
A logger that can be used to log any kind of data to remote or local destinations.

It is similar to the Elixir Logger, but doesn't log only binary data and is highly concurrent, supporting logging to multiple destinations concurrently, even being able to log to multiple sub-destinations of the same destination in the same time.

Can be used to send data to persistent queues, which can be then consumed by on-demand consumers powered by GenStage if the Elixir producer doesn't work on demand.

Can be used to send data to data bases, transofrming it in the process. Databases like Postgres, MySql, DynamoDB, MongoDB, etc.

Can be used as a replacement of the Elixir Logger too, if a smart wrapper around it is built.

Can be used to send data to pub-sub topics.


The package can be installed by adding data_logger to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:data_logger, "~> 0.3.2"}

Run mix deps.get to download it.


A DataLogger can log any data to any configured destination.

A destination can be configured using the the application configuration:

config :data_logger,
  destinations: [
    {DestinationImplementation, %{option_one: value_one, option_two: value_two}},
    {AnoterDestinationImplementation, %{option: value}}

When such a configuration is defined, chunks of data, represented by Elixir terms can be logged to them by using the DataLogger.log/2 function.

For example we could have two schemas in a relational database : green and red. We would like to send a list of records to a destination representing this database. When we have data that should go to the green schema, we would use:

DataLogger.log(:green, [row1, row2, row3])

When we want data sent and stored to the red schema, we would use:

DataLogger.log(:red, [row1, row2, row3, row4])

This way we could have different schemas or tables or clients, etc and send data related to them to a storage defined for them. In the red and green example the configuration would be:

config :data_logger,
  destinations: [
    {RelationalDBDestination, %{host: "localhost", user: "inflowmatix", password: "secret"}}

The destination should be a module, which implements the DataLogger.Destination protocol.

For both the green and the red data there will be independent supervisor tree with a worker per destination so the data sent to the green destination won't be in the way of the data sent to the red destination.

By default the data logged by DataLogger.log/2 is send in the worker process for the given topic (green or red) in the above example. This can be changed if in the options of the destination :send_async is set to true:

config :data_logger,
  destinations: [
    {RelationalDBDestination, %{host: "localhost", user: "inflowmatix", password: "secret", send_async: true}}

Now every chunk of data logged with that topic will be send in its own supervised process. The DataLogger.Destination behaviour implementation can define on_error/4 or/and on_success/4 callbacks so the result can be handled.

Ensuring that the data has been sent and retrying sending it, if needed is a responsibility of the destination implementation.


From version 0.3.0 the DataLogger can have destinations with prefixes, like:

destinations: [
  {MyDestination, %{prefix: "blue"}},
  {MyOtherDestination, %{prefix: "purple"}}

Now data logged with DataLogger.log("purple_1", <data>) will be sent only the MyOtherDestination. Multiple destinations can have the same prefix.


Documentation can be found at