View Source CozyProxy (cozy_proxy v0.4.1)
Proxy requests to other plugs.
A CozyProxy
instance is an isolated supervision tree and you can include it in
application's supervisor:
# lib/demo/application.ex
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
# ...
{CozyProxy, Application.fetch_env!(:demo, CozyProxy)}
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Demo.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
Above code requires a piece of configuration:
config :demo, CozyProxy,
server: true,
adapter: Plug.Cowboy,
scheme: :http,
ip: {127, 0, 0, 1},
port: 4000,
backends: [
plug: HealthCheckPlug,
path: "/health-check"
plug: DemoWebAPI.Endpoint,
path: "/api"
plug: DemoAdminWeb.Endpoint,
path: "/admin"
plug: DemoWeb.Endpoint,
path: "/"
When using CozyProxy
with Phoenix endpoints, it's required to configure
the path of endpoints to a proper value. And it's better to configure
option of endpoints to false
, which avoids them serving requests
bypassing CozyProxy
. For example:
config :demo, DemoWeb.Endpoint,
url: [path: "/"],
server: false
config :demo, DemoWebAPI.Endpoint,
url: [path: "/api"],
server: false
config :demo, DemoAdminWeb.Endpoint,
url: [path: "/admin"],
server: false
- start the web server or not. Default tofalse
. It is aware of Phoenix startup arguments, if the application is started withmix phx.server
oriex -S mix phx.server
, this option will set totrue
- the list of backends. Default to[]
. See following section for more details.:adapter
- the adapter for web server,Plug.Cowboy
are available. Default toPlug.Cowboy
.- adapter options - all other options will be put into an keyword list and passed as the options of the adapter. See following section for more details.
About :backends
A valid :backends
option is a list of maps, and the keys of maps are:
:- required
module() | {module(), keyword()}
- examples:
{HealthCheckPlug, []}
- ...
:- optional
- typespec:
- examples:
- ...
:- optional
- examples:
- ...
:- optional
- typespec:
- examples:
- ...
:- optional
- typespec:
- default:
- examples:
The order of backends matters
If you configure the backends like this:
config :demo, CozyProxy,
backends: [
plug: DemoUserWeb.Endpoint,
path: "/"
plug: DemoUserAPI.Endpoint,
path: "/api"
plug: DemoAdminWeb.Endpoint,
path: "/admin"
plug: HealthCheck,
path: "/health"
The first backend will always match, which may not what you expected.
If you want all backends to have a chance to match, you should configure them like this:
config :demo, CozyProxy,
backends: [
plug: HealthCheck,
path: "/health"
plug: DemoUserAPI.Endpoint,
path: "/api"
plug: DemoAdminWeb.Endpoint,
path: "/admin"
plug: DemoUserWeb.Endpoint,
path: "/"
About adapter options
In the section of Options, we said:
all other options will be put into an keyword list and passed as the options of the adapter.
It means the all options except :server
, :backends
, :adapter
will be passed as the
the options of an adapter.
Take Plug.Cowboy
adapter as an example. If we declare the options like:
config :demo, CozyProxy,
backends: [
# ...
adapter: Plug.Cowboy,
scheme: :http,
ip: {127, 0, 0, 1},
port: 4000,
transport_options: [num_acceptors: 2]
Then following options will be passed to Plug.Cowboy
when initializing CozyProxy:
scheme: :http,
ip: {127, 0, 0, 1},
port: 4000,
transport_options: [num_acceptors: 2]
For more available adapter options:
- checkout Plug.Cowboy options.Bandit
- checkout Bandit options.
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
See Supervisor