data v0.4.7 Data.Enum

Functions which extend built-in Enum functionality.

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Takes a key-value-type Enum (map, MapSet, associative list) with binary keys, and returns a Keyword, where all keys have been converted to atoms.

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atomize_keys!(enum, opts \\ [])

atomize_keys!(Enum.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Keyword.t()

Takes a key-value-type Enum (map, MapSet, associative list) with binary keys, and returns a Keyword, where all keys have been converted to atoms.

The optional paramter :safe, which defaults to true, determines whether new atoms should be generated dynamically on-the-fly.

If :safe is true and an unknown atom would have to be created, this function throws an ArgumentError. If :safe is false, then a new atom is created.

Generating new atoms on-the-fly poses a security risk in prodution systems and should be avoided.


# note: the atom :hello does not exist in the VM
iex> Data.Enum.atomize_keys!(%{"hello" => "world"})
** (ArgumentError) argument error

# note: now, the atom does exist!
iex> :present; Data.Enum.atomize_keys!(%{"present" => "yes!"})
[present: "yes!"]

# now, we'll generate a new atom
iex> Data.Enum.atomize_keys!(%{"something_new" => "DANGER ZONE"},
...> safe: false)
[something_new: "DANGER ZONE"]