Cowrie Overview

Cowrie helps you print beautiful and consistent Terminal output to the Shell of your Elixir apps using functions inspired by familiar HTML tags, e.g.

import Cowrie

h1("This is a Heading")
ol(["This is", "an ordered", "list via ol/2"])
warning("Uh oh...")

Cowrie Demo

All formatting is configurable, either via your application's configuration file, or as arguments to the various functions. Sensible defaults are provided, but check out the configuration options.

All formatting styles rely on IO.ANSI formatting options, so you are free to research and apply your own styles to match your personal preference.


Use Cowrie functions in your custom Mix.Task -- importing Cowrie makes its functions easier to use.

defmodule Mix.Tasks.MyApp.Example do
  use Mix.Task
  import Cowrie

  @shortdoc "Example mix task using Cowrie"

  def run(opts) do
    h1("My Custom Task")
    warning("The following issues were found:")
    ul(["Lions", "Tigers", "Bears"])
    spinner(fn -> MyApp.long_task() end)

Ready? Check out the Cowrie API.