View Source CubDB (cubdb v2.0.0-rc.1)

CubDB is an embedded key-value database for the Elixir language. It is designed for robustness, and for minimal need of resources.



  • Both keys and values can be any Elixir (or Erlang) term.

  • Basic get/3, put/3, and delete/2 operations, selection of ranges of entries sorted by key with select/2.

  • Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, Durable (ACID) transactions.

  • Multi version concurrency control (MVCC) allowing concurrent read operations, that do not block nor are blocked by writes.

  • Unexpected shutdowns or crashes won't corrupt the database or break atomicity of transactions.

  • Manual or automatic compaction to reclaim disk space.

To ensure consistency, performance, and robustness to data corruption, CubDB database file uses an append-only, immutable B-tree data structure. Entries are never changed in-place, and read operations are performed on zero cost immutable snapshots.

More information can be found in the following sections:



Start CubDB by specifying a directory for its database file (if not existing, it will be created):

{:ok, db} = CubDB.start_link("my/data/directory")

Alternatively, to specify more options, a keyword list can be passed:

{:ok, db} = CubDB.start_link(data_dir: "my/data/directory", auto_compact: true)

Important: avoid starting multiple CubDB processes on the same data directory. Only one CubDB process should use a specific data directory at any time.

CubDB functions can be called concurrently from different processes, but it is important that only one CubDB process is started on the same data directory.

The get/2, put/3, and delete/2 functions work as you probably expect:

CubDB.put(db, :foo, "some value")
#=> :ok

CubDB.get(db, :foo)
#=> "some value"

CubDB.delete(db, :foo)
#=> :ok

CubDB.get(db, :foo)
#=> nil

Both keys and values can be any Elixir (or Erlang) term:

CubDB.put(db, {"some", 'tuple', :key}, %{foo: "a map value"})
#=> :ok

CubDB.get(db, {"some", 'tuple', :key})
#=> %{foo: "a map value"}

Multiple operations can be performed as an atomic transaction with transaction/2 and the CubDB.Tx module:

# Swapping `:a` and `:b` atomically:
CubDB.transaction(db, fn tx ->
  a = CubDB.Tx.get(tx, :a)
  b = CubDB.Tx.get(tx, :b)

  tx = CubDB.Tx.put(tx, :a, b)
  tx = CubDB.Tx.put(tx, :b, a)

  {:commit, tx, :ok}
#=> :ok

Alternatively, it is possible to use put_multi/2, delete_multi/2, and the other [...]_multi functions, which also guarantee atomicity:

CubDB.put_multi(db, [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8])
#=> :ok

Range of entries sorted by key are retrieved using select/2:, min_key: :b, max_key: :e) |> Enum.to_list()
#=> [b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5]

The select/2 function can select entries in normal or reverse order, and returns a lazy stream, so one can use functions in the Stream and Enum modules to map, filter, and transform the result, only fetching from the database the relevant entries:

# Take the sum of the last 3 even values:, reverse: true) # select entries in reverse order
|> {_key, value} -> value end) # map each entry discarding the key and keeping only the value
|> Stream.filter(fn value -> is_integer(value) && Integer.is_even(value) end) # filter only even integers
|> Stream.take(3) # take the first 3 values
|> Enum.sum() # sum the values
#=> 18

Snapshots are useful when one needs to perform several reads or selects, ensuring isolation from concurrent writes, but without blocking writers. This is useful, for example, when reading multiple keys that depend on each other.

Snapshots come at no cost: nothing is actually copied or written on disk or in memory, apart from some small internal bookkeeping. After obtaining a snapshot with with_snapshot/2, one can read from it using the functions in the CubDB.Snapshot module:

# the key of y depends on the value of x, so we ensure consistency by getting
# both entries from the same snapshot, isolating from the effects of concurrent
# writes
{x, y} = CubDB.with_snapshot(db, fn snap ->
  x = CubDB.Snapshot.get(snap, :x)
  y = CubDB.Snapshot.get(snap, x)

  {x, y}

The functions that read multiple entries like get_multi/2, select/2, etc. are internally using a snapshot, so they always ensure consistency and isolation from concurrent writes.

Because CubDB uses an immutable, append-only data structure, write operations cause the data file to grow. When necessary, CubDB runs a compaction operation to optimize the file size and reclaim disk space. Compaction runs in the background, without blocking other operations. By default, CubDB runs compaction automatically when necessary (see documentation of set_auto_compact/2 for details). Alternatively, it can be started manually by calling compact/1.

Link to this section Summary


Creates a backup of the database into the target directory path

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Deletes all entries, resulting in an empty database.

Runs a database compaction.

Returns true if a compaction operation is currently running, false otherwise.

Returns the path of the current database file.

Returns the path of the data directory, as given when the CubDB process was started.

Deletes the entry associated to key from the database.

Deletes multiple entries corresponding to the given keys all at once, atomically.

Returns the dirt factor.

Fetches the value for the given key in the database, or returns :error if key is not present.

Performs a fsync, forcing to flush all data that might be buffered by the OS to disk.

Gets the value associated to key from the database.

Gets the value corresponding to key and updates it, in one atomic transaction.

Gets and updates or deletes multiple entries in an atomic transaction.

Gets multiple entries corresponding by the given keys all at once, atomically.

Stops a running compaction.

Returns whether an entry with the given key exists in the database.

Writes an entry in the database, associating key to value.

Writes and deletes multiple entries all at once, atomically.

Writes multiple entries all at once, atomically.

Writes an entry in the database, associating key to value, only if key is not yet in the database.

Releases a snapshot when it is not needed anymore, releasing related resources

Selects a range of entries from the database, returning a lazy stream.

Configures whether to perform automatic compaction, and how.

Configures whether to automatically force file sync upon each write operation.

Returns the number of entries present in the database.

Returns a snapshot of the database in its current state.

Starts the CubDB database without a link.

Starts the CubDB database process linked to the current process.

Synchronously stops the CubDB database.

Starts a write transaction, passes it to the given function, and commits or cancels it depending on the return value.

Updates the entry corresponding to key using the given function.

Calls fun passing a snapshot, and automatically releases the snapshot when the function returns

Link to this section Types

@type entry() :: {key(), value()}
@type key() :: any()
@type option() ::
  {:auto_compact, {pos_integer(), number()} | boolean()}
  | {:auto_file_sync, boolean()}
@type select_option() ::
  {:min_key, any()}
  | {:max_key, any()}
  | {:min_key_inclusive, boolean()}
  | {:max_key_inclusive, boolean()}
  | {:reverse, boolean()}
@type value() :: any()

Link to this section Functions

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back_up(db, target_path)

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@spec back_up(GenServer.server(), Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Creates a backup of the database into the target directory path

The directory is created upon calling back_up/2, and an error tuple is returned if it already exists.

The function will block until the backup is completed, then return :ok. The backup does not block other readers or writers, and reflects the database state at the time it was started, without any later write.

After the backup completes successfully, it is possible to open it by starting a CubDB process using the target path as its data directory.

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

The default options listed in Supervisor are used.

@spec clear(GenServer.server()) :: :ok

Deletes all entries, resulting in an empty database.

The deletion is atomic, and is much more performant than deleating each entry manually.

The operation respects all the guarantees of consistency of other concurrent operations. For example, if select2 was called before the call to clear/1 and is running concurrently, the select2 will still see all the entries.

If a compaction is in progress when clear/1 is called, the compaction is halted, and a new one started immediately after. The new compaction should be very fast, as the database is empty as a result of the clear/1 call.

@spec compact(GenServer.server()) :: :ok | {:error, String.t()}

Runs a database compaction.

As write operations are performed on a database, its file grows. Occasionally, a compaction operation can be run to shrink the file to its optimal size. Compaction runs in the background and does not block operations.

Only one compaction operation can run at any time, therefore if this function is called when a compaction is already running, it returns {:error, :pending_compaction}.

When compacting, CubDB will create a new data file, and eventually switch to it and remove the old one as the compaction succeeds. For this reason, during a compaction, there should be enough disk space for a second copy of the database file.

Compaction can create disk contention, so it should not be performed unnecessarily often.

@spec compacting?(GenServer.server()) :: boolean()

Returns true if a compaction operation is currently running, false otherwise.

@spec current_db_file(GenServer.server()) :: String.t()

Returns the path of the current database file.

The current database file will change after a compaction operation.



{:ok, db} = CubDB.start_link("some/data/directory")

#=> "some/data/directory/0.cub"
@spec data_dir(GenServer.server()) :: String.t()

Returns the path of the data directory, as given when the CubDB process was started.



{:ok, db} = CubDB.start_link("some/data/directory")

#=> "some/data/directory"
@spec delete(GenServer.server(), key()) :: :ok

Deletes the entry associated to key from the database.

If key was not present in the database, nothing is done.

@spec delete_multi(GenServer.server(), [key()]) :: :ok

Deletes multiple entries corresponding to the given keys all at once, atomically.

The keys to be deleted are passed as a list.

@spec dirt_factor(GenServer.server()) :: float()

Returns the dirt factor.

The dirt factor is a number, ranging from 0 to 1, giving an indication about the amount of overhead disk space (or "dirt") that can be cleaned up with a compaction operation. A value of 0 means that there is no overhead, so a compaction would have no benefit. The closer to 1 the dirt factor is, the more can be cleaned up in a compaction operation.

@spec fetch(GenServer.server(), key()) :: {:ok, value()} | :error

Fetches the value for the given key in the database, or returns :error if key is not present.

If the database contains an entry with the given key and value value, it returns {:ok, value}. If key is not found, it returns :error.

@spec file_sync(GenServer.server()) :: :ok

Performs a fsync, forcing to flush all data that might be buffered by the OS to disk.

Calling this function ensures that all writes up to this point are committed to disk, and will be available after a restart.

If CubDB is started with the option auto_file_sync: true, calling this function is not necessary, as every write operation will be automatically flushed to the storage device.

If this function is NOT called, the operative system will control when the file buffer is flushed to the storage device, which leads to better write performance, but might affect durability of recent writes in case of a sudden shutdown.

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get(db, key, default \\ nil)

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@spec get(GenServer.server(), key(), value()) :: value()

Gets the value associated to key from the database.

If no value is associated with key, default is returned (which is nil, unless specified otherwise).

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get_and_update(db, key, fun)

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@spec get_and_update(GenServer.server(), key(), (value() -> {any(), value()} | :pop)) ::

Gets the value corresponding to key and updates it, in one atomic transaction.

fun is called with the current value associated to key (or nil if not present), and must return a two element tuple: the result value to be returned, and the new value to be associated to key. fun may also return :pop, in which case the current value is deleted and returned.

Note that in case the value to update returned by fun is the same as the original value, no write is performed to disk.

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get_and_update_multi(db, keys_to_get, fun)

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@spec get_and_update_multi(
  (%{optional(key()) => value()} ->
     {any(), %{optional(key()) => value()} | nil, [key()] | nil})
) :: any()

Gets and updates or deletes multiple entries in an atomic transaction.

Gets all values associated with keys in keys_to_get, and passes them as a map of %{key => value} entries to fun. If a key is not found, it won't be added to the map passed to fun. Updates the database and returns a result according to the return value of fun.

The function fun should return a tuple of three elements: {return_value, entries_to_put, keys_to_delete}, where return_value is an arbitrary value to be returned, entries_to_put is a map of %{key => value} entries to be written to the database, and keys_to_delete is a list of keys to be deleted.

The read and write operations are executed as an atomic transaction, so they will either all succeed, or all fail. Note that get_and_update_multi/3 blocks other write operations until it completes.



Assuming a database of names as keys, and integer monetary balances as values, and we want to transfer 10 units from "Anna" to "Joy", returning their updated balance:

{anna, joy} = CubDB.get_and_update_multi(db, ["Anna", "Joy"], fn entries ->
  anna = Map.get(entries, "Anna", 0)
  joy = Map.get(entries, "Joy", 0)

  if anna < 10, do: raise(RuntimeError, message: "Anna's balance is too low")

  anna = anna - 10
  joy = joy + 10

  {{anna, joy}, %{"Anna" => anna, "Joy" => joy}, []}

Or, if we want to transfer all of the balance from "Anna" to "Joy", deleting "Anna"'s entry, and returning "Joy"'s resulting balance:

joy = CubDB.get_and_update_multi(db, ["Anna", "Joy"], fn entries ->
  anna = Map.get(entries, "Anna", 0)
  joy = Map.get(entries, "Joy", 0)

  joy = joy + anna

  {joy, %{"Joy" => joy}, ["Anna"]}
@spec get_multi(GenServer.server(), [key()]) :: %{required(key()) => value()}

Gets multiple entries corresponding by the given keys all at once, atomically.

The keys to get are passed as a list. The result is a map of key/value entries corresponding to the given keys. Keys that are not present in the database won't be in the result map.



CubDB.put_multi(db, a: 1, b: 2, c: nil)

CubDB.get_multi(db, [:a, :b, :c, :x])
# => %{a: 1, b: 2, c: nil}
@spec halt_compaction(GenServer.server()) :: :ok | {:error, :no_compaction_running}

Stops a running compaction.

If a compaction operation is running, it is halted, and the function returns :ok. Otherwise it returns {:error, :no_compaction_running}. If a new compaction is started (manually or automatically), it will start from scratch, the halted compaction is completely discarded.

This function can be useful if one wants to make sure that no compaction operation is running in a certain moment, for example to perform some write-intensive workload without incurring in additional load. In this case one can pause auto compaction, and call halt_compaction/1 to stop any running compaction.

@spec has_key?(GenServer.server(), key()) :: boolean()

Returns whether an entry with the given key exists in the database.

@spec put(GenServer.server(), key(), value()) :: :ok

Writes an entry in the database, associating key to value.

If key was already present, it is overwritten.

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put_and_delete_multi(db, entries_to_put, keys_to_delete)

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@spec put_and_delete_multi(GenServer.server(), %{required(key()) => value()}, [key()]) ::

Writes and deletes multiple entries all at once, atomically.

Entries to put are passed as a map of %{key => value} or a list of {key, value}. Keys to delete are passed as a list of keys.

@spec put_multi(GenServer.server(), %{required(key()) => value()} | [entry()]) :: :ok

Writes multiple entries all at once, atomically.

Entries are passed as a map of %{key => value} or a list of {key, value}.

@spec put_new(GenServer.server(), key(), value()) :: :ok | {:error, :exists}

Writes an entry in the database, associating key to value, only if key is not yet in the database.

If key is already present, it does not change it, and returns {:error, :exists}.

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@spec release_snapshot(CubDB.Snapshot.t()) :: :ok

Releases a snapshot when it is not needed anymore, releasing related resources

This allows CubDB to perform cleanup operations after compaction that are otherwise blocked by the snapshot. When creating a snapshot with a timeout, it is not necessary to call release_snapshot/1, as it will be automatically released after the timeout elapses. When getting a snapshot with a timeout of :infinity though, one has to manually call release_snapshot/1 once the snapshot is not needed anymore.

In most cases, using with_snapshot/2 is a better alternative to manually calling snapshot/2 and release_snapshot/1

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select(db, options \\ [])

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@spec select(GenServer.server(), [select_option()]) :: Enumerable.t()

Selects a range of entries from the database, returning a lazy stream.

The returned lazy stream can be used with functions in the Enum and Stream modules. The actual database read is performed only when the stream is consumed.



The min_key and max_key specify the range of entries that are selected. By default, the range is inclusive, so all entries that have a key greater or equal than min_key and less or equal then max_key are selected:

# Select all entries where "a" <= key <= "d", min_key: "b", max_key: "d")

The range boundaries can be excluded by setting min_key_inclusive or max_key_inclusive to false:

# Select all entries where "a" <= key < "d", min_key: "b", max_key: "d", max_key_inclusive: false)

Any of :min_key and :max_key can be omitted, to leave the range open-ended.

# Select entries where key <= "a", max_key: "a")

As nil is a valid key, setting min_key or max_key to nil does NOT leave the range open ended:

# Select entries where nil <= key <= "a", min_key: nil, max_key: "a")

The reverse option, when set to true, causes the entries to be selected and traversed in reverse order.

Note that, when selecting a key range, specifying min_key and/or max_key is more performant than using functions in Enum or Stream to filter out entries out of range, because min_key and max_key avoid loading unnecessary entries from disk entirely.



To select all entries with keys between :a and :c as a list of {key, value} entries we can do:

entries =, min_key: :a, max_key: :c) |> Enum.to_list()

If we want to get all entries with keys between :a and :c, with :c excluded, we can do:

entries =,
    min_key: :a,
    max_key: :c,
    max_key_inclusive: false
  |> Enum.to_list()

To select the last 3 entries, we can do:

entries =, reverse: true) |> Enum.take(3)

If we want to obtain the sum of the first 10 positive numeric values associated to keys from :a to :f, we can do:

sum =,
    min_key: :a,
    max_key: :f
  |> {_key, value} -> value end) # map values
  |> Stream.filter(fn n -> is_number(n) and n > 0 end) # only positive numbers
  |> Stream.take(10) # take only the first 10 entries in the range
  |> Enum.sum() # sum the selected values
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set_auto_compact(db, setting)

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@spec set_auto_compact(
  boolean() | {integer(), integer() | float()}
) ::
  :ok | {:error, String.t()}

Configures whether to perform automatic compaction, and how.

If set to false, no automatic compaction is performed. If set to true, auto-compaction is performed, following a write operation, if at least 100 write operations occurred since the last compaction, and the dirt factor is at least 0.25. These values can be customized by setting the auto_compact option to {min_writes, min_dirt_factor}.

It returns :ok, or {:error, reason} if setting is invalid.

Compaction is performed in the background and does not block other operations, but can create disk contention, so it should not be performed unnecessarily often. When writing a lot into the database, such as when importing data from an external source, it is advisable to turn off auto compaction, and manually run compaction at the end of the import.

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set_auto_file_sync(db, bool)

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@spec set_auto_file_sync(GenServer.server(), boolean()) :: :ok

Configures whether to automatically force file sync upon each write operation.

If set to false, no automatic file sync is performed. That improves write performance, but leaves to the operative system the decision of when to flush disk buffers. This means that there is the possibility that recent writes might not be durable in case of a sudden machine shutdown. In any case, atomicity of multi operations is preserved, and partial writes will not corrupt the database.

If set to true, the file buffer will be forced to flush upon every write operation, ensuring durability even in case of sudden machine shutdowns, but decreasing write performance.

@spec size(GenServer.server()) :: non_neg_integer()

Returns the number of entries present in the database.

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snapshot(db, timeout \\ 5000)

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@spec snapshot(GenServer.server(), timeout()) :: CubDB.Snapshot.t()

Returns a snapshot of the database in its current state.

Note: it is usually better to use with_snapshot/2 instead of snapshot/2, as the former automatically manages the snapshot life cycle, even in case of crashes.

A snapshot is an immutable, read-only representation of the database at a specific point in time. Getting a snapshot is basically zero-cost: nothing needs to be copied or written, apart from some small in-memory bookkeeping.

The only cost of a snapshot is that it delays cleanup of old files after compaction for as long as it is in use. For this reason, a snapshot has a timeout, configurable as the optional second argument of snapshot/2 (defaulting to 5000, or 5 seconds, if not specified). After such timeout elapses, the snapshot cannot be used anymore, and any pending cleanup is performed.

It is possible to pass :infinity as the timeout, but then one must manually call release_snapshot/1 to release the snapshot after use.

Using with_snapshot/1 is often a better alternative to snapshot/2, as it does not require to choose an arbitrary timeout, and automatically ensures that the the snapshot is released after use, even in case of a crash.

After obtaining a snapshot, it is possible to read from it using the functions in CubDB.Snapshot, which work the same way as the functions in CubDB with the same name, such as CubDB.Snapshot.get/3, CubDB.Snapshot.get_multi/2, CubDB.Snapshot.fetch/2, CubDB.Snapshot.has_key?/2,

It is not possible to write on a snapshot.



CubDB.put(db, :a, 123)
snap = CubDB.snapshot(db)

CubDB.put(db, :a, 0)

# Getting a value from the snapshot returns the value of the entry at the
# time the snapshot was obtained, even if the entry has changed in the
# meanwhile
CubDB.Snapshot.get(snap, :a)
# => 123

# Getting the same value from the database returns the latest value
CubDB.get(db, :a)
# => 0
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@spec start(String.t() | [option() | {:data_dir, String.t()} | GenServer.option()]) ::

Starts the CubDB database without a link.

See start_link/2 for more information about options.

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start(data_dir, options)

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@spec start_link(
  | [option() | {:data_dir, String.t()} | GenServer.option()]
) ::

Starts the CubDB database process linked to the current process.

The argument is a keyword list of options:

  • data_dir: the directory path where the database files will be stored. This option is required. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. Only one CubDB instance can run per directory, so if you run several databases, they should each use their own separate data directory.

  • auto_compact: whether to perform compaction automatically. It defaults to true. See set_auto_compact/2 for the possible values

  • auto_file_sync: whether to force flush the disk buffer on each write. It defaults to true. If set to false, write performance is faster, but durability of writes is not strictly guaranteed. See set_auto_file_sync/2 for details.

GenServer options like name and timeout can also be given, and are forwarded to GenServer.start_link/3 as the third argument.

If only the data_dir is specified, it is possible to pass it as a single string argument.



# Passing only the data dir
{:ok, db} = CubDB.start_link("some/data/dir")

# Passing data dir and other options
{:ok, db} = CubDB.start_link(data_dir: "some/data/dir", auto_compact: true, name: :db)
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start_link(data_dir, options)

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stop(db, reason \\ :normal, timeout \\ :infinity)

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@spec stop(GenServer.server(), term(), timeout()) :: :ok

Synchronously stops the CubDB database.

See GenServer.stop/3 for details.

@spec transaction(
  (CubDB.Tx.t() -> {:commit, CubDB.Tx.t(), result} | {:cancel, result})
) :: result
when result: any()

Starts a write transaction, passes it to the given function, and commits or cancels it depending on the return value.

The transaction blocks other writers until the function returns, but does not block concurrent readers. When the need is to only read inside a transaction, and not perform any write, using a snapshot is a better choice, as it does not block writers (see with_snapshot/2).

The module CubDB.Tx contains functions to perform read and write operations whithin the transaction. The function fun is called with the transaction as argument, and should return {:commit, tx, results} to commit the transaction tx and return result, or {:cancel, result} to cancel the transaction and return result.

If an exception is raised, or a value thrown, or the process exits while inside of a transaction, the transaction is cancelled.

Only use CubDB.Tx functions to write when inside a transaction (like CubDB.Tx.put/3 or CubDB.Tx.delete/2). Using functions in the CubDB module to perform a write when inside a transaction (like CubDB.put/3 or CubDB.delete/2) raises an exception. Note that write functions in CubDB.Tx have a functional API: they return a modified transaction rather than mutating it in place.

The transaction value passed to fun should not be used outside of the function.



Suppose the keys :a and :b map to balances, and we want to transfer 5 from :a to :b, if :a has enough balance:

CubDB.transaction(db, fn tx ->
  a = CubDB.Tx.get(tx, :a)
  b = CubDB.Tx.get(tx, :b)

  if a >= 5 do
    tx = CubDB.Tx.put(tx, :a, a - 5)
    tx = CubDB.Tx.put(tx, :b, b + 5)
    {:commit, tx, :ok}
    {:cancel, :not_enough_balance}

The read functions in CubDB.Tx read the in-transaction state, as opposed to the live database state, so they see writes performed inside the transaction even before they are committed:

# Assuming we start from an empty database
CubDB.transaction(db, fn tx ->
  tx = CubDB.Tx.put(tx, :a, 123)

  # CubDB.Tx.get sees the in-transaction value
  CubDB.Tx.get(tx, :a)
  # => 123

  # CubDB.get instead does not see the uncommitted write
  CubDB.get(db, :a)
  # => nil

  {:commit, tx, nil}

# After the transaction is committed, CubDB.get sees the write
CubDB.get(db, :a)
# => 123
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update(db, key, initial, fun)

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@spec update(GenServer.server(), key(), value(), (value() -> value())) :: :ok

Updates the entry corresponding to key using the given function.

If key is present in the database, fun is invoked with the corresponding value, and the result is set as the new value of key. If key is not found, initial is inserted as the value of key.

@spec with_snapshot(GenServer.server(), (CubDB.Snapshot.t() -> result)) :: result
when result: any()

Calls fun passing a snapshot, and automatically releases the snapshot when the function returns

It returns the value returned by the function fun.

A snapshot is an immutable, read-only representation of the database at a specific point in time, isolated from writes. It is basically zero-cost: nothing needs to be copied or written, apart from some small in-memory bookkeeping.

Calling with_snapshot/2 is equivalent to obtaining a snapshot with snapshot/2 using a timeout of :infinity, calling fun, then manually releasing the snapshot with release_snapshot/1, but with_snapshot/2 automatically manages the snapshot life cycle, also in case an exception is raised, a value is thrown, or the process exists. This makes with_snapshot/2 usually a better choice than snapshot/2.

After obtaining a snapshot, it is possible to read from it using the functions in CubDB.Snapshot, which work the same way as the functions in CubDB with the same name, such as CubDB.Snapshot.get/3, CubDB.Snapshot.get_multi/2, CubDB.Snapshot.fetch/2, CubDB.Snapshot.has_key?/2,

It is not possible to write on a snapshot.



Assume that we have two entries in the database, and the key of the second entry depends on the value of the first (so the value of the first entry "points" to the other entry). In this case, we want to get both entries from the same snapshot, to avoid inconsistencies due to concurrent writes. Here's how that can be done with with_snapshot/2:

{x, y} = CubDB.with_snapshot(db, fn snap ->
  x = CubDB.Snapshot.get(snap, :x)
  y = CubDB.Snapshot.get(snap, x)
  {x, y}