Correios CEP v0.7.0 Correios.CEP View Source

Find Brazilian addresses by postal code, directly from Correios API. No HTML parsers.

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Finds address by the given postal_code.

Finds address by a given postal code.

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find_address(postal_code, options \\ [])

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find_address(String.t(), keyword()) :: t()

Finds address by the given postal_code.

Postal codes with and without "-" separator are accepted.


  • connection_timeout: timeout for establishing a connection, in milliseconds. Default is 5000.
  • request_timeout: timeout for receiving the HTTP response, in milliseconds. Default is 5000.
  • proxy: proxy to be used for the request: {host, port} tuple, where port is an integer.
  • proxy_auth: proxy authentication: {user, password} tuple.
  • url: Correios API full URL. Default is


iex> Correios.CEP.find_address("54250610")
   city: "Jaboatão dos Guararapes",
   complement: "",
   neighborhood: "Cavaleiro",
   state: "PE",
   street: "Rua Fernando Amorim",
   postal_code: "54250610"

iex> Correios.CEP.find_address("54250-610")
   city: "Jaboatão dos Guararapes",
   complement: "",
   neighborhood: "Cavaleiro",
   state: "PE",
   street: "Rua Fernando Amorim",
   postal_code: "54250610"

iex> Correios.CEP.find_address("54250-610", connection_timeout: 1000, request_timeout: 1000)
   city: "Jaboatão dos Guararapes",
   complement: "",
   neighborhood: "Cavaleiro",
   state: "PE",
   street: "Rua Fernando Amorim",
   postal_code: "54250610"

iex> Correios.CEP.find_address("54250-610", proxy: {"localhost", 8888})
   city: "Jaboatão dos Guararapes",
   complement: "",
   neighborhood: "Cavaleiro",
   state: "PE",
   street: "Rua Fernando Amorim",
   postal_code: "54250610"

iex> Correios.CEP.find_address(
...>   "54250-610",
...>   proxy: {"localhost", 8888},
...>   proxy_auth: {"myuser", "mypass"}
...> )
   city: "Jaboatão dos Guararapes",
   complement: "",
   neighborhood: "Cavaleiro",
   state: "PE",
   street: "Rua Fernando Amorim",
   postal_code: "54250610"

iex> Correios.CEP.find_address("00000-000")
    type: :postal_code_not_found,
    message: "Postal code not found",
    reason: "CEP NAO ENCONTRADO"

iex> Correios.CEP.find_address("1234567")
    type: :postal_code_invalid,
    message: "Postal code in invalid format"

iex> Correios.CEP.find_address("")
    type: :postal_code_required,
    message: "Postal code is required"
Link to this function

find_address!(postal_code, options \\ [])

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find_address!(String.t(), keyword()) :: Correios.CEP.Address.t()

Finds address by a given postal code.

Similar to find_address/2 except it will unwrap the error tuple and raise in case of errors.


iex> Correios.CEP.find_address!("54250610")
  city: "Jaboatão dos Guararapes",
  complement: "",
  neighborhood: "Cavaleiro",
  state: "PE",
  street: "Rua Fernando Amorim",
  postal_code: "54250610"

iex> Correios.CEP.find_address!("00000-000")
** (Correios.CEP.Error) Postal code not found