View Source Crontab.CronExpression (crontab v1.1.13)

The Crontab.CronExpression module / struct.

Link to this section Summary


Defines the Cron interval.

Create a %Crontab.CronExpression{} via sigil.

Convert Crontab.CronExpression struct to tuple List.

Link to this section Types

@type condition() ::
  condition(:second, Calendar.second())
  | condition(:minute, Calendar.minute())
  | condition(:hour, Calendar.hour())
  | condition(:day,
  | condition(:month, Calendar.month())
  | condition(:weekday, Calendar.day_of_week())
  | condition(:year, Calendar.year())
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condition(name, time_unit)

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@type condition(name, time_unit) :: {name, [value(time_unit)]}
@type condition_list() :: [condition()]
This type is deprecated. Use instead.
@type day() ::
This type is deprecated. Use Calendar.hour/0 instead.
@type hour() :: Calendar.hour()
@type interval() :: :second | :minute | :hour | :day | :month | :weekday | :year
This type is deprecated. Use Crontab.CronExpression.min_max/1 instead.
@type min_max() :: {:-, time_unit(), time_unit()}
@type min_max(time_unit) :: {:-, time_unit, time_unit}
This type is deprecated. Use Calendar.minute/0 instead.
@type minute() :: Calendar.minute()
This type is deprecated. Use Calendar.month/0 instead.
@type month() :: Calendar.month()
This type is deprecated. Use Calendar.second/0 instead.
@type second() :: Calendar.second()
@type t() :: %Crontab.CronExpression{
  day: [value(day())],
  extended: boolean(),
  hour: [value(hour())],
  minute: [value(minute())],
  month: [value(month())],
  reboot: boolean(),
  second: [value(second())],
  weekday: [value(weekday())],
  year: [value(year())]
This type is deprecated. Use Calendar.[second|minute|hour|day|month|day_of_week|year]/0 instead.
@type time_unit() ::
  second() | minute() | hour() | day() | month() | weekday() | year()
@type value(time_unit) ::
  | :*
  | :L
  | {:L, value(time_unit)}
  | {:/, time_unit | :* | min_max(time_unit), pos_integer()}
  | min_max(time_unit)
  | {:W, time_unit | :L}
This type is deprecated. Use Calendar.day_of_week/0 instead.
@type weekday() :: Calendar.day_of_week()
This type is deprecated. Use Calendar.year/0 instead.
@type year() :: Calendar.year()

Link to this section Functions

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View Source (struct)

Defines the Cron interval.

* * * * * * *
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | +-- :year Year                 (range: 1900-3000)
| | | | | +---- :weekday Day of the Week   (range: 1-7, 1 standing for Monday)
| | | | +------ :month Month of the Year   (range: 1-12)
| | | +-------- :day Day of the Month      (range: 1-31)
| | +---------- :hour Hour                 (range: 0-23)
| +------------ :minute Minute             (range: 0-59)
+-------------- :second Second             (range: 0-59)

The :extended attribute defines if the second is taken into account.

Link to this function

sigil_e(cron_expression, options)

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@spec sigil_e(
) :: t()

Create a %Crontab.CronExpression{} via sigil.



iex> ~e[*]
  extended: false,
  second: [:*],
  minute: [:*],
  hour: [:*],
  day: [:*],
  month: [:*],
  weekday: [:*],
  year: [:*]}

iex> ~e[*]e
  extended: true,
  second: [:*],
  minute: [:*],
  hour: [:*],
  day: [:*],
  month: [:*],
  weekday: [:*],
  year: [:*]}

iex> ~e[1 2 3 4 5 6 7]e
  extended: true,
  second: [1],
  minute: [2],
  hour: [3],
  day: [4],
  month: [5],
  weekday: [6],
  year: [7]}
Link to this function


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@spec to_condition_list(t()) :: condition_list()

Convert Crontab.CronExpression struct to tuple List.



iex> Crontab.CronExpression.to_condition_list %Crontab.CronExpression{
...> minute: [1], hour: [2], day: [3], month: [4], weekday: [5], year: [6]}
[ {:minute, [1]},
  {:hour, [2]},
  {:day, [3]},
  {:month, [4]},
  {:weekday, [5]},
  {:year, [6]}]

iex> Crontab.CronExpression.to_condition_list %Crontab.CronExpression{
...> extended: true, second: [0], minute: [1], hour: [2], day: [3], month: [4], weekday: [5], year: [6]}
[ {:second, [0]},
  {:minute, [1]},
  {:hour, [2]},
  {:day, [3]},
  {:month, [4]},
  {:weekday, [5]},
  {:year, [6]}]