CryptoCompare v0.1.1 CryptoCompare View Source
Provides a basic HTTP interface to allow easy communication with the CryptoCompare API, by wrapping HTTPoison
For now only HTTP REST API is available. Work on Websocket one is in progress.
iex(1)> CryptoCompare.coin_list
%{DCT: %{Algorithm: "N/A", CoinName: "Decent", FullName: "Decent (DCT)",
FullyPremined: "0", Id: "25721", ImageUrl: "/media/351389/dct.png",
Name: "DCT", PreMinedValue: "N/A", ProofType: "PoS", SortOrder: "702",
TotalCoinSupply: "73197775", TotalCoinsFreeFloat: "N/A",
Url: "/coins/dct/overview"},
PX: %{Algorithm: "SHA256", CoinName: "PXcoin", FullName: "PXcoin (PX)", ...},
"STR*": %{Algorithm: "Scrypt", CoinName: "StarCoin", ...},
BSTK: %{Algorithm: "PoS", ...}, SUR: %{...}, ...}}
Link to this section Summary
Get general info for all the coins available on the website
Get data for a currency pair. It returns general block explorer information, aggregated data and individual data for each exchange available
Get the general, subs (used to connect to the streamer and to figure out what exchanges we have data for and what are the exact coin pairs of the coin) and the aggregated prices for all pairs available
Get day average price. The values are based on hourly vwap data and the average can be calculated in different waysIt uses BTC conversion if data is not available because the coin is not trading in the specified currency. If tryConversion is set to false it will give you the direct data. If no toTS is given it will automatically do the current day. Also for different timezones use the UTCHourDiff paramThe calculation types are: HourVWAP - a VWAP of the hourly close price, MidHighLow - the average between the 24 H high and low. VolFVolT - the total volume from / the total volume to (only avilable with tryConversion set to false so only for direct trades but the value should be the most accurate price)
Compute the current trading info (price, vol, open, high, low etc) of the requested pair as a volume weighted average based on the markets requested
Get open, high, low, close, volumefrom and volumeto daily historical data. The values are based on 00:00 GMT time. It uses BTC conversion if data is not available because the coin is not trading in the specified currency
Get open, high, low, close, volumefrom and volumeto from the each hour historical data. It uses BTC conversion if data is not available because the coin is not trading in the specified currency
Get open, high, low, close, volumefrom and volumeto from the each minute historical data. This data is only stored for 7 days, if you need more,use the hourly or daily path. It uses BTC conversion if data is not available because the coin is not trading in the specified currency
Returns all the mining contracts in a JSON array
Used to get all the mining equipment available on the website. It returns an array of mining equipment objects
Get the latest price for a list of one or more currencies. Really fast, 20-60 ms. Cached each 10 seconds
Get the latest price for a list of one or more currencies. Really fast, 20-60 ms. Cached each 10 seconds
Get the price of any cryptocurrency in any other currency that you need at a given timestamp. The price comes from the daily info - so it would be the price at the end of the day GMT based on the requested TS. If the crypto does not trade directly into the toSymbol requested, BTC will be used for conversion. Tries to get direct trading pair data, if there is none or it is more than 30 days before the ts requested, it uses BTC conversion. If the opposite pair trades we invert it (eg.: BTC-XMR)
Get a matrix of currency prices. For several symbols
Get all the current trading info (price, vol, open, high, low etc) of any list of cryptocurrencies in any other currency that you need.If the crypto does not trade directly into the toSymbol requested, BTC will be used for conversion. This API also returns Display values for all the fields. If the opposite pair trades we invert it (eg.: BTC-XMR)
Get top pairs by volume for a currency (always uses our aggregated data). The number of pairs you get is the minimum of the limit you set (default 5) and the total number of pairs available
Link to this section Functions
Get general info for all the coins available on the website.
iex(1)> CryptoCompare.coin_list
%{DCT: %{Algorithm: "N/A", CoinName: "Decent", FullName: "Decent (DCT)",
FullyPremined: "0", Id: "25721", ImageUrl: "/media/351389/dct.png",
Name: "DCT", PreMinedValue: "N/A", ProofType: "PoS", SortOrder: "702",
TotalCoinSupply: "73197775", TotalCoinsFreeFloat: "N/A",
Url: "/coins/dct/overview"},
PX: %{Algorithm: "SHA256", CoinName: "PXcoin", FullName: "PXcoin (PX)", ...},
"STR*": %{Algorithm: "Scrypt", CoinName: "StarCoin", ...},
BSTK: %{Algorithm: "PoS", ...}, SUR: %{...}, ...}}
Get data for a currency pair. It returns general block explorer information, aggregated data and individual data for each exchange available.
This api is getting abused and will be moved to a min-api path in the near future. Please try not to use it.
iex(2)> CryptoCompare.coin_snapshot("BTC", "USD")
%{AggregatedData: %{FLAGS: "4", FROMSYMBOL: "BTC", HIGH24HOUR: "4051.38",
LASTMARKET: "Coinbase", LASTTRADEID: "21143529", LASTUPDATE: "1505915744",
LASTVOLUME: "0.00025062", LASTVOLUMETO: "0.9974676", LOW24HOUR: "3839.51",
MARKET: "CCCAGG", OPEN24HOUR: "3961.07", PRICE: "3980.47", TOSYMBOL: "USD",
TYPE: "5", VOLUME24HOUR: "92013.70078287183",
VOLUME24HOURTO: "362226520.4356543"}, Algorithm: "SHA256",
BlockNumber: 486154, BlockReward: 12.5,
Exchanges: [
%{FLAGS: "4", FROMSYMBOL: "BTC", HIGH24HOUR: "4049",
LASTTRADEID: "21143529", LASTUPDATE: "1505915744",
LASTVOLUME: "0.00025062", LASTVOLUMETO: "0.9974676", LOW24HOUR: "3850.01",
MARKET: "Coinbase", OPEN24HOUR: "3960.09", PRICE: "3980", TOSYMBOL: "USD",
TYPE: "2", VOLUME24HOUR: "10388.061612519965",
VOLUME24HOURTO: "40860804.10243919"},
%{FLAGS: "4", FROMSYMBOL: "BTC", HIGH24HOUR: "4190", LASTTRADEID: "3274802",
LASTUPDATE: "1505915715", LASTVOLUME: "0.05115365",
LASTVOLUMETO: "209.72996500000002", LOW24HOUR: "4005", MARKET: "Cexio",
OPEN24HOUR: "4115.2", ...}
], NetHashesPerSecond: 7898572058.405353,
ProofType: "PoW", TotalCoinsMined: 1.65769e7}}
coin_snapshot_full_by_id(integer | String.t) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, any}
Get the general, subs (used to connect to the streamer and to figure out what exchanges we have data for and what are the exact coin pairs of the coin) and the aggregated prices for all pairs available.
iex(4)> CryptoCompare.coin_snapshot_full_by_id(1182)
%{General: %{AffiliateUrl: "", Algorithm: "SHA256",
BaseAngularUrl: "/coins/btc/", BlockNumber: 486154, BlockReward: 12.5,
BlockRewardReduction: "50%", BlockTime: 600, DangerTop: "",
Description: "something", DifficultyAdjustment: "2016 blocks", DocumentType: "Webpagecoinp",
Features: "something", H1Text: "Bitcoin (BTC)", Id: "1182", ImageUrl: "/media/19633/btc.png",
InfoTop: "", LastBlockExplorerUpdateTS: 1505915570, Name: "Bitcoin",
NetHashesPerSecond: 7898572058.405353, PreviousTotalCoinsMined: 0.0,
ProofType: "PoW",
Sponsor: %{ImageUrl: "/media/11417633/utrust_sponsor.png",
Link: "", TextTop: "Sponsored by"},
StartDate: "03/01/2009", Symbol: "BTC",
Technology: "something", TotalCoinSupply: "21000000", TotalCoinsMined: 1.65769e7,
Twitter: "@bitcoin", Url: "/coins/btc/", WarningTop: "",
Website: "<a href='' target='_blank'>Bitcoin</a>"},
ICO: %{Status: "N/A", WhitePaper: "-"},
SEO: %{BaseImageUrl: "",
BaseUrl: "", OgImageHeight: "300",
OgImageUrl: "/media/19633/btc.png", OgImageWidth: "300",
PageDescription: "Live Bitcoin prices from all markets and BTC coin market Capitalization. Stay up to date with the latest Bitcoin price movements and forum discussion. Check out our snapshot charts and see when there is an opportunity to buy or sell Bitcoin.",
PageTitle: "Bitcoin (BTC) - Live Bitcoin price and market cap"},
StreamerDataRaw: [...],
Subs: ["2~BTCE~BTC~CNH", "2~LocalBitcoins~BTC~GEL", ...]}}
Get day average price. The values are based on hourly vwap data and the average can be calculated in different waysIt uses BTC conversion if data is not available because the coin is not trading in the specified currency. If tryConversion is set to false it will give you the direct data. If no toTS is given it will automatically do the current day. Also for different timezones use the UTCHourDiff paramThe calculation types are: HourVWAP - a VWAP of the hourly close price, MidHighLow - the average between the 24 H high and low. VolFVolT - the total volume from / the total volume to (only avilable with tryConversion set to false so only for direct trades but the value should be the most accurate price)
Optional parameters:
- String. Name of exchange. Default: CCCAGGextraParams
- String. Name of your applicationsign
- bool. If set to true, the server will sign the requests.tryConversion
- bool. If set to false, it will try to get values without using any conversion at all. Default:true
- String. Default:HourVWAP
- int. Default:0
- timestamp. Hour unit
iex(1)> CryptoCompare.day_avg("BTC", "ETH")
{:ok, %{ConversionType: %{conversionSymbol: "", type: "invert"}, ETH: 13.66}}
Compute the current trading info (price, vol, open, high, low etc) of the requested pair as a volume weighted average based on the markets requested.
Optional parameters:
- String. Name of your applicationsign
- bool. If set to true, the server will sign the requests.tryConversion
- bool. If set to false, it will try to get values without using any conversion at all. Default:true
iex(1)> CryptoCompare.generate_avg("BTC", "USD", ["Coinbase", "Bitfinex"])
HIGH24HOUR: "$ 4,130", LASTMARKET: "Coinbase", LASTTRADEID: 21066901,
LASTUPDATE: "Just now", LASTVOLUME: "Ƀ 3.16", LASTVOLUMETO: "$ 12,981.3",
LOW24HOUR: "$ 3,678", MARKET: "CUSTOMAGG", OPEN24HOUR: "$ 3,685",
PRICE: "$ 4,110", TOSYMBOL: "$", VOLUME24HOUR: "Ƀ 14,474.5",
VOLUME24HOURTO: "$ 56,142,934.5"},
RAW: %{CHANGE24HOUR: 425, CHANGEPCT24HOUR: 11.533242876526458, FLAGS: 0,
LASTTRADEID: 21066901, LASTUPDATE: 1505744225, LASTVOLUME: 3.15847893,
LASTVOLUMETO: 12981.348402299998, LOW24HOUR: 3678, MARKET: "CUSTOMAGG",
VOLUME24HOUR: 14474.464341350002, VOLUME24HOURTO: 56142934.480225}
Get open, high, low, close, volumefrom and volumeto daily historical data. The values are based on 00:00 GMT time. It uses BTC conversion if data is not available because the coin is not trading in the specified currency.
Optional parameters:
- Timestamp.e
- String. Name of exchange. Default:CCAGG
- String. Name of your applicationsign
- bool. If set to true, the server will sign the requests.tryConversion
- bool. If set to false, it will try to get values without using any conversion at all. Default:true
- Integer. Default to1
- Integer. Default to30
- Boolean. Get all data. Default:false
iex(1)> CryptoCompare.histo_day("BTC", "ETH", [limit: 3])
%{Aggregated: false, ConversionType: %{conversionSymbol: "", type: "invert"},
Data: [%{close: 13.74, high: 13.23, low: 14.31, open: 14.31,
time: 1505692800, volumefrom: 34011.1, volumeto: 465408.96},
%{close: 13.79, high: 13.67, low: 13.94, open: 13.74, time: 1505779200,
volumefrom: 21632, volumeto: 298705.56},
%{close: 13.68, high: 13.67, low: 13.85, open: 13.79, time: 1505865600,
volumefrom: 16536.62, volumeto: 227858.3},
%{close: 13.61, high: 13.59, low: 13.76, open: 13.68, time: 1505952000,
volumefrom: 5880.9, volumeto: 80399.15}], FirstValueInArray: true,
Response: "Success", TimeFrom: 1505692800, TimeTo: 1505952000, Type: 100}}
Get open, high, low, close, volumefrom and volumeto from the each hour historical data. It uses BTC conversion if data is not available because the coin is not trading in the specified currency.
Optional parameters:
- Timestamp.e
- String. Name of exchange. Default:CCAGG
- String. Name of your applicationsign
- bool. If set to true, the server will sign the requests.tryConversion
- bool. If set to false, it will try to get values without using any conversion at all. Default:true
- Integer. Default to1
- Integer. Default to168
iex(5)> CryptoCompare.histo_hour("BTC", "ETH", [limit: 3])
%{Aggregated: false, ConversionType: %{conversionSymbol: "", type: "invert"},
Data: [%{close: 13.7, high: 13.67, low: 13.72, open: 13.7, time: 1505973600,
volumefrom: 493.02, volumeto: 6750.16},
%{close: 13.63, high: 13.63, low: 13.76, open: 13.7, time: 1505977200,
volumefrom: 951.78, volumeto: 13014.42},
%{close: 13.6, high: 13.58, low: 13.64, open: 13.63, time: 1505980800,
volumefrom: 1000.15, volumeto: 13602.59},
%{close: 13.6, high: 13.59, low: 13.61, open: 13.6, time: 1505984400,
volumefrom: 171.78, volumeto: 2336}], FirstValueInArray: true,
Response: "Success", TimeFrom: 1505973600, TimeTo: 1505984400, Type: 100}}
Get open, high, low, close, volumefrom and volumeto from the each minute historical data. This data is only stored for 7 days, if you need more,use the hourly or daily path. It uses BTC conversion if data is not available because the coin is not trading in the specified currency
Optional parameters:
- Timestamp.e
- String. Name of exchange. Default:CCAGG
- String. Name of your applicationsign
- bool. If set to true, the server will sign the requests.tryConversion
- bool. If set to false, it will try to get values without using any conversion at all. Default:true
- Integer. Default to1
- Integer. Default to1440
iex(3)> CryptoCompare.histo_minute("BTC", "ETH", [limit: 3])
%{Aggregated: false, ConversionType: %{conversionSymbol: "", type: "invert"},
Data: [%{close: 13.6, high: 13.59, low: 13.6, open: 13.6, time: 1505984700,
volumefrom: 7.79, volumeto: 106.01},
%{close: 13.6, high: 13.59, low: 13.6, open: 13.6, time: 1505984760,
volumefrom: 7.15, volumeto: 97.24},
%{close: 13.61, high: 13.6, low: 13.61, open: 13.6, time: 1505984820,
volumefrom: 18.72, volumeto: 255.08},
%{close: 13.61, high: 13.61, low: 13.61, open: 13.61, time: 1505984880,
volumefrom: 6.07, volumeto: 82.56}], FirstValueInArray: true,
Response: "Success", TimeFrom: 1505984700, TimeTo: 1505984880, Type: 100}}
mining_contracts() :: {:ok, map} | {:error, any}
Returns all the mining contracts in a JSON array.
iex(3)> CryptoCompare.mining_contracts
%{CoinData: %{BCH: %{BlockNumber: 0, BlockReward: 0.0,
BlockRewardReduction: nil, BlockTime: 600, DifficultyAdjustment: nil,
NetHashesPerSecond: 0.0, PreviousTotalCoinsMined: 0.0, PriceUSD: 507.16,
Symbol: "BCH", TotalCoinsMined: 16598463.0},
BTC: %{BlockNumber: 486156, BlockReward: 12.5, BlockRewardReduction: "50%",
BlockTime: 600, DifficultyAdjustment: "2016 blocks",
NetHashesPerSecond: 7898572058.405353, PreviousTotalCoinsMined: 0.0,
PriceUSD: 4036.23, Symbol: "BTC", TotalCoinsMined: 16576950.0},
DASH: %{BlockNumber: 740410, BlockReward: 3.6029519103467464,
BlockRewardReduction: "50%", BlockTime: 37, DifficultyAdjustment: "DGW",
NetHashesPerSecond: 229045990915876.0,
PreviousTotalCoinsMined: 7570895.96624418, PriceUSD: 342.99,
Symbol: "DASH", TotalCoinsMined: 7570899.56919609},
ETH: %{BlockNumber: 4294988, BlockReward: 5.0, BlockRewardReduction: "",
BlockTime: 19, DifficultyAdjustment: "Per 1 Block",
NetHashesPerSecond: 104406325175528.05, PreviousTotalCoinsMined: 0.0,
PriceUSD: 292.86, Symbol: "ETH", TotalCoinsMined: 94731137.8428},
LTC: %{BlockNumber: 1280725, BlockReward: 25.0,
BlockRewardReduction: "50%", BlockTime: 150,
DifficultyAdjustment: "2016 blocks",
NetHashesPerSecond: 23936316649465.7,
PreviousTotalCoinsMined: 53016132.3718871, PriceUSD: 54.13,
Symbol: "LTC", TotalCoinsMined: 53016232.37188706},
XMR: %{BlockNumber: 1402642, BlockReward: 6.819603784146,
BlockRewardReduction: "-", BlockTime: 120,
DifficultyAdjustment: "2 blocks", NetHashesPerSecond: 241354987.75833,
PreviousTotalCoinsMined: 0.0, PriceUSD: 97.87, Symbol: "XMR",
TotalCoinsMined: 15104905.567139952},
ZEC: %{BlockNumber: 187966, BlockReward: 10.0, BlockRewardReduction: nil,
BlockTime: 150, DifficultyAdjustment: nil,
NetHashesPerSecond: 283238210.0, PreviousTotalCoinsMined: 0.0,
PriceUSD: 193.75, Symbol: "ZEC", TotalCoinsMined: 2224581.25}},
Message: "Mining contracts data successfully returned",
MiningData: %{"25743": %{AffiliateURL: "",
Algorithm: "X11", Company: "HashCoins", ContractLength: "360",
Cost: "32", CurrenciesAvailable: "DASH",
CurrenciesAvailableLogo: "/media/20626/dash.png",
CurrenciesAvailableName: "DigitalCash", Currency: "USD",
FeePercentage: "0", FeeValue: "0", FeeValueCurrency: "USD",
HashesPerSecond: "10000000", Id: "25743",
LogoUrl: "/media/350644/hashflare.png",
Name: "Mining Contract Dash Small", ParentId: "2363", Recommended: false,
Sponsored: false, Url: "/mining/hashcoins/mining-contract-x11-small/"},
"25745": %{AffiliateURL: "", ...}, "15709": %{...},
...}, Response: "Success", Type: 100}}
mining_equipment() :: {:ok, map} | {:error, any}
Used to get all the mining equipment available on the website. It returns an array of mining equipment objects
iex(1)> CryptoCompare.mining_equipment
%{CoinData: %{BTC: %{BlockNumber: 486156, BlockReward: 12.5,
BlockRewardReduction: "50%", BlockTime: 600,
DifficultyAdjustment: "2016 blocks",
NetHashesPerSecond: 7898572058.405353, PreviousTotalCoinsMined: 0.0,
PriceUSD: 4034.81, Symbol: "BTC", TotalCoinsMined: 16576950.0},
DASH: %{BlockNumber: 740410, BlockReward: 3.6029519103467464,
BlockRewardReduction: "50%", BlockTime: 37, DifficultyAdjustment: "DGW",
NetHashesPerSecond: 229045990915876.0,
PreviousTotalCoinsMined: 7570895.96624418, PriceUSD: 342.84,
Symbol: "DASH", TotalCoinsMined: 7570899.56919609},
Message: "Mining contracts data successfully returned",
MiningData: %{"35580": %{AffiliateURL: "",
Algorithm: "CryptoNight", Company: "MineShop", Cost: "2142.90",
CurrenciesAvailable: "XMR",
CurrenciesAvailableLogo: "/media/19969/xmr.png",
CurrenciesAvailableName: "Monero", Currency: "USD", EquipmentType: "Rig",
HashesPerSecond: "3200", Id: "35580",
LogoUrl: "/media/352238/eth_rig_125.png",
Name: "Monero Mining Rig 3200 H/s", ParentId: "35553",
PowerConsumption: "800", Recommended: false, Sponsored: false,
Url: "/mining/mineshop/monero-mining-rig-3200hs/"},
"2476": %{...}, ...}, Response: "Success", Type: 100}}
Get the latest price for a list of one or more currencies. Really fast, 20-60 ms. Cached each 10 seconds.
iex(1)> CryptoCompare.price("ETH", "BTC")
{:ok, %{BTC: 0.07356}}
Get the latest price for a list of one or more currencies. Really fast, 20-60 ms. Cached each 10 seconds.
Optional parameters:
- String. Name of exchange. Default: CCCAGGextraParams
- String. Name of your applicationsign
- bool. If set to true, the server will sign the requests.tryConversion
- bool. If set to false, it will try to get values without using any conversion at all. Default:true
iex(1)> CryptoCompare.price("ETH", ["BTC", "LTC"])
{:ok, %{BTC: 0.07357, LTC: 5.3}}
With specified exchange:
iex(1)> CryptoCompare.price("ETH", ["USD", "EUR"], [e: "Coinbase"])
{:ok, %{EUR: 254, USD: 301.91}}
iex(17)> CryptoCompare.price("ETH", ["BTC", "LTC"], [extraParams: "my super app"])
{:ok, %{BTC: 0.07327, LTC: 5.25}}
Get the price of any cryptocurrency in any other currency that you need at a given timestamp. The price comes from the daily info - so it would be the price at the end of the day GMT based on the requested TS. If the crypto does not trade directly into the toSymbol requested, BTC will be used for conversion. Tries to get direct trading pair data, if there is none or it is more than 30 days before the ts requested, it uses BTC conversion. If the opposite pair trades we invert it (eg.: BTC-XMR)
Optional parameters:
- String. Name of exchanges, include multiple Default:CCAGG
- String. Name of your applicationsign
- bool. If set to true, the server will sign the requests.tryConversion
- bool. If set to false, it will try to get values without using any conversion at all. Default:true
iex(3)> CryptoCompare.price_historical("ETH", ["BTC"])
{:ok, %{ETH: %{BTC: 0.0725}}}
Get a matrix of currency prices. For several symbols.
Optional parameters:
- String. Name of exchange. Default: CCCAGGextraParams
- String. Name of your applicationsign
- bool. If set to true, the server will sign the requests.tryConversion
- bool. If set to false, it will try to get values without using any conversion at all. Default:true
iex(1)> CryptoCompare.pricemulti(["ETH", "DASH"], ["BTC", "USD"])
{:ok, %{DASH: %{BTC: 0.08289, USD: 337.4}, ETH: %{BTC: 0.07306, USD: 297.98}}}
Get all the current trading info (price, vol, open, high, low etc) of any list of cryptocurrencies in any other currency that you need.If the crypto does not trade directly into the toSymbol requested, BTC will be used for conversion. This API also returns Display values for all the fields. If the opposite pair trades we invert it (eg.: BTC-XMR).
Optional parameters:
- String. Name of exchange. Default: CCCAGGextraParams
- String. Name of your applicationsign
- bool. If set to true, the server will sign the requests.tryConversion
- bool. If set to false, it will try to get values without using any conversion at all. Default:true
iex(16)> CryptoCompare.pricemultifull(["ETH", "DASH"], ["BTC", "USD"], [extraParams: "my app"])
%{DISPLAY: %{DASH: %{BTC: %{CHANGE24HOUR: "Ƀ 0.00083",
LASTMARKET: "Kraken", LASTTRADEID: 1505742927.3238,
LASTVOLUMETO: "Ƀ 0.08374", LOW24HOUR: "Ƀ 0.08130",
MARKET: "CryptoCompare Index", MKTCAP: "Ƀ 628.13 K",
OPEN24HOUR: "Ƀ 0.08218", PRICE: "Ƀ 0.08301",
SUPPLY: "DASH 7,566,875.1", TOSYMBOL: "Ƀ",
VOLUME24HOUR: "DASH 66,103.7", VOLUME24HOURTO: "Ƀ 5,598.87"},
USD: %{CHANGE24HOUR: "$ 36.1", CHANGEPCT24HOUR: "11.99",
LASTTRADEID: 34140863, LASTUPDATE: "Just now",
LASTVOLUME: "DASH 0.05400", LASTVOLUMETO: "$ 18.16",
LOW24HOUR: "$ 296.75", MARKET: "CryptoCompare Index",
MKTCAP: "$ 2,551.47 M", OPEN24HOUR: "$ 301.09", PRICE: "$ 337.19",
SUPPLY: "DASH 7,566,875.1", TOSYMBOL: "$",
VOLUME24HOUR: "DASH 33,876.6", VOLUME24HOURTO: "$ 10,855,035"}},
ETH: %{BTC: %{CHANGE24HOUR: "Ƀ 0.0041", CHANGEPCT24HOUR: "5.93",
FROMSYMBOL: "Ξ", HIGH24HOUR: "Ƀ 0.07573", LASTMARKET: "Poloniex",
LASTVOLUMETO: "Ƀ 0.2188", LOW24HOUR: "Ƀ 0.06866",
MARKET: "CryptoCompare Index", MKTCAP: "Ƀ 6,903.97 K",
OPEN24HOUR: "Ƀ 0.06883", PRICE: "Ƀ 0.07291",
SUPPLY: "Ξ 94,691,674.1", TOSYMBOL: "Ƀ",
VOLUME24HOUR: "Ξ 440,392.5", VOLUME24HOURTO: "Ƀ 31,872.6"},
USD: %{CHANGE24HOUR: "$ 43.02", CHANGEPCT24HOUR: "16.97",
FROMSYMBOL: "Ξ", HIGH24HOUR: "$ 301.17", LASTMARKET: "Gemini",
LASTTRADEID: 1729460950, LASTUPDATE: "Just now", LASTVOLUME: "Ξ 1.7",
LASTVOLUMETO: "$ 504.56", LOW24HOUR: "$ 251.78",
MARKET: "CryptoCompare Index", MKTCAP: "$ 28.08 B",
OPEN24HOUR: "$ 253.55", PRICE: "$ 296.57", SUPPLY: "Ξ 94,691,674.1",
TOSYMBOL: "$", VOLUME24HOUR: "Ξ 1,000,576.4",
VOLUME24HOURTO: "$ 279,431,015.1"}}},
RAW: %{DASH: %{BTC: %{CHANGE24HOUR: 8.299999999999974e-4,
CHANGEPCT24HOUR: 1.0099780968605467, FLAGS: "4", FROMSYMBOL: "DASH",
HIGH24HOUR: 0.08821, LASTMARKET: "Kraken",
LASTTRADEID: 1505742927.3238, LASTUPDATE: 1505742927,
LASTVOLUME: 1.00468613, LASTVOLUMETO: 0.0837405889355,
LOW24HOUR: 0.0813, MARKET: "CCCAGG", MKTCAP: 628126.2997194666,
OPEN24HOUR: 0.08218, PRICE: 0.08301, SUPPLY: 7566875.07191262,
TOSYMBOL: "BTC", TYPE: "5", VOLUME24HOUR: 66103.69737247002,
VOLUME24HOURTO: 5598.867303056865},
USD: %{CHANGE24HOUR: 36.10000000000002,
CHANGEPCT24HOUR: 11.989770500514805, FLAGS: "2", FROMSYMBOL: "DASH",
LASTUPDATE: 1505742916, LASTVOLUME: 0.054, LASTVOLUMETO: 18.15534,
LOW24HOUR: 296.75, MARKET: "CCCAGG", MKTCAP: 2551474605.4982166,
OPEN24HOUR: 301.09, PRICE: 337.19, SUPPLY: 7566875.07191262,
TOSYMBOL: "USD", TYPE: "5", VOLUME24HOUR: 33876.57931777,
VOLUME24HOURTO: 10855035.024934988}},
ETH: %{BTC: %{CHANGE24HOUR: 0.00408, CHANGEPCT24HOUR: 5.927647827981985,
LASTMARKET: "Poloniex", LASTTRADEID: 34391845, LASTUPDATE: 1505742928,
LASTVOLUME: 3.00073068, LASTVOLUMETO: 0.21879227, LOW24HOUR: 0.06866,
MARKET: "CCCAGG", MKTCAP: 6903969.958106048, OPEN24HOUR: 0.06883,
PRICE: 0.07291, SUPPLY: 94691674.0928, TOSYMBOL: "BTC", TYPE: "5",
VOLUME24HOUR: 440392.4897805099, VOLUME24HOURTO: 31872.558630222768},
USD: %{CHANGE24HOUR: 43.01999999999998,
CHANGEPCT24HOUR: 16.967067639518824, FLAGS: "4", FROMSYMBOL: "ETH",
HIGH24HOUR: 301.17, LASTMARKET: "Gemini", LASTTRADEID: 1729460950,
LOW24HOUR: 251.78, MARKET: "CCCAGG", MKTCAP: 28082709785.7017,
OPEN24HOUR: 253.55, PRICE: 296.57, SUPPLY: 94691674.0928,
TOSYMBOL: "USD", TYPE: "5", VOLUME24HOUR: 1000576.356339929,
VOLUME24HOURTO: 279431015.074645}}}}}
top_pairs(String.t, [tuple]) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, any}
Get top pairs by volume for a currency (always uses our aggregated data). The number of pairs you get is the minimum of the limit you set (default 5) and the total number of pairs available
Optional parameters:
- String. To symbollimit
- Integer. Default to5
- Boolean. If set to true, the server will sign the request. Default:false
iex(1)> CryptoCompare.top_pairs("BTC")
%{Data: [%{exchange: "CCCAGG", fromSymbol: "BTC", toSymbol: "JPY",
volume24h: 136451.73538353332, volume24hTo: 59735591768.351654},
%{exchange: "CCCAGG", fromSymbol: "BTC", toSymbol: "USD",
volume24h: 90057.92590708924, volume24hTo: 353713017.2572782},
%{exchange: "CCCAGG", fromSymbol: "BTC", toSymbol: "KRW",
volume24h: 14891.462995631156, volume24hTo: 65391518794.84038},
%{exchange: "CCCAGG", fromSymbol: "BTC", toSymbol: "CNY",
volume24h: 13383.281520579989, volume24hTo: 312930536.6705389},
%{exchange: "CCCAGG", fromSymbol: "BTC", toSymbol: "EUR",
volume24h: 12987.115042599999, volume24hTo: 43056437.811124615}],
Response: "Success"}}