CSV v0.1.0
Modules summary ↑
CSV | RFC 4180 compliant CSV parsing and encoding for Elixir. Allows to specify other separators, so it could also be named: TSV, but it isn’t |
CSV.Decoder | The Decoder CSV module sends lines of delimited values from a stream to the parser and converts rows coming from the CSV parser module to a consumable stream. In setup, it parallelises lexing and parsing, as well as different lexer/parser pairs as pipes. The number of pipes can be controlled via options and influences the order of the stream |
CSV.Encoder | The Encoder CSV module takes a table stream and transforms it into RFC 4180 compliant stream of lines for writing to a CSV File or other IO |
CSV.Lexer | RFC 4180 compatible CSV lexer. Lexes tokens and sends them to the parser process |
CSV.Parser | The CSV Parser module - parses tokens coming from the lexer and sends them to the receiver process / the decoder |
Exceptions summary ↑
CSV.Parser.SyntaxError | Raised at runtime when the CSV syntax is invalid |