View Source CSV (CSV v3.2.2)

RFC 4180 compliant CSV parsing and encoding for Elixir. Allows to specify other separators, so it could also be named: TSV, but it isn't.



Decode a stream of comma-separated lines into a stream of tuples. Decoding errors will be inlined into the stream.

Decode a stream of comma-separated lines into a stream of tuples. Errors when decoding will get raised immediately.

Encode a table stream into a stream of RFC 4180 compliant CSV lines for writing to a file or other IO.


@type decode_options() ::
  {:separator, char()}
  | {:field_transform, (String.t() -> String.t())}
  | {:headers, [String.t() | atom()] | boolean()}
  | {:unescape_formulas, boolean()}
  | {:validate_row_length, boolean()}
  | {:escape_character, char()}
  | {:escape_max_lines, integer()}
  | {:redact_errors, boolean()}
  | {:unredact_exceptions, boolean()}
@type encode_options() ::
  {:separator, char()}
  | {:escape_character, char()}
  | {:headers, [String.t() | atom()] | Keyword.t() | boolean()}
  | {:delimiter, String.t()}
  | {:force_escaping, boolean()}
  | {:escape_formulas, boolean()}


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decode(stream, options \\ [])

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@spec decode(Enumerable.t(), [decode_options()]) :: Enumerable.t()

Decode a stream of comma-separated lines into a stream of tuples. Decoding errors will be inlined into the stream.


These are the options:

  • :separator – The separator token to use, defaults to ?,. Must be a codepoint (syntax: ? + (your separator)).
  • :escape_character – The escape character token to use, defaults to ?". Must be a codepoint (syntax: ? + (your escape character)).
  • :escape_max_lines – The number of lines an escape sequence is allowed to span, defaults to 10.
  • :field_transform – A function with arity 1 that will get called with each field and can apply transformations. Defaults to identity function. This function will get called for every field and therefore should return quickly.
  • :headers – When set to true, will take the first row of the csv and use it as header values. When set to a list, will use the given list as header values. When set to false (default), will use no header values. When set to anything but false, the resulting rows in the matrix will be maps instead of lists.
  • :validate_row_length – When set to true, will take the first row of the csv or its headers and validate that following rows are of the same length. Defaults to false.
  • :unescape_formulas – When set to true, will remove formula escaping inserted to prevent CSV Injection.
  • :redact_errors – When set to true, will redact csv data in message output of errors. This is to address scenarios where errors are propagated in a stream and accidental logging of sensitive data needs to be prevented. Defaults to false.


Convert a filestream into a stream of rows in order of the given stream:

iex> "../test/fixtures/docs/valid.csv"
iex> |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
iex> |>!
iex> |> CSV.decode
iex> |> Enum.take(2)
[ok: ["a","b","c"], ok: ["d","e","f"]]

Read from a file with a Byte Order Mark (BOM):

iex> "../test/fixtures/utf8-with-bom.csv"
...> |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
...> |>!([:trim_bom])
...> |> CSV.decode()
...> |> Enum.take(2)
[ok: ["a", "b"], ok: ["d", "e"]]

Read from an UTF-16 encoded file with a Byte Order Mark (BOM):

iex> "../test/fixtures/utf16-little-with-bom.csv"
...> |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
...> |>!([:trim_bom, encoding: {:utf16, :little}])
...> |> CSV.decode()
...> |> Enum.take(3)
[ok: ["a", "b", "c"], ok: ["1", "2", "3"], ok: ["4", "5", "ʤ"]]

Read from an UTF-16 big endian encoded file with a Byte Order Mark (BOM):

iex> "../test/fixtures/utf16-big-with-bom.csv"
...> |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
...> |>!([:trim_bom, encoding: {:utf16, :big}])
...> |> CSV.decode()
...> |> Enum.take(3)
[ok: ["a", "b", "c"], ok: ["1", "2", "3"], ok: ["4", "5", "ʤ"]]

Errors will show up as error tuples:

iex> "../test/fixtures/docs/escape-errors.csv"
iex> |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
iex> |>!
iex> |> CSV.decode
iex> |> Enum.take(2)
  ok: ["a","b","c"],
  error: "Escape sequence started on line 2:\n\n\"d,e,f\n\ndid not terminate before the stream halted. Parsing will continue on line 3.\n"

Map an existing stream of lines separated by a token to a stream of rows with a header row:

iex> ["a;b\n","c;d\n", "e;f\n"]
iex> |>
iex> |> CSV.decode(separator: ?;, headers: true)
iex> |> Enum.take(2)
  ok: %{"a" => "c", "b" => "d"},
  ok: %{"a" => "e", "b" => "f"}

Map a stream with custom escape characters:

iex> ["@a@,@b@\n","@c@,@d@\n"]
...> |>
...> |> CSV.decode(escape_character: ?@)
...> |> Enum.take(2)
[ok: ["a", "b"], ok: ["c", "d"]]

Map a stream with custom separator characters:

iex> ["a;b\n","c;d\n"]
...> |>
...> |> CSV.decode(separator: ?;)
...> |> Enum.take(2)
[ok: ["a", "b"], ok: ["c", "d"]]

Trim each field:

iex> [" a , b   \n"," c   ,   d \n"]
...> |>
...> |> CSV.decode(field_transform: &String.trim/1)
...> |> Enum.take(2)
[ok: ["a", "b"], ok: ["c", "d"]]

Map an existing stream of lines separated by a token to a stream of rows with a given header row:

iex> ["a;b\n","c;d\n", "e;f\n"]
iex> |>
iex> |> CSV.decode(separator: ?;, headers: [:x, :y])
iex> |> Enum.take(2)
  ok: %{:x => "a", :y => "b"},
  ok: %{:x => "c", :y => "d"}
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decode!(stream, options \\ [])

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@spec decode!(Enumerable.t(), [decode_options()]) :: Enumerable.t()

Decode a stream of comma-separated lines into a stream of tuples. Errors when decoding will get raised immediately.


These are the options:

  • :separator – The separator token to use, defaults to ?,. Must be a codepoint (syntax: ? + (your separator)).
  • :escape_character – The escape character token to use, defaults to ?". Must be a codepoint (syntax: ? + (your escape character)).
  • :field_transform – A function with arity 1 that will get called with each field and can apply transformations. Defaults to identity function. This function will get called for every field and therefore should return quickly.
  • :headers – When set to true, will take the first row of the csv and use it as header values. When set to a list, will use the given list as header values. When set to false (default), will use no header values. When set to anything but false, the resulting rows in the matrix will be maps instead of lists.
  • :validate_row_length – When set to true, will take the first row of the csv or its headers and validate that following rows are of the same length. Will raise an error if validation fails. Defaults to false.
  • :unescape_formulas – When set to true, will remove formula escaping inserted to prevent CSV Injection.
  • :unredact_exceptions – When set to true, will show csv data in message output of exceptions thrown. Only use this when using CSV strict mode in environments and situations where there is no concern with exception message data leaking in logs. Defaults to false.


Convert a filestream into a stream of rows in order of the given stream:

iex> "../test/fixtures/docs/valid.csv"
iex> |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
iex> |>!()
iex> |> CSV.decode!()
iex> |> Enum.take(2)
[["a","b","c"], ["d","e","f"]]

Read from a file with a Byte Order Mark (BOM):

iex> "../test/fixtures/utf8-with-bom.csv"
...> |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
...> |>!([:trim_bom])
...> |> CSV.decode!()
...> |> Enum.take(2)
[["a", "b"], ["d", "e"]]

Read from an UTF-16 encoded file with a Byte Order Mark (BOM):

iex> "../test/fixtures/utf16-little-with-bom.csv"
...> |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
...> |>!([:trim_bom, encoding: {:utf16, :little}])
...> |> CSV.decode!()
...> |> Enum.take(3)
[["a", "b", "c"], ["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5", "ʤ"]]

Read from an UTF-16 big endian encoded file with a Byte Order Mark (BOM):

iex> "../test/fixtures/utf16-big-with-bom.csv"
...> |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
...> |>!([:trim_bom, encoding: {:utf16, :big}])
...> |> CSV.decode!()
...> |> Enum.take(3)
[["a", "b", "c"], ["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5", "ʤ"]]

Map an existing stream of lines separated by a token to a stream of rows with a header row:

iex> ["a;b\n","c;d\n", "e;f"]
iex> |>
iex> |> CSV.decode!(separator: ?;, headers: true)
iex> |> Enum.take(2)
  %{"a" => "c", "b" => "d"},
  %{"a" => "e", "b" => "f"}

Map a stream with custom escape characters:

iex> ["@a@,@b@\n","@c@,@d@\n"]
...> |>
...> |> CSV.decode!(escape_character: ?@)
...> |> Enum.take(2)
[["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]]

Map an existing stream of lines separated by a token to a stream of rows with a given header row:

iex> ["a;b\n","c;d\n", "e;f"]
iex> |>
iex> |> CSV.decode!(separator: ?;, headers: [:x, :y])
iex> |> Enum.take(2)
  %{:x => "a", :y => "b"},
  %{:x => "c", :y => "d"}

Trim each field:

iex> [" a , b   \n"," c   ,   d \n"]
...> |>
...> |> CSV.decode!(field_transform: &String.trim/1)
...> |> Enum.take(2)
[["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]]

Replace invalid codepoints:

iex> "../test/fixtures/broken-encoding.csv"
...> |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
...> |>!()
...> |> CSV.decode!(field_transform: fn field ->
...>   if String.valid?(field) do
...>     field
...>   else
...>     field
...>     |> String.codepoints()
...>     |> codepoint -> if String.valid?(codepoint), do: codepoint, else: "?" end)
...>     |> Enum.join()
...>   end
...> end)
...> |> Enum.take(2)
[["a", "b", "c", "?_?"], ["ಠ_ಠ"]]
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encode(stream, options \\ [])

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@spec encode(Enumerable.t(), [encode_options()]) :: Enumerable.t()

Encode a table stream into a stream of RFC 4180 compliant CSV lines for writing to a file or other IO.


These are the options:

  • :separator – The separator token to use, defaults to ?,. Must be a codepoint (syntax: ? + (your separator)).
  • :escape_character – The escape character token to use, defaults to ?". Must be a codepoint (syntax: ? + (your escape character)).
  • :delimiter – The delimiter token to use, defaults to \r\n. Must be a string.
  • :force_escaping – When set to true, will escape fields even if they do not contain characters that require escaping
  • :escape_formulas – When set to true, will escape formulas to prevent CSV Injection.
  • :headers
    • When set to false (default), will use the raw inputs as elements. When set to anything but false, all elements in the input stream are assumed to be maps.
    • When set to true, uses the keys of the first map as the first element in the stream. All subsequent elements are the values of the maps.
    • When set to a list, will use the given list as the first element in the stream and order all subsequent elements using that list.
    • When set to a keyword list, will use the keys of the keyword list to match the keys of the data, and the values of the keyword list to be the values in the first row of the output.


Convert a stream of rows with fields into a stream of lines:

iex> [~w(a b), ~w(c d)]
iex> |> CSV.encode
iex> |> Enum.take(2)
["a,b\r\n", "c,d\r\n"]

Convert a stream of rows with fields with escape sequences into a stream of lines:

iex> [["a\nb", "\tc"], ["de", "\tf\""]]
iex> |> CSV.encode(separator: ?\t, delimiter: "\n")
iex> |> Enum.take(2)
["\"a\nb\"\t\"\tc\"\n", "de\t\"\tf\"\"\"\n"]

Convert a stream of rows with fields into a stream of lines forcing escaping with a custom character:

iex> [~w(a b), ~w(c d)]
iex> |> CSV.encode(force_escaping: true, escape_character: ?@)
iex> |> Enum.take(2)
["@a@,@b@\r\n", "@c@,@d@\r\n"]

Convert a stream of rows with fields with formulas into a stream of lines:

iex> [~w(@a =b), ~w(-c +d)]
iex> |> CSV.encode(escape_formulas: true)
iex> |> Enum.take(2)
["\"'@a\",\"'=b\"\r\n", "\"'-c\",\"'+d\"\r\n"]

Convert a stream of row maps

iex> [%{header1: "header1 value1", header2: "header2 value1"}]
...> |> CSV.encode(headers: true)
...> |> Enum.to_list()
["header1,header2\r\n", "header1 value1,header2 value1\r\n"]

Convert a stream of rows renaming the headers by passing in a keyword list

iex> [%{a: "value!"}]
...> |> CSV.encode(headers: [a: "x", b: "y"])
...> |> Enum.to_list()
["x,y\r\n", "value!,\r\n"]