View Source Croma.Struct (croma v0.11.3)

Module to define structs with validation and conversion functions, based on its type information.

Using this module requires to prepare type modules for all struct fields. Each of per-field type module is expected to provide the following members:

  • required: @type t
  • required: @spec valid?(term) :: boolean
  • optional: @spec default() :: t
  • optional: @spec new(term) :: Croma.Result.t(t)

Some helpers for defining such per-field type modules are available.

To define a struct, use this module with a keyword list where keys are field names and values are type modules:

defmodule S do
  use Croma.Struct, fields: [
    field1_name: Field1Module,
    field2_name: Field2Module,

Then the above code generates defstruct, @type t and the following functions:

  • @spec valid?(term) :: boolean
  • @spec new(term) :: Croma.Result.t(t)
  • @spec new!(term) :: t
  • @spec update(t, Dict.t) :: Croma.Result.t(t)
  • @spec update!(t, Dict.t) :: t

The functions listed above are all overridable, so you can for example implement your own validation rule that spans multiple fields.



iex> defmodule I do
...>   @type t :: integer
...>   def valid?(i), do: is_integer(i)
...>   def default(), do: 0
...> end

...> defmodule S do
...>   use Croma.Struct, fields: [i: I]
...> end

...>{i: 5})
{:ok, %S{i: 5}}

...> S.valid?(%S{i: "not_an_integer"})

...> {:ok, s} ={})
{:ok, %S{i: 0}}

...> S.update(s, [i: 2])
{:ok, %S{i: 2}}

...> S.update(s, %{"i" => "not_an_integer"})
{:error, {:invalid_value, [S, {I, :i}]}}


Default value of each field

You can specify default value of each struct field by

  1. giving :default option in per-field options
  2. defining default/0 in the field's type module (which is evaluated at compile-time)

If you specify both, (1) takes precedence over (2). Additionally, you can tell Croma.Struct not to use default/0 by specifying no_default?: true. If no default value is provided for a field, then the field must be explicitly filled when constructing a new struct.

As an example, suppose you have the following modules.

defmodule I do
  use Croma.SubtypeOfInt, min: 0, default: 1

defmodule S do
  use Croma.Struct, fields: [
    a: Croma.Integer,
    b: I,
    c: {Croma.Integer, [default: 2]},
    d: {I            , [default: 3]},
    e: {Croma.Integer, [no_default?: true]},
    f: {I            , [no_default?: true]},

Note that I has default/0 whereas Croma.Integer does not export default/0. Then,

  • a, e and f have no default values
  • Default value of b is 1
  • Default value of c is 2
  • Default value of d is 3



new/1 generated by Croma.Struct deserves special attention. new/1 can be useful when validating and converting data structure obtained from e.g. JSON into an Elixir structs.

As with other type modules' new/1, new/1 generated by Croma.Struct can accept value where valid?/1 evaluates to false; it tries to convert that value into a valid form. Most notable example of this behaviour is that new/1 accepts not only atom-keyed maps but also string-keyed maps, although structs are atom-keyed maps.


How it works

new/1 tries to get valid values for all struct fields from the given map or keyword list. For each field of the struct, a value is computed as follows:

  • If a value is not found for a field,
    • If the field has default value, that default is taken.
  • If a value is found for a field,
    • If the module for the field exports new/1 it is called with the found value.
    • If the module for the field does not export new/1, the found value is instead validated with valid?/1.

When no valid value can be obtained for any of the struct fields, new/1 returns an error. Note that the usage of field modules' new/1 enables to construct arbitrarily nested data structure in a recursive manner.


Naming convention of field names (case of identifiers)

When working with structured data (e.g. JSON) from systems with different naming conventions, it's convenient to adjust the names to your favorite convention in this layer. You can specify the acceptable naming schemes of data structures to be converted by new/1 and new!/1 using :accept_case option of use Croma.Struct.

  • nil (default): Accepts only the given field names.
  • :lower_camel: Accepts both the given field names and their lower camel variants.
  • :upper_camel: Accepts both the given field names and their upper camel variants.
  • :snake: Accepts both the given field names and their snake cased variants.
  • :capital: Accepts both the given field names and their variants where all characters are capital.




To distinguish missing field and explict nil in new/1

Simply using Croma.TypeGen.nilable/1 for struct fields, we cannot distinguish whether the value is not given or nil is explicitly given, as the resulting struct contains nil for both cases.

By adjusting default value for the field we can distinguish these case. As an example suppose we have the following S.

defmodule S do
  use Croma.Struct, fields: [
    field: {union([fixed(:unset), fixed(nil), Croma.Integer]), [default: :unset]},

Then we can distinguish these patterns.

  •{}) == %S{field: :unset}
  •{field: nil}) == %S{field: nil}
  •{field: 1}) == %S{field: 1}

In this example we use Croma.TypeGen.union/1 and Croma.TypeGen.fixed/1, but one can of course define his/her own type module that accepts these 3 cases. In a similar manner, by setting default value for field we can implement struct fields that

  • accepts missing field but rejects explicit nil, or
  • accepts explicit nil but rejects missing field.