Credo.Check.Consistency.Collector behaviour (Credo v1.6.0) View Source

A behavior for modules that walk through source files and identify consistency issues.

When defining a consistency check, you would typically use this structure for the main module, responsible for formatting issue messages:

defmodule Credo.Check.Consistency.SomeCheck do
  use Credo.Check, run_on_all: true

  @collector Credo.Check.Consistency.SomeCheck.Collector

  def run(source_files, exec, params) when is_list(source_files) do
    issue_formatter = &issues_for/3

    @collector.find_and_append_issues(source_files, exec, params, issue_formatter)

  defp issues_for(expected, source_file, params) do
    issue_meta = IssueMeta.for(source_file, params)
    issue_locations =
      @collector.find_locations_not_matching(expected, source_file), fn(location) ->
      format_issue issue_meta, message: ... # write an issue message

The actual analysis would be performed by another module implementing the Credo.Check.Consistency.Collector behavior:

defmodule Credo.Check.Consistency.SomeCheck.Collector do
  use Credo.Check.Consistency.Collector

  def collect_matches(source_file, params) do
    # ...

  def find_locations_not_matching(expected, source_file) do
    # ...

Read further for more information on collect_matches/2, find_locations_not_matching/2, and issue_formatter.

Link to this section Summary


When you call @collector.find_and_append_issues/4 inside the check module, the collector first counts the occurrences of different matches (e.g. :with_space and :without_space for a space around operators check) per each source file.

issue_formatter may call the @collector.find_locations_not_matching/2 function to obtain additional metadata for each occurrence of an unexpected match in a given file.

Link to this section Types


issue_formatter() ::
  (term(), Credo.SourceFile.t(), Keyword.t() -> [Credo.Issue.t()])

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback

collect_matches(source_file, params)

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collect_matches(source_file :: Credo.SourceFile.t(), params :: Keyword.t()) ::
  %{required(term()) => non_neg_integer()}

When you call @collector.find_and_append_issues/4 inside the check module, the collector first counts the occurrences of different matches (e.g. :with_space and :without_space for a space around operators check) per each source file.

collect_matches/2 produces a map of matches as keys and their frequencies as values (e.g. %{with_space: 50, without_space: 40}).

The maps for individual source files are then merged, producing a map that reflects frequency trends for the whole codebase.

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find_locations_not_matching(expected, source_file)

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  expected :: term(),
  source_file :: Credo.SourceFile.t()
) :: [term()]

issue_formatter may call the @collector.find_locations_not_matching/2 function to obtain additional metadata for each occurrence of an unexpected match in a given file.

An example implementation that returns a list of line numbers on which unexpected occurrences were found:

def find_locations_not_matching(expected, source_file) do
  traverse(source_file, fn(match, line_no, acc) ->
    if match != expected do
      acc ++ [line_no]

defp traverse(source_file, fun), do: ...

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

append_issue_via_issue_service(issue, exec)

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Link to this function

find_issues(source_files, collector, params, issue_formatter)

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