View Source CozyTelemetry (cozy_telemetry v0.5.1)

Provides a modular approach for using beam-telemetry packages.

Quick Start

Before running CozyTelemetry, you must provide some modules. For example:

defmodule MyApp.Cache.TelemetrySpec do
  use CozyTelemetry.Spec

  @impl true
  def metrics(_meta) do
        unit: {:native, :second},
        tags: [:type, :key]

        event_name: "cache.stats",
        measurement: :hits,
        tags: [:cache]

  @impl true
  def measurements(meta) do
      {__MODULE__, :dispatch_stats, []}

Then, set some base configuration within config/config.exs:

config :my_app, CozyTelemetry,
  meta: [],
  specs: [
  reporter: {:console, []},
  poller: [period: 10_000]

Use the application configuration you've already set and include CozyTelemetry.* in the list of supervised children:

# lib/my_app/application.ex
def start(_type, _args) do
  cozy_telemetry_config = Application.fetch_env!(:my_app, CozyTelemetry)

  children = [
    {CozyTelemetry.Reporter, cozy_telemetry_config},
    {CozyTelemetry.Poller, cozy_telemetry_config},
    # ...

  Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor)

about option :meta

The value of option :meta is a keyword list, which will be passed as the argument of:

See CozyTelemetry.Spec for more details.

about option :specs

The value of option :specs is a list of spec modules.

See CozyTelemetry.Spec for more details.

about option :optional_specs

Same as option :specs, but ignore errors when the given spec module is missing.

When using :cozy_telemetry as a direct dependency, this option is unnecessary. But, when building a new package on :cozy_telemetry, this option is useful for some case, such as auto loading measurements modules.

about option :reporter

The value of option :reporter specifies the reporter and its options, which is in format of {type, reporter_opts}:

about option :poller

The value of option :poller is the options of :telemetry_poller.start_link/1.

