is not found, returns an empty List

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parse_file(config_file_path, parser_options \\ [])

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Accepts config_file_path, a file system path to a config file. Attempts to opens and parses the contents of that file.

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parse_stream(line_stream, parser_options \\ [])

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Parses a stream whose elements should be strings representing the individual lines of a config file.

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parse_string(config_string, parser_options \\ [])

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Parse a string as if it was the content of a config file.

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Return a list of sections in the given config parser state