ContentSecurityPolicy v1.0.3 ContentSecurityPolicy View Source

Provides functions for interacting with Content Security Policies.

A Content Security Policy is a header which determines which assets the browser is allowed to retrieve.

See for more in depth documentation.

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Adds a single source value to a directive on the given policy.

Generates a random base 64 encoded string for use in Content Security Policy nonces.

Converts a ContentSecurityPolicy.Policy struct to a valid content security policy string.

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Adds a single source value to a directive on the given policy.

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generate_nonce(bytes \\ 32)

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generate_nonce(bytes :: pos_integer()) :: String.t()

Generates a random base 64 encoded string for use in Content Security Policy nonces.

Converts a ContentSecurityPolicy.Policy struct to a valid content security policy string.


iex> policy = %ContentSecurityPolicy.Policy{default_src: ["'self'"]}
iex> ContentSecurityPolicy.serialize(policy)
"default-src 'self';"