Cronex v0.4.0 Cronex.Test

This module defines helpers for testing cron jobs definition.



Checks if a job with the specified frequency and time is defined inside the given scheduler

Checks if a job with the specified interval, frequency and time is defined inside the given scheduler


assert_job_every(frequency, opts)

Checks if a job with the specified frequency and time is defined inside the given scheduler.

time (optional) and scheduler should be passed inside opts as a keyword list.

You can also specify how many jobs with the given frequency and time should be defined using the count parameter inside the opts list. It defaults to 1.


# Asserts if an every hour job is defined in MyApp.Scheduler
assert_job_every :hour, in: MyApp.Scheduler

# Asserts if an every day job at 10:00 is defined in MyApp.Scheduler
assert_job_every :day, at: "10:00", in: MyApp.Scheduler

# Asserts if 3 every day jobs at 10:00 are defined in MyApp.Scheduler
assert_job_every :day, at: "10:00", in: MyApp.Scheduler, count: 3
assert_job_every(interval, frequency, opts)

Checks if a job with the specified interval, frequency and time is defined inside the given scheduler.

time (optional) and scheduler should be passed inside opts as a keyword list.

You can also specify how many jobs with the given frequency and time should be defined using the count parameter inside the opts list. It defaults to 1.


# Asserts if an every hour job is defined in MyApp.Scheduler
assert_job_every 2, :hour, in: MyApp.Scheduler

# Asserts if an every day job at 10:00 is defined in MyApp.Scheduler
assert_job_every 3, :day, at: "10:00", in: MyApp.Scheduler

# Asserts if 3 every day jobs at 10:00 are defined in MyApp.Scheduler
assert_job_every 3, :day, at: "10:00", in: MyApp.Scheduler, count: 3